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姓名 楊蕣仿(Shun-Fang Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 異質行動網路的允入控制與交遞決策
(Admission Control and Handover Decision in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks)
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摘要(中) 為使營運商能提供客戶多樣化的服務,行動網路將會是以網際網路協定為基礎,並整合多種無線傳輸技術之異質行動多媒體網路。為有效管理無線系統資源,並提供服務品質保證給客戶,異質行動網路需要探討允入控制與交遞決策機制。本文分三大部份探討及分析以下議題:如何設計低複雜度且可支援多種媒體服務之允入控制方法? 如何以無縫隙交遞機制提供端對端的服務品質保證? 如何以允入控制及交遞決策整合之聯合無線資源管理機制提昇系統資源使用效率?並對現有允入控制方法及垂直交換標準作簡單探討。
首先,基於保護通道控制提出調適性多保護通道傳輸法則,並提出調適性比率參數,以達調適性目的,除藉由馬可夫鏈模型推導出系統的阻絕率與丟棄率外,並評估不同調適性比率參數的系統效能。此參數調整邊界的多保護通道允入控制方法可應用於需同時支援多種不同優先度的通訊媒體,數學分析與電腦模擬可證明該方法的有效性及便利性。也提出以MIH(IEEE 802.21)為基礎的QoS對應模式之多屬性決策垂直交遞方法,並運用於Wi-Fi 和WiMAX無線網路,電腦模擬證明該方法優於其他垂直交遞決策方法,本論文所提出來的方法與以訊號強度或成本函數為考量的換手方式進行效能比較,不管是在換手次數、阻絕率,或是基地台使用率的變化,都有較佳的結果。並提出一套基於模糊邏輯控制和多屬性決策的聯合無線電資源管理方式,以聯合管理各個無線存取技術之有效資源,透過此演算法完成無線電存取技術之選擇、水平換手、垂直換手、允入控制和負載平衡,達成集中管理之目標。
本研究成果的允入控制與交遞決策機制可延伸應用於整合UMTS 、LTE 、Wi-Fi 和WiMAX的異質無線網路之無線系統資源管理。也可應用於降低Mobile IP行動網路之交遞延遲。未來也可應用賽局理論於次世代行動網路的允入控制與交遞決策,以解決更複雜的無線網路資源管理議題。
摘要(英) In the future, mobile networks will be unified networks that use a flat architecture and a combination of diverse radio access networks through which network operators can provide a wide variety of services. To achieve this objective, the Call Admission Control (CAC) and vertical handover decision will ensure efficient use of system resources and provide required Quality of Service (QoS) to mobile users in heterogeneous mobile networks.
Firstly, an adaptive multi-guard channel scheme (AMGCS) based CAC strategy to prioritize traffic types and handoff calls is proposed, in order to mediate the drawbacks of static and dynamic CAC schemes in cellular networks. The numerical results show that this scheme can be used to maintain the targeted QoS requirement by suitably setting the adaptive ratio parameters. A multi-attribute decision making (MADM) based vertical handover function is also proposed to support a media-independent handover (MIH) mechanism. Using an MIH mechanism that supports seamless handover, a QoS model with MADM handover decision is proposed, in order to provide seamless mobility between Wi-Fi (Wireless-Fidelity) and WiMAX (Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks) networks. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme has smaller handover times and a lower dropping rate than RSS based system
and cost function based vertical handover scheme. Because of its flexibility and simplicity, a fuzzy logic control (FLC) is used to ensure effective utilization of resources. The proposed joint radio resource management (JRRM) algorithm, combined fuzzy logic and MADM, allows proper initial Radio Access Technology (RAT) selection, horizontal handoff, vertical handoff, admission control and load balancing.
These schemes could be applied to the study of the performance of radio resource management in a heterogeneous network which is integrated of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), Wi-Fi, LTE (Long Term Evolution) and WiMAX. In future work, game theory could be used to allow more complex and effective radio resource management schemes in heterogeneous wireless networks, for the next generation of mobile networks.
關鍵字(中) ★ 異質行動網路
★ 馬可夫鏈模型
★ 模糊邏輯系統
★ 多屬性決策
★ 保護通道
★ 交遞決策
★ 允入控制
關鍵字(英) ★ heterogeneous mobile networks
★ markov chain
★ multiple attributes decision making
★ media independent handover
★ handover decision
★ fuzzy inference system
★ call admission control
★ guard channel
★ vertical handover
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 The motivation for a CAC using an adaptive multi-guard channel scheme 2
1.3 The motivation for a vertical handover decision scheme in IEEE 802.21-enabled heterogeneous wireless networks 3
1.4 The motivation for Joint Radio Resource management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, using Combined Fuzzy Logic and MADM 4
1.5 Dissertation Organization 5
Chapter 2 Overview of Call Admission Control and Vertical Handover Decisions 6
2.1 Call Admission Control Schemes 6
2.2 Vertical Handover Protocols 8
2.3 Joint Radio Resource Management 10
2.4 Summary 13
Chapter 3 Priority based Adaptive Multi-Guard Channel Call Admission Control for Multiclass Services in Mobile Networks 14
3.1 Introduction 14
3.2 Related Work 16
3.3 System Model 20
3.4 Analytical Model 22
3.5 Numerical Results 26
3.6 Adaption Mechanism 31
3.7 Summary 34
Chapter 4 Vertical Handover Decision Scheme in IEEE 802.21 Enabled Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 36
4.1 Introduction 36
4.2 Related Work 38
4.3 MIH Based Handover Mechanism 40
4.4 MADM Handover Decision Scheme 44
4.5 Simulation Model 51
4.6 Simulation Results 57
4.7 Summary 60
Chapter 5 Joint Radio Resource management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks by Using Combined Fuzzy Logic and MADM 61
5.1 Introduction 61
5.2 Related Work 62
5.3 A Framework of JRRM Development 63
5.3.1 Fuzzy Based Resource Allocation and Admission Control 67
5.3.2 MADM Based Cell Selection and Vertical Handover Decision 71
5.3.3 The Proposed JRRM and Alternative Schemes 73
5.4 Simulation Description 76
5.5 Performance Evaluation 79
5.6 Summary 83
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Further Research 85
References 88
List of Publications 96
Acronyms 99
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指導教授 吳中實(Jung-Shyr Wu) 審核日期 2012-6-11
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