摘要(英) |
In the past extreme earthquake, observed from the damaged bridges,
bearing failure, column failure and deck unseating caused a more serious
loss. Therefore, it is full of curiosity that how large earthquake will cause a
bridge to collapse and how the ultimate state will be. This study is aimed to
develop the new model of Fiber Element in plastic hinge zone, and to
simulate high-degree nonlinear behavior of bridges by strong motion.
The Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element (VFIFE), a new
computational method is adopted in this study because the VFIFE has the
superior in managing the engineering problems with material nonlinearity,
discontinuity, large deformation and arbitrary rigid body motions of
deformable bodies. In the past, VFIFE was used Bilinear Spring to analyze
all nonlinear behaviour. It means whole section is yielding and does the
plastic behaviour with the enough force. But this is not fit accurately with
the real condition of yielding section.
In order to analyze the real condition of the section, using stress-strain
relation to calculate and analyze the high-degree nonlinear behaviour with
ultimate-destroying of plastic hinge. Because of the formulation of
Newmark-β, it’s very important to renew the iteration type of Fiber
Element Method to calculate the element internal force. Through numerical
simulation of examples, the developed elements and analysis methods are
verified to be feasible and accurate.
Finally, we use many contact models in three elastic rods and analyze
an simple bridge to investigate the extreme functions of the columns and
unseating prevention devices between Fiber Element and Bilinear Spring,
and predicting the collapse situation of target bridge.
參考文獻 |
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