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姓名 吳英亮(Ying-Liang Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 營造業公司治理之研究
(A Study on Corporate Governance in the Construction Industry)
★ 國軍施工機具維修預算編列之探討—以陸軍工兵部隊為例★ 公路局之工程管理模式及機制-委託營建管理運用之研究
★ 應用PDA輔助營建工地管理之研究★ 公共工程標價偏低時之審標作業研究
★ 民間參與國軍老舊眷村改建之獎勵措施與誘因之研究★ 國內交通建設實施價值工程研究
★ 學校建築工程最有利標之案例及流程研究★ 公共工程變更設計衝擊之動態評估模式研究
★ 政府採購決標滿意度評估模型之初步研究★ 中華電信會館訂價策略及經營改善模式之研究
★ 國軍老舊眷村改建工程現況困難問題處置效能之研究★ 我國公共工程契約之工程司角色與信任評估研究
★ 台灣公共工程施工履約爭議民事訴訟之研究-以可歸責於採購機關為核心★ 落實公共工程施工自主檢查策略之研究
★ 公共工程底價訂定機制之探討-以鄉鎮市區公所為例★ 採購招標方式之選擇----政府採購法第十九條實踐論證
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摘要(中) 本研究首先探討公司治理基本理論與牽涉之法理。其次,在全球化的熱潮之下,由德國、日本、台灣的公司治理發展過程中,發現各國公司治理漸向英美模式靠攏,雖然是不容否認的趨勢。但是從比較法研究中,吾人可以發現,在統合的過程中,也存在許多因素的影響。畢竟各國公司治理的改革走向,不完全僅是考慮經濟效率,「腳步依循理論」即指出各國有其特殊的治理文化、政治與社會背景,因此即便有此向英美模式靠攏的發展趨勢,然而在統合收斂與固守不變兩者間的張力是始終存在的。接著,進行董事受任人義務的比較法分析,發現英國公司法對董事義務採類型條文化,美國則藉由判例來補實抽象的法條規定,我國公司法則仍維持抽象的法條規定。再來,探討營造業的公司治理特性以及由失敗案例所帶來的啟示。
摘要(英) This work starts with the examination on the basic theory and legal system associated with corporate governance. Next, this work found that there is no denying a trend to incline to Anglo-American model under the pressure of globalization. However, this work found that many factors will influence the convergence process through comparative legal study. The dominant factor to the reform of corporate governance is not based on the consideration on efficiency only. Rather, the theory of path dependence indicates that each country has its unique governance culture, political and societal background. There is a trend to present inclination to Anglo-American model, however, the tension between convergence and persistence exists eventually.
A comparative legal analysis on fiduciary duty is to be undertaken following the above discovery. It reveals that while a director’s duties under UK’s company law presents categorized clauses, precedents are complementary to the abstract legal clauses in the US. Still, the statute of Taiwan’s corporate business law remains in an abstract manner. The characteristic of corporate governance in the construction industry and the implication behind the corporate failure case then are presented. Another point of this work is an empirical study on construction industry. This work intends to develop core agenda to corporate governance for construction firms through exploring the annual reports of the top 100 worldwide construction firms posted in ENR 2010. It is revealed that a total of six issues including ownership structure, governance structure, governance ethics, information disclosure, sustainable development and stakeholder engagement constitute the core agenda to corporate governance. Based on the 100 construction firms and 39 publicly listed companies in Taiwan, a comparative analysis has been conducted on the enforcement of corporate governance through such core agenda.
This work mainly found that the fact the insignificant degree of separation between ownership and control may be resulted in the lack of incentive to reducing agency cost through corporate governance. Thus, although a construction firm’s annual reports indicates that while the implementation to corporate governance is complied with its legal requirement, there still is room for better enhancement to the dimension of self-regulation. In the last, such core agenda with top level involvement will be implemented by management objective. This study further provides solid action plan to be adopted by the construction industry as reference.
關鍵字(中) ★ 受任人義務
★ 公司治理
★ 腳步依循理論
★ 治理結構
★ 建設環境
★ 資訊揭露
關鍵字(英) ★ Corporate Governance
★ Theory of Path Dependence
★ Fiduciary Duty
★ Information Disclosure
★ Built Environment
★ Governance Structure
論文目次 摘要...................................................i
誌 謝.................................................v
目 錄.................................................viii
圖 目 錄...............................................xiii
表 目 錄...............................................xv
第一章 緒論...........................................1
1-1 研究動機...........................................1
1-2 研究背景...........................................2
1-3 研究方法與範圍.....................................4
1-4 研究架構與研究目的.................................5
第二章 營建工程體系與文獻回顧.........................9
2-1 營建工程體系 (Construction Context)................9
2-1-1 營建工程.........................................9
2-1-2 營建法律體系.....................................11
2-2 營造業公司治理文獻回顧.............................14
2-2-1 國外文獻.........................................14
2-2-2 國內文獻.........................................15
2-3 小結...............................................19
第三章 公司治理之理論探討.............................21
3-1 公司治理的定義與其發展.............................21
3-1-1 公司之由來.......................................21
3-1-2 公司治理的定義...................................22
3-1-3 公司治理的發展...................................23
3-2 公司治理之理論探討.................................25
3-2-1 廠商理論.........................................25
3-2-2 公司治理之理論基礎...............................28
3-2-3 公司治理與公司法制的關係.........................29
3-2-4 「揭穿公司面紗」與「法人格否認」法理.............31
3-2-5 全生命週期的公司治理.............................34
3-3 巨觀下之公司治理...................................37
3-4 小結...............................................39
第四章 比較法上的考察.................................41
4-1-1 美國.............................................41
4-1-2 日本.............................................44
4-1-3 德國.............................................45
4-1-4 臺灣.............................................49
4-2 董事之義務與過失責任...............................51
4-2-1 董事之受任人義務.................................52
4-2-2 善良管理人之注意義務.............................56
4-2-3 董事過失行為之判斷標準...........................57
4-3 商業判斷法則(Business Judgment Rule, BJR)........59
4-4 腳步依循理論(Theory of Path Dependence)..........61
4-5 統合收斂或固守不變(Convergence or Persistence)...63
4-6 小結...............................................65
第五章 超越公司治理之議題(Issues beyond Corporate Governance)...67
5-1 公平與正義...................................................67
5-2 企業倫理...........................................68
5-3 利害關係人理論.....................................71
5-4 企業社會責任.......................................76
第六章 公司治理之監控機制.............................79
6-1 前言...............................................79
6-2 外部機制...........................................81
6-2-3 敵意併購.........................................83
6-2-4 機構投資人.......................................85
6-3 內部機制...........................................87
6-3-1 董事會...........................................87
6-3-2 監察人...........................................88
6-3-3 股東會...........................................89
6-4 注意義務與侵權行為.................................90
第七章 營造業的公司治理...............................95
7-1 營造業的公司治理特性...............................95
7-2 營建工程訴訟特質...................................96
7-3 公司治理失敗案例探討...............................99
7-4 案例的啟示.........................................102
7-5 小結...............................................102
第八章 實證研究.......................................105
8-1 研究方法...........................................105
8-3 研究過程...........................................106
8-4 公司治理核心議題...................................107
8-4-1股權結構(Ownership Structure)...................107
8-4-2治理結構(Governance Structure)..................109
8-4-3治理與倫理(Governance and Ethics)...............111
8-4-4資訊揭露(Information Disclosure)................112
8-4-5永續發展(Sustainable Development)...............113
8-4-6利害關係人參與(Stakeholder Engagement)..........114
8-5 行動方案(Action Plan)............................115
第九章 結論與建議.....................................117
9-1 結論...............................................117
9-2 建議...............................................119
附錄一 德國公司治理規約...............................129
附錄二 營造公司企業社會責任報告第三者認證.............145
附錄三 口試委員審查意見回覆表.........................147
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指導教授 李建中(Chien-Chung Li) 審核日期 2012-8-30
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