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余峰維(Feng-wei Yu)
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產業經濟研究所在職專班 |
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數位相機產業市場結構、行為與績效之研究 (The Research of Market Structue, Conduct and Performance in Digital Camera Industry)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
In this text, mainly used the SCP analysis framework and discussed the development of digital camera industry. Also, the paper discussed the development, competition cooperation, and business development strategies between the Japanese Brand Vendor and the Taiwan OEM (Original Equipment Manufactures). In the study, the digital camera has been competed for many years in the consumer DSC market now, so it tends to be saturated. Therefore, the brand vendor added more features and expected the differentiation to bring the greatest requirement in the market. In recent years, the growth rate of SLR digital camera has substantially improved; moreover, the lightweight products bring the convenience that it can help the product more quickly accepted by the market. Besides, the class SLR digital camera appeared in the market in the recent two years, it canceled the function of reflector in the SLR digital camera. Furthermore, the class SLR digital camera reduces the product volume substantially, and uses the design of interchangeable lens. In addition, the price is cheaper than the SLR digital camera. Consequently, the class SLR digital camera receives a great acclaim in the market, and it has gradually become the new niche product in the market. Due to the market demand increasing, every brand vendor has invested in research progressively, and expects to create the new climax.
In the case study, the Japanese Brand Vendor directs to import the exploration of Cell Production System. Moreover, the case company aims to import the“Cell Production System”to compare the effective between before and after in 1998. Try to explore the Cell Production System advantages and specific gene rant benefit analysis.
The Taiwan factory is primarily by OEM for a long term. Through the effective cost control and stable quality, the Japanese Brand Vendor which entrusts the rate of OEM is rising a year by year. The OEM rate of Taiwan factory is as high as eight percent; the Taiwan factory has reached a considerable level visibly in the scale of economies and cost control. However, responding to the global competition, the Taiwan factory should actively seek new niche products – the orders of class SLR digital camera. Besides, by the case- Cannon into“Cell Production System”mode which produces the benefits. Furthermore, the Taiwan factory can analyze to determine how to strengthen their control ability, reduce operating costs; it should also be imported Cell Production System in order to obtain the greatest business competitiveness.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 五力分析 ★ 單元式生產 ★ SCP分析 ★ 數位相機 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Digital Camera ★ SCP ★ Cell Production ★ Five Forces analysis |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致 謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究目的 5
1-3 研究方法與架構 5
第二章 數位相機發展概況 7
2-1 數位相機簡介 7
2-2數位相機產業發展探討 7
2-3數位相機原理探討 9
2-3-1影像感測器(感光元件): 10
2-3-2儲存裝置: 11
2-3-3數位相機的分類: 13
2-3-4數位相機畫素的成長: 14
2-3-5數位相機的優點: 16
2-3-6數位相機的特性: 17
第三章 數位相機產業分析 19
3-1 全球與台灣數位相機產業發展分析 19
3-1-1 全球數位相機產業發展分析 19
3-1-2 台灣數位相機產業發展分析 23
3-2 基本條件分析 27
3-3 產業結構分析 33
3-4 產業行為分析 41
3-4-1品牌廠的產業行為 42
3-4-2台灣代工廠的產業行為 51
3-5 政府政策分析 58
3-6 績效分析 61
第四章 個案研究 68
4-1案例介紹-Canon Inc. 68
4-2台灣Canon 導入單元式生產 72
4-3 單元式生產的績效衡量 74
第五章 個案假設探討 83
5-1 假設驗證-品牌廠 87
5-2 假設驗證-代工廠 95
5-3 假設驗證-精實廠(代工結合研發式) 99
第六章 結論 102
6-1 結論: 102
6-2 建議: 104
參考資料: 107
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
王弓、張明宗 (Kung Wang、Ming-Chung Chang)
審核日期 |
2012-1-16 |
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