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姓名 陳靜紜(Ching-yun Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 使用電腦字典輔助英文閱讀之認知負荷、認知歷程與非刻意字彙習得
(Using Computer-mediated Dictionaries to Assist EFL Reading: Exploring Cognitive Load, Cognitive Process and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition)
★ 在亞卓市教案編輯系統中設計學校本位教案發展之模組★ 以同儕互評與討論提升小六學童之寫作表現 ~以行動學習輔具教室為例
★ 以言談分析方法解析鷹架輔助之線上即時互動★ 『教學決策參照架構』對教師應用無線科技進行數學教學成效影響之實驗研究
★ 高中生「相關」迷思概念診斷工具之發展歷程研究★ 以模擬為基礎的統計學習軟體之初探性評估研究
★ 線上同儕互評對國小六年級學童寫作學習成效影響之實驗研究★ 模擬輔助理解系統對高中生統計「相關」概念學習成效之實驗研究
★ 認知風格對模擬為基礎之電腦輔助學習的影響★ 認知風格對學習者於互動多媒體輔助統計學習之影響-以圖像型與文字型為例
★ Exploring Computer-based Nature Science Instruction Based on the Cognitive Load Theory: Spatial Contiguity Effect, and Effects of Prior Knowledge on Performance Assessments★ 行動學習環境中「表徵形式」與「線索有無」對學習者學習行為、認知負荷與學習成效之影響
★ 認知負荷理論的應用與省思:優化電腦模擬輔助學習之介面設計與認知支持的系列研究★ 虛擬教室結合頭戴式顯示器之注意力偵測設計及準確度分析與研究
★ 電腦模擬輔助學習中「人機互動」對認知負荷、學習歷程與學習成效的影響★ 影響中小學教師行動科技融入教學之因素模式探討
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摘要(中) 使用字典輔助閱讀為一項能解決學習者本身字彙量限制及文章脈絡線索等問題的有效方法。本研究目的為探討學習者使用電腦字典對於非刻意字彙習得(incidental vocabulary acquisition)的影響。將27位大學生隨機分配至實驗的三個組別:無提供字典之控制組(no-aid)、不同輸入模式字典之「點選型字典組」(click-on dictionary)及「輸入型字典組」(key-in dictionary)。透過眼動儀記錄學習者使用電腦字典閱讀的目標字查詢及字義搜尋歷程,以認知負荷的角度搭配字彙習得表現,探討認知歷程中對於學習者習得字彙是益處還是阻礙。
摘要(英) To second language learners, using dictionary while reading helps them to solve the context clues mysteries and the problem of lack of vocabulary.
The aim of this study is to explore the effect of computer-mediated dictionaries on incidental vocabulary acquisition.
Twenty-seven college students were randomly assigned to three conditions: (1) no-aid (control), (2) click-on dictionary, and (3) key-in dictionary.
The processes of headword finding and meaning finding were recorded using eye tracking. From the perspective of cognitive load and the learning performance of vocabulary, we explored if using a dictionary was beneficial or a hindrance to learners’ vocabulary acquisition.
The results of this study were as follows:
1.The two groups which had dictionaries spent significantly more time on target words than the group without any aid. But the groups with and without dictionaries had no significant difference in the performance of vocabulary acquisition, and in the self-reported degree of difficulty of the article content and vocabulary.
2.In the process of headword finding, the key-in group spent significantly more time than the click-on group on the spelling test, the average search time of target words, and the average fixation duration of target words. The key-in group also had significantly more self-reported degree of difficulty of dictionary use than click-on group. The increased cognitive load is called germane cognitive load, and it brought benefit to the spelling test for the key-in group.
3.In the process of meaning finding, the key-in group had significantly more average number of transitions between the dictionary and the article, and paid more effort to find the suitable meaning. But the two groups had no significant difference in the performance of vocabulary meaning test, and in the fixation duration and effort spent on the dictionary content. Key-in group spent too much time on headword finding, and thus it caused to interrupt the process of storing the contents of the article in working memory, so the comprehension of the article needed to be complemented by the content of the dictionary after looking up words.
Based on these results, this study can provide reference for practice and future researches.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電腦字典
★ 認知負荷
★ 非刻意字彙習得
★ 認知歷程
關鍵字(英) ★ cognitive process
★ cognitive load
★ incidental vocabulary acquisition
★ computer-mediated dictionaries
論文目次 摘要................I
目錄 ...............VI
1-1 研究背景與動機..1
1-2 研究目的與研究問題.....4
1-3 名詞釋義...............4
2-1 字典輔助閱讀之相關研究...7
2-1-1 閱讀時非刻意字彙習得...7
2-1-2 使用「不同輸入模式字典」對字彙習得之影響.. 11
2-2 認知負荷理論(Cognitive Load Theory)......14
2-2-1 認知負荷理論..............................14
2-2-2 字典輔助閱讀的認知負荷之相關研究..........14
2-3 眼動記錄查詢歷程之相關研究.................21
2-3-1 眼動儀應用於閱讀歷程中....................21
2-3-2 以圖文整合角度說明字典輔助閱讀之情境認知負荷理論...25
2-4 小結...............................................26
2-5 研究假設...........................................27
2-5-2 使用「不同輸入模式字典」對字彙習得、認知歷程與認知負荷
三、 研究方法.............32
3-1 研究目的.............32
3-2 研究對象.............32
3-3 實驗材料.............33
3-4 實驗設計.............38
3-5 實驗設備.............39
3-6 實驗程序.............40
3-7 資料整理與分析.......43
4-1 「有無使用字典」對字彙習得、認知歷程與認知負荷的影響..48
4-2 「不同輸入模式字典」對字彙習得、認知歷程與認知負荷的影響
6-1 結論...................61
6-2 研究限制與建議.........62
6-2-1 研究限制.............63
6-2-2 實務方面的建議.......63
6-2-3 未來研究上的建議.....64
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指導教授 劉子鍵(Tzu-chien Liu) 審核日期 2012-7-29
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