博碩士論文 946402007 詳細資訊

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姓名 林哲銓(Che-Chuan Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 台灣西南海域天然氣水合物地質控制因素與資源量評估
(Geological controls of gas hydrate occurrences and gas hydrate resource assessment, offshore southwest Taiwan)
★ 台灣西南部中新世井下地層之沉積環境與層序地層研究★ 台灣西南海域含天然氣水合物地層之構造架構與沈積特徵
★ 台灣西南外海之構造與地形特徵及澎湖海底峽谷演化★ 台灣海峽及台灣西部平原之沈積層速度構造
★ 台灣西南外海碰撞帶前緣的近代沉積作用與新構造運動★ 台灣中部早期前陸盆地的地層紀錄
★ 台灣西南部前陸地區演育與古應力分析★ 台灣西北部漸新世至更新世盆地演化及層序地層
★ 煤岩材料與沉積環境綜合研判★ 二氧化碳地質封存潛能評估與封存場址選擇:以桃園台地為例
★ 臺灣西北部中新世-更新世沉積岩中黏土礦物和成岩作用研究★ 台灣西北部大漢溪剖面南莊層至楊梅層之沉積環境研究
★ 台灣東北外海沖繩海槽及龜山島附近之海床沉積物特徵★ 台灣西南外海高屏峽谷沉積物及沉積機制研究
★ 台灣中部地區潛在二氧化碳封存層與蓋層之礦物組成分析及地體構造意義★ 臺灣台南外海正斷層以及近代沉積現象研究
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摘要(中) 由反射震測剖面所顯現的”海底仿擬反射”(BSR)可指示天然氣水合物穩定帶的底部,以及游離氣存在的指標。台灣西南海域於震測剖面中發現大量的BSR,推測可能有大量的天然氣水合物賦存於此區域。根據觀察BSR與地形和構造之間的關係,本研究辨識出四個主要的BSR類型包含海脊型、盆地型、峽谷型和大陸斜坡型。此外,基於構造沉積特徵、BSR分布、天然氣來源、流體移棲管道、地質地化異常、水合物賦存層特性以及封閉構造等因素,本研究於增積岩體區與大陸斜坡區,建立了三個大尺度的水合物系統模式以及分出了六個主要的水合物賦存區。位於各水合物賦存區中的高潛力探勘好景區,歸納其水合物賦存模式可再細分為八種成藏類型。結果顯示若探勘好景區位於具有混合的天然氣來源、多重流體移棲通道、大範圍面積的高孔隙賦存層以及良好封阻的構造上,該好景區可能有較高的水合物賦存潛能,例如增積岩體最前緣褶皺(R1.1構造)、高屏峽谷下游附近的古深海扇(KP-12)和掩埋泥貫入體(KP-14)。
摘要(英) Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) observed on seismic sections are often considered as indicators for the existence of free gas, delineating the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. Abundant BSRs seen on seismic sections acquired off the SW coast of Taiwan indicate the likely and prevalent existence of gas hydrates in the study area. Four major occurrences of BSR types, including ridge type, basin type, submarine-canyon type, and continental-slope type, are recognized on the basis of the relationship of BSRs to topographic and structural features.
On the basis of tectonic and sedimentary features, BSR spatial distribution, inferred gas sources, migration pathways of gas-bearing fluids, geological and geochemical anomalies, characteristics of reservoir for hydrate occurrences, trap structures, this study established 3 large-scale gas-hydrate system models and 6 gas hydrate-bearing provinces in both the accretionary wedge and the South China Sea continental slope. The mechanisms of gas hydrate occurrence of the high-potential prospects situated in gas-bearing provinces can be categorized into 8 major gas hydrate play types. The results show that a prospect, which has higher potential for gas hydrate occurrence, features the combination of mixed gas sources, multiple migration conduits, large area of high-porosity reservoir, and well-developed trap structure. For examples, the frontal fold of accretionary wedge (R1.1 structure), ancient submarine fan (KP-12), buried mud diapir (KP-14) in the lower reach of the Kaoping canyon among others, are three prospects inferred to host a large amount of gas hydrates.
There is a widespread occurrence of BSRs beneath the frontal fold (R1.1 structure) suggesting a promising gas hydrate existence. A seismic flat spot and a few push-down reflectors below BSR found lying underneath the anticlinal axis with bathymetric four-way dip closure also reveal abundant free gas accumulation beneath the structure. The free gas may derive from deep-seated gas-bearing fluids which migrate upward along multiple fault zones or permeable beds in addition to shallow-seated biogenic gas. The northward migrating of paleo-Penghu canyons driven by tectonic uplift of frontal fold have six stages of canyon/channel incisions marked by distinct channel infills. The multiple paleo-canyon infills seen along the frontal fold and above BSRs may provide thick porous sands to host a large amount of gas hydrate beneath the frontal fold.
This study employed volumetric method to calculate the gas-hydrate resource for each prospect in the study area. The approach of Monte Carlo simulation was used to evaluate the probabilistic distributions for each parameter and gas hydrate resource. The parameters involved in the calculation are gas hydrate-bearing area, gross thickness, net-to-gross ratio, porosity, gas-hydrate pore saturation, volume ratio, and cage occupancy. The results show that the total resource of gas hydrates in the study area is 2.7 trillion cubic meters taking the computed value at 50% probability of occurrence. The prospect with the largest resource potential is the frontal fold of accretionary wedge, amounting to 21 tcf (~5.9×1011 cubic meters) of natural gas. The results indicate that future deep-sea drilling is essential for exploring and confirming the gas-hydrate resource off SW Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大陸邊緣
★ 增積岩體
★ 台灣西南海域
★ 資源量評估
★ 天然氣水合物
★ 海底仿擬反射
關鍵字(英) ★ bottom simulating reflectors
★ gas hydrates
★ resource assessment
★ offshore SW Taiwan
★ accretionary wedge
★ continental margin
論文目次 Contents
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract iii
Acknowledgement v
Contents ...vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures ..x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Geological background offshore southwest Taiwan 1
1.2 Review of gas hydrate study 3
1.3 Objectives of this study 5
Chapter 2 Geological controls on BSR occurrences in the incipient arc-continent collision zone off southwest Taiwan 9
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Data 9
2.3 BSR Distribution Patterns in the Accretionary Wedge and Continental Slope 10
2.3.1 Ridge-type BSR 11
2.3.2 Basin-type BSR 12
2.3.3 Submarine-canyon type BSR 12
2.3.4 Continental-slope type BSR 13
2.3.5 Blanking without BSR 14
2.4 Discussion 15
2.4.1 The nature of BSR in the study area 15
2.4.2 Spatial variability of BSR 17
2.4.3 Fluid migration pathways 19
2.5 Summary 22
Chapter 3 Gas hydrate occurrences offshore southwest Taiwan 35
3.1 Introduction 35
3.2 Data 37
3.3 Possible gas hydrate system in the hydrate-bearing provinces off SW Taiwan 37
3.3.1 Upper slope of accretioanry wedge (Province U) 42
3.3.2 Lower slope of accretionary wedge (Province L) 42 Rear segment of lower accretionary wedge (Province L1) 43 Frontal segment of lower accretionary wedge (Provinces L2 and L3) 43
3.3.3 South China Sea continental slope influenced by active growth normal faulting (Province S1) 44
3.3.4 South China Sea continental slope without influenced by active growth normal faulting (Province S2) 45
3.4 Possible gas hydrate play types in the high-potential prospects off SW Taiwan 45
3.4.1 Active anticlinal ridge 46 R3.3.1 structure (site KP-2) 46 R4.1structure (site KP-3) 47 Northern part of R6.3 structure (site KP-6-2) 47
3.4.2 Buried anticline 48
3.4.3 Footwall and hangingwall of emergent thrust 48 Yuan-An Ridge (R5.1structure; site KP-4、KP-5-1、KP-5-2、KP-5-3) 49 Good Weather ridge (R6.1 structure; site KP-6-1) 50
3.4.4 Slope basin with turbidites 51 Submarine fan in the west bank of Kaoping submarine canyon (site KP -12) 51 Buried diapir in eastern Kaoping Canyon (site KP -14) 52
3.4.5 Channel turbidite infills 52
3.4.6 Mud diapiric ridge 53
3.4.7 Slope with underlying shelfward-dipping strata 54
3.4.8 Slope bathymetric highs with closure 55 Formosa Ridge ( site KP -10) 55 The slope ridge of South China Sea continental slope (site KP -11) 55 Jiulong methane reef (site KP -15) 56
3.4 Summary 56
Chapter 4 Interplay between fold uplift, canyon migration, and gas hydrate occurrences in the frontal orogenic wedge offshore SW Taiwan ...105
4.1 Introduction 105
4.2 Data 106
4.3 Tectonic and geological setting of the frontal fold of accretionary wedge 106
4.4 Characteristics of tectonic uplift, canyon migration, and gas hydrate occurrences in the frontal fold of orogenic wedge 107
4.4.1 Seismic and topographic features of migrating canyons 107
4.4.2 Bathymetric anomaly along modern Penghu Canyon course due to tectonic uplift 107
4.4.3 Gas hydrate occurrences and underlying free-gas indicators 108
4.5 Discussion 109
4.5.1 Sequential development of paleo-canyons 110
4.5.2 Source of gas 111
4.5.3 Estimation of the initial uplift age of frontal fold 111
4.6 Summary 114
Chapter 5 Resource assessment of gas hydrate-bearing sediments offshore southwest Taiwan .128
5.1 Introduction 128
5.2 Data and methodology 128
5.3 Results 132
5.3.1 Total resource assessment of the accretionary wedge 132
5.3.2 Total resource assessment of South China Sea continental slope 133
5.3.3 Resource assessment of individual prospects in the study area 134 R1.1 structure (site KP-1-1, KP-1-2) 134 R3.3.1 structure (site KP-2) 134 R4.1 structure (site KP-3) 135 R4.1.1 structure (site KP-4) 135 Yong-An ridge (site KP-5-1, KP-5-2, KP-5-3) 135 R6.1 structure (site KP-6-1) 136 R6.3 structure (site KP-6-2) 136 R7.1 structure (site KP-7-1) 136 Mud diapir (site KP-8) 136 site KP-9 on the Tainan slope 137 Formosa ridge (site KP-10) 137 site KP-11 137 Submarine fan (site KP-12) 138 Buried diapir (site KP-14) 138 Jiulong methane reef (site KP-15) 138
5.3.4 Discussion 139
5.4 Summary 140
Chapter 6 Conclusions .184
Bibliography .189
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指導教授 林殿順(Andrew Tien-Shun Lin) 審核日期 2012-1-13
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