參考文獻 |
一、 專書與期刊
? Baker, David J.: “The progress of the Rake. Ⅰ: Reversal of fortune.” Opera news 67 (2003): 20-24.
? Berger, Arthur: “Review: Igor Stravinsky: The Rake’s Progress.” The Musical Quarterly 41(3) (1955): 412-414.
? Bowers, R. H.: “A Middle English ‘Rake’s Progress’ Poem.” Modern Language Notes 70(6) (1955): 396-398.
? Carter, Chandler: “Stravinsky’s ‘Special Sense’: The Rhetorical Use of Tonality in ‘The Rake’s Progress’.” Music Theory Spectrum 19 (1997): 55-80.
? -------------------: “The Rake’a Progress and Stravinsky’s Return:The Composer’s Evolving Approach Setting Text” Journal of the American Musicological Society 63(3) (2010): 553-640.
? Chew, Geoffrey: “Pastoral and Neoclassicism: A Reinterpretation of Auden’s and Stravinsky’s ‘Rake’s Progress’.” Cambridge Opera Journal 5 (1993): 239-263.
? Cooke, Deryck: “’The Rake’ and the 18th Century.” The Musical Times 103 (1962): 20-23.
? Craft, Robert, Vera Stravinsky, and Rita McCaffrey: Igor and Vera Stravinsky: a photograph album, 1921-1971. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1982.
? Craft, Robert: Stravinsky: Chronicle of a Friendship. Rev. and expanded ed. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1994.
? ----------------: “Bungled Biography.” The Musical Quarterly 85 (2001): 391-400.
? Cross, Jonathan: The Stravinsky Legacy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
? -------------------: ed. The Cambridge Companion to Stravinsky. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
? Dunlop, William: “The progress of the Rake. Ⅱ: The case for the defense.” Opera news 67 (2003): 25-27.
? Evans, Joan: “Stravinsky’s Music in Hitler’s Germany.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 56 (2003): 525-594.
? Fuente, Eduardo de la: Twentieth Century Music and the Question of Modernity. New York: Routledge, 2011. pp. 67-79, 103-114.
? Gardner, Howard: Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi. New York: Basic Books, 1993.
? Gombirch, E. H: “A Classical ‘Rake’s Progress’.” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 15 (1952): 254-256.
? Griffiths, Paul, Igor Stravinsky, Robert Craft and Gabriel Josipovici: Igor Stravinsky: The Rake’s Progress. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
? Grout, Donald Jay , J. Peter Burkholder, and Claude V. Palisca: A History of Western Music. 7th ed. New York and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2006. pp. 819-829.
? Horgan, Paul: Encounters with Stravinsky: A Personal Record. Rev. ed. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1988.
? Josipovici, Gabriel: “The Rake’s Progress: Some Thoughts on the Libretto.” Tempo, New Series 113 (1975): 2-13.
? Mendelson, Edward ed.: W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman: Libretti and Other Dramatic Writings by W. H. Auden, 1939-1973. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993. pp. 47-94, 573-629.
? Northcott, Bayan: “Notes on Auden: 2. Life after Britten? Bayan Northcott Completes His Survey of Auden’s Life in Music by considering the Poet’s Collaborations with Stravinsky, Henze, and Others.” The Musical Times 134 (1993): 68-72.
? Oliver, Michael: Igor Stravinsky. London: Phaidon Press, 1995.
? Pasler, Jann: “Review: Stravinsky and His Craft: Trends in Stravinsky Criticism and Research.” The Musical Times 124 (1983): 605-609.
? Ross, Alex: The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century. New York: Picador, 2007.
? Scherliess, Volker: Igor Strawinsky und Seine Zeit. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 1983.
? Schiff, David: “Redeeming the Rake.” Atlantic Monthly 1072 (1997): 136-139.
? Shapero, Harold: “Review: Igor Stravinsky: The Rake’s Progress.” Notes, Second Series 9(3) (1952): 488-489.
? Straus, Joseph N., Igor Stravinsky: “Stravinsky’s ‘Tonal Axis’” Journal of Music Theory 26(2) (1982): 261-290.
? Straus, Joseph N.: “The Progress of a Motive in Stravinsky’s the Rake’s Progress.” The Journal of Musicology 9 (1991): 165-185.
? -----------------------: Stravinsky’s Late Music. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
? Stravinsky, Igor, Robert Craft: “A Quintet of Dialogues.” Perspective of New Music 1(1) (1962): 7-17.
? Stravinsky, Igor: Poetics of Music: in the form of six lessons. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003. 中文譯本《音樂七講》,許常惠譯。台北:愛樂書店,1965。
? Taruskin, Richard: The Danger of music and other anti-utopian essays. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009. pp. 109-117.
? Van Den Toorn, Pieter C.: The Music of Igor Stravinsky. London: Yale University Press, 1983. pp. 42-48, 252-261.
? Walsh, Stephen: Stravinsky: A Creative Spring: Russia and France, 1882-1934.Clifornia: University of California Press, 2002.
? --------------------: Stravinsky: The Second Exile: France and America, 1934-1971. California: University of California Press, 2006.
? White, Eric Walter: “The Rake’s Progress.” Tempo, New Series 20 (1951): 10-22.
? Whittall, Arnold: “Review: Paul Griffiths: The Rake’s Progress.” Music & Letters 64 (1983): 101-102.
? ---------------------: “Review: Paul Griffiths: The Master Musicians: Stravinsky.” The Musical Times 134 (1993): 146-147
二、 樂譜
? Stravinsky, I.: Les Noces. Full Score. Mineola: Dover Publication, 1998.
? Stravinsky, I.: Pulcinella. Piano-Vocal Score. London: J. & W. Chester, 1920.
? Stravinsky, I.: The Rake’s Progress. Piano-Vocal Score. German translation by Fritz Schröder . London: Boosy& Hawkes, 1951.
? Stravinsky, I.: Renard. Full Score. Mineola: Dover Publication, 2000.
三、 影音光碟
? Stravinsky, I.: Oedipus Rex. Herbert von Karajan conducts Orchestra sinfonica e coro di Roma della RAI. Documents 291228. 1952
? Stravinsky, I.: The Rake’s Progress. Igor Stravinsky conducts Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. Naxos 8.111266-67. 1953.
? Stravinsky, I.: Le rossignol. André Cluytens conducts French Radio and Television Chorus and Orchestra. Naxos 9.80292. 1955.
? Stravinsky, I.: Les Noces. Péter Eötvös conducts Slovak Philharmonic Chorus and Savaria Symphony Orchestra. Hungaroton HCD12989. 2003.
? Stravinsky, I.: The Firebird‧Petrushka. Robert Craft conducts Philharmonia Orchestra. Naxos 8.557500. 2005.
? Stravinsky, I.: The Rite of Spring‧The Nightingale. Robert Craft conducts Philharmonia Orchestra. Naxos 8.557501. 2005.
? Stravinsky, I.: 125th Anniversary Album. Robert Craft conducts Philharmonia Orchestra. Naxos 8.557508. 2007.
? Stravinsky, Igor: Oedipus Rex. Seiji Ozawa conducts Saito Kinen Orchestra. Philips 074307-7. London. 1993.
? Stravinsky, Igor: Le Rossignal. James Conlon conducts Orchestra and Choeurs de l’Opéra National de Paris. EMI IDVD-0502. Paris. 2005.
? Stravinsky, Igor: The Rake’s Progress. Sylvain Cambreling conducts Vienna State Opera Chorus. Salzburg Festival. ORF WG-0023. New York. 2006.
四、 網路資源
? Boosey and Hawkes – Igor Stravinsky:
http://www.boosey.com/pages/cr/composer/composer_main.asp?composerid=2708& (2011/02/24, 11:30)
? David Hockney – Stage Design – The Rake’s Progress
http://www.hockneypictures.com/rakes_progress.php# (2011/10/18, 20:30)
? The New York Times - Anthony Tommasini, “The Greatest”, The New York Times, 21 Jan. 2011:
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/23/arts/music/23composers.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2&hp (2011/02/23, 10:00)
? Ingmar Bergman Foundation – Theatre – The Rake’s Progress
http://www.ingmarbergman.se/page.asp?guid=66F33CC6-B034-4966-8CD9-E7718ED104F6 (2011/10/18, 17:10)
? Musical Symbolism in the Tarot and the Rake’s Progress- Roger Cantrell
http://opera.org/musicalsymbolism.html (2012/01/15, 02:00)
? Royal Opera House - Rake’s Progress:
http://www.roh.org.uk/merchandise/display.aspx?id=841&showcase=104&category=420&claim_session=1 (2011/09/07, 11:00)
? Select Italy - Teatro La Fenice:
http://selectitaly.com/theater.php?product_id=19 (2011/09/24, 23:00)
? WDW - Igor Stravinsky, Time 26 July 1948:http://www.whosdatedwho.com/tpx_2777852/time-magazine-united-states-26-july-1948 (2011/02/15, 15:30)
? W. Hograth – A Rake’s Progress:
http://www.darvillsrareprints.com/Hogarth%20Rake’’s%20Progress.htm (2011/09/15, 14:00)
? W. Hogarth – Gallery and Other works:
http://www.maximiliangenealogy.co.uk/hogarth/hogarthgallery.html (2011/09/22, 11:30)