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姓名 杜文鈞(Wen-chun Tu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 超音波影像輔助穿刺導引系統
(Ultrasound-assisted biopsy navigation system)
★ 以擠製冷卻成型法結合相分離法製作神經再生用多孔性導管★ 整合可調式阻力之手足復健機研究
★ 應用於肝腫瘤治療之超音波影像輔助機械臂HIFU燒灼實驗系統★ 顱顏整型手術用植入物之設計與製作
★ 電腦輔助骨科手術用規劃及導引系統★ 遠端遙控機械手臂腹腔鏡手術系統
★ 頭部CT與MR影像之融合★ 手術用影像導引機械人定位及鑽孔系統
★ 機器人校正與醫學影像導引定位應用★ 顱顏手術用規劃及導引系統
★ 醫學用超音波影像導引系統★ 應用3D區域成長法於腦部磁共振影像之分割
★ 腦部手術用導引系統之方位校準及腦瘤影像分割★ 超音波影像即時震波導引
★ 腫瘤偵測與顱顏骨骼重建★ 骨科手術用C-arm影像輔助規劃及導引系統
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摘要(中) 超音波影像穿刺取樣是診斷腫瘤良性或惡性的常見方法。以徒手或利用探頭旁加裝導引裝置的穿刺方式並無法解決穿刺針受外力變形所造成的穿刺失誤,且使用導引裝置的穿刺針必須順著超音波掃描面穿刺,限制了在需要避開特定組織時改變穿刺方向的彈性,因此臨床上醫師往往難以執行深層小腫瘤的穿刺取樣。
摘要(英) Ultrasonic guided biopsy is the most popular approach to diagnose whether tumor is benign or malignant. However, biopsy by free-hand or using probe-attached guidance device cannot avoid needle deflection and misalignment due to external forces. In addition, the biopsy direction must follow and along the plane of ultrasound image which restrict the flexibility to adjust the needle direction to avoid critic tissues. Therefore, it is hard for physicians to do deep and small tumor biopsy clinically.
In this research, an ultrasound-assisted biopsy navigation system has been developed. By using electromagnetic tracking system and ultrasound positioning technology, the positions of ultrasound images, tumors, and biopsy needle are transferred to the same coordinate system. Real-time image display of the relative position of tumor and biopsy needle tip will assist the physician to plan and guide biopsy direction. Moreover, a biopsy assistive device, using a stepping motor to enable the rotation of the needle, is designed to reduce needle deflection due to external forces. To reduce the influence of liver displacement and deformation to biopsy accuracy due to respiration, a Laser Range Finder is applied to measure the ups and downs of the patient’s chest to control the breath status during insertion is identical to that during ultrasound scanning.
In the experiments, pork liver and pork belly are applied as biopsy phantoms. The results of several experiments show that the average and maximum distance errors of using 18 Gauge needle are 3.17mm and 4.38mm respectively, while the average and maximum distance errors of using 21 Gauge needle are 3.36mm and 4.62mm respectively. It indicates that the developed system should be able to `assist physicians to biopsy deep tumor with a diameter greater than 1cm.
關鍵字(中) ★ 方位校正
★ 超音波影像
★ 穿刺
★ 影像輔助穿刺
關鍵字(英) ★ Biopsy
★ Registration
★ Image-assisted Biopsy
★ Ultrasound Image
論文目次 摘要..........................I
第1章 緒論..........................1
1-1 研究動機..........................1
1-2 文獻回顧..........................2
1-2-1 穿刺導引系統相關研究..........................3
1-2-2 穿刺針刺入軟組織相關研究..........................4
1-3 研究方法簡介..........................6
1-4 論文介紹..........................7
第2章 系統架構..........................8
2-1 系統作業流程..........................8
2-2 硬體架構..........................10
2-2-1 超音波機..........................10
2-2-2 磁場式定位器 11
2-2-3 電腦以及影像擷取卡..........................11
2-2-4 穿刺針..........................12
2-2-5 穿刺裝置..........................12
第3章 研究方法..........................13
3-1 座標系統..........................13
3-1-1 座標系定義..........................13
3-1-2 座標系統轉換..........................14
3-2 超音波影像的方位校正..........................16
3-2-1 超音波探頭夾具..........................17
3-2-2 超音波影像方位校正..........................18
3-3 穿刺針尖端的方位校正..........................22
3-4 導引系統軟體的建構..........................25
3-4-1 建立病患座標系..........................26
3-4-2 定位病灶位置..........................27
3-4-3 穿刺路徑投影..........................28
3-4-4 穿刺針刺入路徑規劃..........................29
3-4-5 依輔助瞄準標靶刺入..........................30
3-5 穿刺裝置..........................31
3-5-1 穿刺針變形原因..........................32
3-5-2 穿刺針變形驗證與評估..........................33
3-5-3 穿刺裝置設計..........................38
3-6 病患呼吸問題..........................42
第4章 實驗結果及討論..........................43
4-1 超音波影像方位校正誤差實驗..........................43
4-2 穿刺針變形實驗..........................51
4-2-1 穿刺洋菜凍假體實驗..........................51
4-2-2 穿刺豬肝假體實驗..........................57
4-3 超音波影像穿刺導引實驗..........................61
第5章 結論與未來展望..........................65
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指導教授 曾清秀(Ching-shiow Tseng) 審核日期 2012-1-20
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