博碩士論文 993202076 詳細資訊

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姓名 張騰文(Teng-wen Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 利用基因規劃法預測高速公路旅行時間
(Forecasting Travel Time on Freeway based on Genetic Programming)
★ 紅燈右轉人車衝突風險分析★ 機車騎士紅燈怠速熄火意願及其預期成效之研究
★ 雪山隧道路徑導引策略研究★ 利用回饋式類神經插補探討路段車輛偵測器佈設間距
★ 利用基因規劃法進行車輛偵測器資料填補★ 機車紅燈怠速熄火節能減碳效果評估
★ 應用存活分析法於運具移轉行為之研究★ 以鏈結串列搜尋車輛偵測器遺漏值最佳填補方式
★ 應用存活分析法於鋪面坑洞影響因素及使用年限之研究★ 機車隨機到達情況下紅燈怠速熄火效果之研究
★ 雪山隧道行車速率特性分析★ 應用存活分析法於公路長隧道事故分析之研究
★ 需求反應式運輸系統營運模式與績效評估-以復興鄉為例★ 應用存活分析於市區公車駕駛行為異常之研究
★ 市區公車油耗與節能減碳之研究★ 臺北市YouBike公共自行車節能減碳替代效果
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摘要(中) 由於國內外文獻尚未利用基因規劃法(Genetic Programming,GP)預測高速公路旅行時間,且近年來國道高速公路局將電子收費系統(Electronic Toll Collection,ETC)所偵測之交通資料開放索取,又高速公路主要交通資料來自車輛偵測器(Vehicle detector,VD),故本研究期望透過車輛偵測器(VD)及電子收費(ETC)所偵測之交通資料,利用基因規劃法預測高速公路旅行時間,提供精準之旅行時間預測,以作為用路人路徑選擇或是出發時間決策判斷之依據。
摘要(英) Owing to the literature is unused by Genetic Programming to forecast travel time on freeway all over the world ,as well as the Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau makes Electronic Toll Collection open the traffic information from for free and freeway traffic information major from vehicle detectors. Our objective in this report is using the information of VD and ETC to provide data exactly for the choice of passerby or the base of departure time.
The study was designed to establish the range from Shulin tollbooth No. 3 to Longtan tollbooth to analyze data thronging VD, ETC and GP to establish the method of time forecast on freeway. The aim of this study was to use the data of VD which is inputted and selected by ETC data from the range of study to receive ETC travel time,VD data,Data compilation,using the way which is inputted data of VD to establish the method of travel time by GP ,and verification by ETC. Then, we get the forecast by GP to compare to literatures at home and abroad.
These results suggest that using GP to forecast travel time on freeway can get a superior consequent. The average value between 4.87 to 10.04% is just similar to other literatures. Therefore, data of VD gets the first place for speed prediction, second place is flow & speed, and flow &occ is the worst of the three. In sum, speed data of VD interval selection that the average MAPE riches 4.87% is the best prediction. From what has been discussed with forecasting on VD inputting, we can get the best performance by randomly selected, and whole selection is tied with interval selection for second place. In conclusion, random selection is the greatest performance on VD that we can get 4.98% on MAPE.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電子收費
★ 基因規劃法
★ 旅行時間預測
★ 車輛偵測器
關鍵字(英) ★ Genetic Programming
★ Travel time forecasting
★ Vehicle detector
★ Electronic Toll Collection
論文目次 目錄
摘要 iv
Abstract v
誌謝 vi
目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究範圍 2
1.4研究方法 3
1.5研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1基因規劃法 5
2.2旅行時間預測 8
2.3小結 17
第三章 研究方法 23
3.1基因規劃法 23
3.2績效分析方法 30
3.3績效評估 31
3.3.1 變異數分析 31
3.3.2平均數差異檢定 33
第四章 資料前置處理 37
4.1車輛偵測器資料 37
4.2電子收費資料 56
4.3資料分析 63
第五章 實證分析 71
5.1實驗設計 72
5.1.1輸入變數 72
5.1.2輸入偵測器 72
5.2不同變數輸入預測結果 77
5.2.1 VD全取 79
5.2.2 VD間隔取 100
5.2.3 VD隨機選取 122
5.2.4小結 143
5.3不同VD輸入預測結果 144
5.3.1速度 145
5.3.2流量 146
5.3.3占有率 148
5.3.4速度&占有率 149
5.3.5流量&占有率 150
5.3.6流量&速度 151
5.3.7流量&速度&占有率 153
5.3.8小結 158
5.4綜合分析 159
第六章 結論與建議 160
6.1結論 160
6.2建議 163
參考文獻 164
附錄 169
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指導教授 吳健生(Jiann-sheng Wu) 審核日期 2012-8-23
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