博碩士論文 990202007 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭丞衡(Cheng-Heng Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 遙測科技碩士學位學程
論文名稱 旋轉與強度變化效應於估算熱帶氣旋登陸後之降雨潛勢
★ Retrievals of Temperature/Moisture Parameters from AMSUand Its Application in Typhoon Monitoring★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料於西太平洋颱風特性之分析
★ 應用衛星資料於熱帶氣旋之環境場分析★ 衛星資料反演海氣參數及其在梅雨期海上中尺度對流系統生成發展之應用
★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料分析桃芝與納莉颱風之降雨及海氣參數的變化★ 利用Spot 4衛星的Vegetation資料比較NDVI, ARVI, 及AFRI植被指數與氣溶膠厚度之關係
★ 中華衛星一號海洋水色照相儀資料之大氣校正及其應用★ 應用衛星資料分析颱風降雨與颱風強度變化之關係
★ 衛星資料反演海氣參數在乾旱預警之研究★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料於颱風中心定位及最大風速估算
★ 應用衛星資料分析海氣參數與颱風強度變化之關係★ 衛星資料在夏季午後對流潛勢環境之初步分析
★ MODIS在生質燃燒監測之應用研究★ 應用SSM/I衛星觀測資料估算颱風定量降水
★ AMSU衛星資料反演大氣溫濕剖面及其在颱風強度估算上之應用★ 利用HHT之EMD方法分析SSM/I資料估算之客觀指數與颱風強度年際變化關係
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摘要(中) 颱風所帶來的豪大雨往往對我們生命以及經濟造成極大傷害,因此準確的颱風降水預測對於防洪減災任務相當重要。Kidder et al. (2005)提出熱帶氣旋降雨潛勢(Tropical Rainfall Potential Technique, TRaP)的估算方法,可用來快速的估算颱風累積降水分佈。由於其TRaP方法並未考慮颱風旋轉效應以及降雨率隨時間變化關係,因此以TRaP方法估算降雨時往往造成可觀誤差。本研究引用Kaplan et al. (1995)方法,建立估算大陸華南沿海地區熱帶氣旋登陸後強度遞減模式,並嘗試利用氣旋登陸時初始強度、季節、及強度加季節等三種分類,分別建立強度變化估算模式,結果顯示,以強度分類建立的估算模式所估算的強度變化結果最佳。
降雨估算方面,本研究使用TRaP方法,搭配本研究所建立的氣旋強度遞減估算模式來預測氣旋登陸後降雨率變化,以及使用Liu et al. (2008)所提出颱風旋轉角度估算方法,以估算氣旋登陸後累積降雨潛勢。因受到測站資料時間解析度限制,本研究只分析6、24小時累積降雨。估算得之的6小時累積降雨結果顯示僅考慮平移時其估算結果與測站相關係數為0.74,而同時考慮旋轉加強度變化的相關係數則提升為0.78;而24小時累積雨量估算結果顯示僅考慮平移時其相關係數為0.51,但加入了旋轉以及強度變化因素後其相關係數提升至0.60,且RMSE也從37.1 mm/24hr大幅降低至13.8 mm/24hr。整體而言,其結果顯示當考慮旋轉及強度變化因素後可有效提升估算降雨的準確度。
摘要(英) Typhoons usually pose a serious threat to the livelihood of people. Therefore, making accurate rainfall predictions has been a key focus in weather forecasting. Kidder et al. (2005) introduced a method called the Tropical Rainfall Potential Technique (TRaP) to predict the accumulated rainfall. However, the method didn’t consider the cyclone intensity variations and rotation, which may cause significant errors when estimating the rainfall potential. The intensity decay model (Kaplan et al., 1995) is used in this study to estimate the landing cyclone intensity variations. The different landing typhoon intensity, seasons, and intensity plus seasons, were categorized and tested in this model, the results show that the consideration of intensity had the best result.
Based on the TRaP method, the study considered the cyclone rotations (Liu et al., 2008) and intensity variations in estimating the rainfall potential in the southern China coastal area. Due to the limitation of the rain gauge temporal resolution, only 6 and 24 hours accumulated rainfall were analyzed in this study. For the 6 hrs rainfall potential, results revealed that the correlation was 0.74 when only the shift-motion was considered. Yet, the correlation rose to 0.78 when the tropical cyclones’ intensity and rotation changes were also taken into account. In terms of the 24 hrs rainfall potential prediction, the correlation increased from 0.51 to 0.60 and the RMSE decreased from 37.1 to 13.8 mm/24hr when intensity variations and rotation change were factored in. In general, the results showed that the additional considerations in this study could notably improve the TRaP method accuracy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱帶氣旋降雨潛勢
★ 強度遞減模式
關鍵字(英) ★ tropical rainfall potential
★ intensity decay model
論文目次 摘要 ............................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ II
致謝 ............................................................................................................................. III
目錄 .............................................................................................................................IV
第一章 緒論 .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 前言................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 文獻回顧......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 研究動機與目的............................................................................................. 5
第二章 資料蒐集..................................................................................................... 8
2.1 SSM/I與SSMI/S衛星資料 ........................................................................... 8
2.2地球同步衛星資料........................................................................................ 10
2.3 JTWC最佳路徑資料 .................................................................................... 11
2.4 UCAR全球測站資料 ................................................................................... 11
第三章 基礎理論於研究方法 ........................................................................... 13
3.1 降雨反演式................................................................................................... 13
3.2 TRaP估算降雨潛勢 ..................................................................................... 15
3.3颱風移動方向、移動速度與旋轉角度........................................................ 16
3.3.1估算颱風移動方向與移動速度......................................................... 16
3.3.2估算熱帶氣旋旋轉角度..................................................................... 17
3.4估算熱帶氣旋登陸後強度變化.................................................................... 17
3.4.1 考慮不同初始登陸強度影響............................................................ 20
3.4.2 考慮不同季節影響............................................................................ 21
3.4.3 考慮不同強度及季節影響................................................................ 21
3.4.4 本研究估算強度方法與林(2008)結果比較 ..................................... 23
3.5 熱帶氣旋強度與總降雨量關係................................................................... 23
第四章 結果分析與討論..................................................................................... 25
4.1 個案分析....................................................................................................... 25
4.1.1 Jelawat (2000)颱風 ............................................................................. 25
4.1.2 Toraji (2001)颱風 ............................................................................... 27
4.1.3 Sinlaku (2002)颱風 ............................................................................. 28
4.1.4 Dujuan (2003)颱風 ............................................................................. 31
4.1.5 Prapiroon (2006)颱風 ......................................................................... 32
4.1.6 Chanthu (2010)颱風 ........................................................................... 34
4.2 綜合討論....................................................................................................... 35
第五章 結論與未來展望..................................................................................... 37
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................... 39
參考網站 ................................................................................................................... 43
附表 ............................................................................................................................ 44
附圖 ............................................................................................................................ 51
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指導教授 劉振榮(Gin-Rong Liu) 審核日期 2012-7-27
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