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姓名 張雅婷(Yating Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 史特拉汶斯基歌劇《浪子歷程》之研究
(The Study of Stravinsky's Opera, The Rake's Progress)
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摘要(中) 本論文主要探討二十世紀重要作曲家史特拉汶斯基 (Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky, 1882-1971) 於1951年完成的歌劇《浪子歷程》(The Rake’s Progress)。《浪子歷程》為史特拉汶斯基創作的唯一一部三幕歌劇,故事來源為賀加斯 (William Hogarth, 1697-1764) 的系列畫作《浪子歷程》(A Rake’s Progress),再由劇作家奧登 (Wystan Hugh Auden, 1907-1973) 和卡爾曼 (Chester Simon Kallman, 1921-1975) 改編而成。此歌劇演出後,引發了許多討論。包括,對於其中新古典主義的理念以及創作手法的質疑與批判。對於一個不曾創作如此規模歌劇的作曲家而言,《浪子歷程》之創作理念與手法絕對是值得探討的問題。
摘要(英) The thesis’ main principal is probing into in-depth of an opera, The Rake’s Progress (1951), composed by a famous composer, Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971) in the 20th century.The Rake’s Progress is the only masterpiece by Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky contains with three theatrical performances. The origin of the story began with William Hogarth’s (1697-1764) painting, A Rake’s Progress, and latter revised by famous playerights, Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) and Chester Simon Kallman (1921-1975). The play has had create a substantial debates and discussions since the commence of the performance, where it include a criticisms on the idea of Neo-classicism .Indeed, the ideas and techniques of The Rake’s Progress, is worthwhile for further exploration especially for Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky, who had never composed such an large-scale opera before creation of The Rake’s Progress.
The thesis begins with an elaboration on bio-bibliography of Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky. The contents also include a comprehensive description on his composing style on all of his composed plays as a basis for in-depth research and study on The Rake’s Progress. Latter part will be the emphasis on explicit analysis on drama contents and musical creation of Rake’s Progress. The thesis will then conclude with description on drama’s unique characteristics and make verdicts on the drama’s style and controversial comments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 新古典主義
★ 歌劇
★ 史特拉汶斯基
★ 浪子歷程
關鍵字(英) ★ Stravinsky
★ The Rake’’s Progress
★ Neo-classicism
★ Opera
論文目次 緒言 1
第一章 史特拉汶斯基生平及其含有歌樂之舞台創作 4
第一節 史特拉汶斯基生平 4
一、 出生、成長與學習背景 (1882-1908) 6
二、 成名與離開俄國 (1908-1919) 7
三、 定居法國與進入新古典主義創作時期 (1920-1938) 11
四、 定居美國和新古典主義創作後期 (1939-1952) 16
五、 十二音列主義創作與晚期 (1952-1971) 18
第二節 史特拉汶斯基含有歌樂之舞台作品創作 21
第二章 《浪子歷程》之創作與演出 28
第一節 《浪子歷程》之創作 28
一、 賀加斯的畫作《浪子歷程》 28
二、 《浪子歷程》歌劇創作 35
第二節 《浪子歷程》之演出 51
一、 威尼斯首演 51
二、 其他地區演出 55
第三章《浪子歷程》之內容與音樂分析 62
第一節 《浪子歷程》前奏及第一幕內容與音樂分析 62
一、 序曲 62
二、 第一景 62
三、 第二景 74
四、 第三景 77
第二節 《浪子歷程》第二幕內容與音樂分析 79
一、 第一景 79
二、 第二景 83
三、 第三景 86
第三節 《浪子歷程》第三幕與結尾內容及音樂分析 90
一、 第一景 90
二、 第二景 95
三、 第三景 100
四、 結尾 105
第四節 《浪子歷程》之寫作特色 106
一、 新古典主義之體現 106
二、 調性安排 107
第四章 結語 111
參考資料 114
附錄 119
參考文獻 一、 專書與期刊
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? Bowers, R. H.: “A Middle English ‘Rake’s Progress’ Poem.” Modern Language Notes 70(6) (1955): 396-398.
? Carter, Chandler: “Stravinsky’s ‘Special Sense’: The Rhetorical Use of Tonality in ‘The Rake’s Progress’.” Music Theory Spectrum 19 (1997): 55-80.
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? Chew, Geoffrey: “Pastoral and Neoclassicism: A Reinterpretation of Auden’s and Stravinsky’s ‘Rake’s Progress’.” Cambridge Opera Journal 5 (1993): 239-263.
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? Craft, Robert: Stravinsky: Chronicle of a Friendship. Rev. and expanded ed. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1994.
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? -----------------------: Stravinsky’s Late Music. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
? Stravinsky, Igor, Robert Craft: “A Quintet of Dialogues.” Perspective of New Music 1(1) (1962): 7-17.
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? Taruskin, Richard: The Danger of music and other anti-utopian essays. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009. pp. 109-117.
? Van Den Toorn, Pieter C.: The Music of Igor Stravinsky. London: Yale University Press, 1983. pp. 42-48, 252-261.
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? ---------------------: “Review: Paul Griffiths: The Master Musicians: Stravinsky.” The Musical Times 134 (1993): 146-147
二、 樂譜
? Stravinsky, I.: Les Noces. Full Score. Mineola: Dover Publication, 1998.
? Stravinsky, I.: Pulcinella. Piano-Vocal Score. London: J. & W. Chester, 1920.
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? Stravinsky, I.: Renard. Full Score. Mineola: Dover Publication, 2000.
三、 影音光碟
? Stravinsky, I.: Oedipus Rex. Herbert von Karajan conducts Orchestra sinfonica e coro di Roma della RAI. Documents 291228. 1952
? Stravinsky, I.: The Rake’s Progress. Igor Stravinsky conducts Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. Naxos 8.111266-67. 1953.
? Stravinsky, I.: Le rossignol. André Cluytens conducts French Radio and Television Chorus and Orchestra. Naxos 9.80292. 1955.
? Stravinsky, I.: Les Noces. Péter Eötvös conducts Slovak Philharmonic Chorus and Savaria Symphony Orchestra. Hungaroton HCD12989. 2003.
? Stravinsky, I.: The Firebird‧Petrushka. Robert Craft conducts Philharmonia Orchestra. Naxos 8.557500. 2005.
? Stravinsky, I.: The Rite of Spring‧The Nightingale. Robert Craft conducts Philharmonia Orchestra. Naxos 8.557501. 2005.
? Stravinsky, I.: 125th Anniversary Album. Robert Craft conducts Philharmonia Orchestra. Naxos 8.557508. 2007.
? Stravinsky, Igor: Oedipus Rex. Seiji Ozawa conducts Saito Kinen Orchestra. Philips 074307-7. London. 1993.
? Stravinsky, Igor: Le Rossignal. James Conlon conducts Orchestra and Choeurs de l’Opéra National de Paris. EMI IDVD-0502. Paris. 2005.
? Stravinsky, Igor: The Rake’s Progress. Sylvain Cambreling conducts Vienna State Opera Chorus. Salzburg Festival. ORF WG-0023. New York. 2006.
四、 網路資源
? Boosey and Hawkes – Igor Stravinsky:
http://www.boosey.com/pages/cr/composer/composer_main.asp?composerid=2708& (2011/02/24, 11:30)
? David Hockney – Stage Design – The Rake’s Progress
http://www.hockneypictures.com/rakes_progress.php# (2011/10/18, 20:30)
? The New York Times - Anthony Tommasini, “The Greatest”, The New York Times, 21 Jan. 2011:
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/23/arts/music/23composers.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2&hp (2011/02/23, 10:00)
? Ingmar Bergman Foundation – Theatre – The Rake’s Progress
http://www.ingmarbergman.se/page.asp?guid=66F33CC6-B034-4966-8CD9-E7718ED104F6 (2011/10/18, 17:10)
? Musical Symbolism in the Tarot and the Rake’s Progress- Roger Cantrell
http://opera.org/musicalsymbolism.html (2012/01/15, 02:00)
? Royal Opera House - Rake’s Progress:
http://www.roh.org.uk/merchandise/display.aspx?id=841&showcase=104&category=420&claim_session=1 (2011/09/07, 11:00)
? Select Italy - Teatro La Fenice:
http://selectitaly.com/theater.php?product_id=19 (2011/09/24, 23:00)
? WDW - Igor Stravinsky, Time 26 July 1948:http://www.whosdatedwho.com/tpx_2777852/time-magazine-united-states-26-july-1948 (2011/02/15, 15:30)
? W. Hograth – A Rake’s Progress:
http://www.darvillsrareprints.com/Hogarth%20Rake’’s%20Progress.htm (2011/09/15, 14:00)
? W. Hogarth – Gallery and Other works:
http://www.maximiliangenealogy.co.uk/hogarth/hogarthgallery.html (2011/09/22, 11:30)
指導教授 曾瀚霈 審核日期 2012-6-20
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