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姓名 彭國芳(Kuo-fang Peng) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班 論文名稱 電泳沉積輔助竹碳拋光效果之研究
(A study on the Electrophoretic deposition assisted bamboo carbon polishing effect)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 精密微細加工是多年來機械產業發展焦點,多位學者已突破傳統加工技術,利用電泳沈積法來做拋光實驗且有具體成果展現,如何更有效提昇拋光效率與品質,是緊接著要研究的課題。本實驗的目的是持續研究運用電泳沉積輔助,以自行研發可控制轉速之竹碳拋光主軸附加於研磨設備,提升矽晶圓鏡面拋光效果,並針對試片作表面粗糙度量測與形貌觀察,此外對會影響品質的參數進行分析探討。使用之拋光液分別添加碳化矽及鑽石粉末,利用竹碳多孔性與比表面積大之特點,以二相流體形態將磨粒傳輸至竹碳主軸端部進行拋光。實驗參數有拋光液濃度、時間、荷重、竹碳主軸轉速、拋光盤轉速、工作電壓等。竹碳施壓於工件表面時,磨粒會對工件進行磨削,吸附於竹碳維管束內之磨料亦因竹碳表層崩解,形成再生和自銳功用而持續對工件表面反覆加工來提升拋光效果。實驗結果證實,竹碳在矽晶圓製程中,藉由電泳沉積輔助,可使矽晶片表面粗糙度值加速降低及提高改善效率;而且,無論使用碳化矽或鑽石粉末做為拋光液磨料,並運用搖擺機能可大幅移除加工過程中所造成的加工殘痕,表面粗糙度改善效能更加顯著,並快速形成鏡面反射效果。
摘要(英) For many years, Precision micro-machining is the focus of development in machinery industry. Number of scholars had already broken through the traditional processing technology. They used Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method to do polishing experiments, and they had specific results. But how to improve more efficiency and quality of polishing, that is the next subject what we have to research. This experiment objective is continue to use self-developed bamboo carbon polishing spindle which can be control rotary speed ,and which installed to the grinding equipment. by electrophoretic deposition to assist the bamboo carbon to achieve mirror-polished to enhance the effects of mirror-polished silicon wafer, the surface of specimen were measured and observed. Moreover, and then the parameters that affect quality were analyzed and discussed. The slurry in this experiment each adds powder of SiC and Diamond. Use porosities and bigger specific surface area advantages of bamboo carbon, and has polish let the abrasive transport to bamboo carbon grinding side by the two-phase fluid type. The numbers of experiment have slurry concentration, time, load, spindle speed and polishing plate speed act. When the bamboo carbon push on the workpiece surface, the abrasive will grinding, And because the bamboo carbon surface collapsed, Resulting recycled and self-sharpening effectiveness, and continuous on the workpiece surface repeatedly machining, to raise the polishing effect. The experimental results confirmed, bamboo carbon were in the silicon wafer regeneration machining process, assisted by electrophoretic deposition, can accelerate the reduction of silicon surface roughness and improve the efficiency. No matter what the polishing abrasive is powder of SiC or Diamond, it can use the rocking function can significantly remove machining marks in the machining process. And improvement the surface rounghness of silicon wafer in fast, also can have result of mirror reflection in quickly.
Keywords: electrophoretic deposition, bamboo carbon, porosities, polishing, surface rounghness, rocking.
關鍵字(中) ★ 搖擺.
★ 表面粗糙度
★ 拋光
★ 多孔性
★ 電泳沉積
★ 竹碳關鍵字(英) ★ electrophoretic deposition
★ bamboo carbon
★ porosities
★ polishing
★ surface rounghness
★ rocking.論文目次 摘 要.....................................................i
謝 誌....................................................iv目 錄.....................................................v圖目錄................................................viii
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1-1 研究背景..............................................1
1-2 研究動機與目的........................................3
1-3 文獻回顧..............................................6
1-4 研究方法..............................................8
第二章 電泳沉積與晶圓拋光基本原理........................10
2-1-1 電泳簡史與發展.....................................10
2-1-2 電雙層(The Electric Double Layer)理論..............10
2-1-3 電動力學現象(Electrokinetic Phenomena).............11
2-1-4 粉體粒子表面電荷來源……….........................14
2-1-5 電泳懸浮液內粉體粒子間分散行為之機制...............15
2-1-6 電泳沈積法之原理...................................17
2-2 矽晶圓特性介紹.......................................17
第三章 實驗材料、設備與流程..............................24
3-1-2 磨料...............................................26
3-1-3 分散劑.............................................27
3-2 實驗設備.............................................31
3-3 實驗機構與加工條件...................................36
3-3-1 實驗機構...........................................36
3-3-2 加工條件...........................................41
3-4 實驗流程.............................................42
第四章 結果與討論........................................44
4-1 碳化矽粉末對矽晶圓拋光效果之探討.....................44
4-1-2 竹碳拋光主軸轉速對表面粗糙度之影響.................49
4-1-3 拋光時間對表面粗糙度之影響.........................51
4-1-4 荷重對表面粗糙度之影響.............................53
4-1-5 搖擺機能對表面粗糙度之影響.........................55
4-1-6 工作電壓對表面粗糙度之影響.........................57
4-1-7 電泳沉積輔助對表面粗糙度之影響.....................58
4-1-8 試片表面形貌觀察...................................61
4-2 鑽石粉末對矽晶圓拋光效果之探討.......................63
4-2-1 拋光液濃度對表面粗糙度之影響.......................63
4-2-2 速度對表面粗糙度之影響.............................68
4-2-3 拋光時間對表面粗糙度之影響.........................69
4-2-4 荷重對表面粗糙度之影響.............................70
4-2-5 電泳沉積輔助對表面粗糙度之影響.....................72
4-2-6 搖擺機能對表面粗糙度之影響.........................74
4-2-7 試片表面形貌觀察...................................80
第五章 總結論............................................82
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指導教授 顏炳華(Piin-hwa Yan) 審核日期 2012-2-1 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare