博碩士論文 973203021 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳淮山(Huai-Shan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 粉末冶金齒輪齒根疲勞強度試驗與運轉測試驗證
(Fatigue Test for Tooth Root Bending Strength of Powder Metallurgy Gears and Running Verification Test)
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摘要(中) 粉末冶金技術能夠以低成本實現外形複雜之小型齒輪的量產,此優勢使得粉末冶金齒輪的重要性受到矚目;但由於粉末冶金齒輪具有空孔性之結構,此特徵將可能導致其具有較低之齒根疲勞強度,若要將粉末冶金齒輪作為傳動件使用,則須對其齒根疲勞強度作出充分的檢驗.
  本研究針對粉末冶金正齒輪的齒根疲勞強度進行檢測,並以疲勞曲線呈現其結果,試驗樣本之成分為Fe-4Ni-0.5Mo-1.5Cu-0.6C;主要的實驗方式是單齒齒根疲勞試驗,另輔以齒輪對運轉試驗為驗證,確保實驗結果能忠實呈現齒輪在一般使用狀況下的強度.疲勞曲線與可靠度的計算,是採韋伯分布與ASTM E 739-91線性疲勞數據統計分析兩種方法進行,齒根應力則是依ISO 6336-3標準規範計算.
摘要(英) Powder metallurgy technology or PM technology plays an important role in gear manufacturing in recent years because it is cost-saving and efficient to produce small gears with complex shapes.  However,  the tooth root fatigue strength of the PM gear is reduced because it is porous.  In order to use the PM gear for the power transmission,  it is necessary to explore the tooth root fatigue strength of the PM gear for gear design.
  In order to determine the tooth root fatigue strength of the PM gear,  a fatigue test for single tooth of a spur gear was conducted.  The fatigue test results were also verified by a running test for the spur gear pair on a back-to-back test rig under real operational conditions.  The composition of the testing spur gear is Fe-4Ni-0.5Mo-1.5Cu-0.6C.  The test results are shown as S-N curves calculated based on Weibull distribution and ASTM E 739-91 standard.  The corresponding tooth root stress is calculated based on ISO 6336-3 standard.
  The S-N curves obtained from the single tooth fatigue test and the running test are parallel.  It means the tooth root fatigue strength under real operational conditions can be also estimated from the single tooth fatigue test,  which is more time-saving and cost-saving to conduct.  The available fatigue strength of a quenched PM gear with composition Fe-1.75Ni-0.5Mo-1.5Cu-0.6C is also compared with that of the test gear in the study.  The tooth bending strength of the quenched gear is lower than that of the test gear,  but it becomes closer to that of the test gear,  in the range of high loading cycles.  From the running test results,  pitting and scuffing were also found on the tooth flanks.
關鍵字(中) ★ 運轉試驗
★ 疲勞試驗
★ 齒根疲勞強度
★ 粉末冶金齒輪
關鍵字(英) ★ fatigue test
★  tooth root fatigue strength
★ powder metallurgy gear
★  running test
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
謝誌 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
符號表 xi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的 6
第2章 基礎理論 7
2.1 材料疲勞破壞概論 7
2.2 齒根應力計算 9
2.3 負載位置之計算 15
2.3.1 單齒疲勞試驗之負載位置計算 15
2.3.2 齒輪對運轉試驗之負載位置計算 20
2.4 可靠度與疲勞數據之統計分析 23
2.4.1 韋伯分布 23
2.4.2 ASTM E 739-91線性疲勞數據統計分析方法 27
第3章 實驗設備原理與規劃 30
3.1 試驗樣本 30
3.2 單齒疲勞實驗 31
3.2.1 單齒疲勞實驗設備 31
3.2.2 單齒疲勞實驗原理 35
3.2.3 單齒疲勞實驗規劃 37
3.3 齒輪對運轉實驗 41
3.3.1 齒輪對運轉實驗設備 41
3.3.2 齒輪對運轉實驗原理 48
3.3.3 齒輪對運轉實驗規劃 50
第4章 實驗結果與討論 53
4.1 單齒疲勞實驗結果 53
4.1.1 齒根靜態強度試驗結果 53
4.1.2 單齒疲勞試驗結果 54
4.1.3 可靠度與疲勞曲線之計算 58
4.2 齒輪對運轉實驗結果 62
4.3 實驗結果討論 65
4.3.1 試驗結果之韋伯分布特性 65
4.3.2 韋伯分布與ASTM E 739-91方法所得之疲勞曲線之比較 67
4.3.3 材料與熱處理相異之粉末冶金齒輪的齒根疲勞強度比較 68
4.3.4 齒輪對運轉試驗與單齒疲勞試驗結果之比較 70
第5章 結論 71
5.1 結論 71
5.2 未來展望 72
參考文獻 73
附錄一 壓片長度差之設計 76
附錄二 ASTM E 739-91方法之參數D對照表 78
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指導教授 蔡錫錚(Shyi-Jeng Tsai) 審核日期 2012-1-17
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