博碩士論文 993208016 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳仲豪(Zhong-hao Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
論文名稱 鈧、鋯與熱處理對Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn合金性質之影響
(Effect of Sc、Zr additions and heat treatment on the properties of Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn alloys)
★ 合金元素(Ce,Al,Sn)添加對LaNix儲氫合金 吸放氫特性之影響★ 微量LaNi5合金與機械球磨對Mg3MnNi2合金電化學特性之影響
★ 非破壞性探討安定化熱處理對Al-7Mg鍛造合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質之影響★ 非破壞性探討安定化熱處理對Al-10Mg鍛造合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質之影響
★ 冷加工與熱處理對AA7055鍛造型鋁合金微結構與機械性質的影響★ 冷抽量對AA7055(Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)-T6態合金腐蝕性質和微結構之影響
★ 熱力微照射製作絕緣層矽晶材料之研究★ 分流擠型和微量Sc對Al-5.6Mg-0.7Mn合金微結構及熱加工性之影響
★ 銀對於鎂鎳儲氫合金吸放氫及電化學性質之研究★ 氧化物催化劑對亞共晶Mg-Ni合金之儲放氫特性研究
★ 熱處理對7050鋁合金應力腐蝕與含鈧鋁薄膜特性之影響研究★ Ti-V-Cr與Mg-Co基BCC儲氫合金性質研究
★ 鋰-鋁基及鋰-氮基複合儲氫材料之製程開發及研究★ 銅、鎂含量與熱處理對Al-14.5Si-Cu-Mg合金拉伸、熱穩定與磨耗性質之影響
★ 恆溫蒸發熔煉鑄造製程合成鎂基介金屬化合物及其氫化特性之研究★ 無電鍍鎳多壁奈米碳管對Mg-23.5wt.%Ni共晶合金儲放氫特性之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究藉由含微量鈧、鋯之Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn合金探討以下主題: (1)經電子束焊接(electron beam welding,EBW)後,微量鈧、鋯對Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn-H116合金板材微結構、機械及腐蝕性質之影響;(2)藉由高溫熱處理模擬實驗,探討含微量鈧、鋯之Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn-H116合金焊接時熱影響區之特性變化。
摘要(英) This present study investigates the Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn alloys containing minor scandium, zirconium and discusses the following topics :(1)Effect of Sc, Zr additions on the properties of Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn alloys after electron beam welding (EBW). (2)Investigating the characteristics of Al-4.5Mn-0.8Mn alloys in welding process by simulated heat affected zone (HAZ).
Additions of minor Sc, Zr to Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn alloys not only refine the cast ingots, but also improve hardness. The precipitations can prevent recrystallization even at high temperature and remain fibrous microstructure via hot working. Strengthening increment by adding Sc and Zr is mainly attributed to fine-grain strengthening, dispersive precipitate strengthening and substructure strengthening resulted from recrystallization restricted.
Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn-H116 alloys have considerably mass loss after heat treatment at 600℃ because alloys have been dissolved partially and β-phase (Mg2Al3) precipitated abundantly at grain boundary, dense precipitation of β-phase in Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn alloys containing Sc and Zr since the small grains have more boundaries which provide the β-phase nucleation locations and corrosion propagation path, the corrosion crack penetrate into the material further and result in the corrosion resistance of alloys decline significantly.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱影響區
★ 焊接
★ 鋁鎂合金
★ 鋯
★ 沿晶腐蝕
★ 鈧
關鍵字(英) ★ intergranular corrosion
★ scandium
★ heat affected zone
★ welding
★ Al-Mg alloys
★ zirconium
論文目次 總目錄
Abstract................................................. ii
總目錄................................................... iv
第一章 前言與文獻回顧.....................................1
1.1 研究背景..............................................1
1.2 鋁鎂合金簡介..........................................2
1.3 添加金屬元素對鋁合金之影響............................3
1.3.1 鎂對鋁合金的影響....................................3
1.3.2 錳對鋁合金的影響....................................3
1.3.3 鋯對鋁合金的影響....................................5
1.3.4 鈧對鋁合金的影響....................................6
1.3.5 其他元素對鋁合金的影響..............................7
1.4 鋁鎂合金之腐蝕........................................13
1.4.1 鋁鎂合金沿晶腐蝕簡介................................13
1.5 影響鋁鎂合金腐蝕破壞之因素............................13
1.5.1 加工量對腐蝕特性之影響..............................14
1.5.2 熱處理製程對腐蝕特性之影響..........................14
1.5.3 介金屬化合物對腐蝕特性之影響........................15
1.6 鋁合金焊接............................................16
1.6.1 惰性氣體電弧焊接....................................16
1.6.2 電子束焊接..........................................17
1.7 研究動機與規劃........................................19
第二章 實驗方法與步驟.....................................20
2.1 合金熔配及成份分析....................................20
2.2 微結構分析............................................21
2.2.1 金相觀察............................................21
2.2.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察................................22
2.2.3 導電度量測......................................... 22
第三章 結果與討論(一)
電子束焊接對含鈧、鋯之Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn合金性質之影響....... 23
3.1 實驗方法與步驟....................................... 23
3.1.1 均質化處理及熱加工................................. 23
3.1.2 H116製程........................................... 24
3.1.3 電子束焊接......................................... 24
3.1.4 微結構分析......................................... 25
3.1.5 機械性質分析....................................... 26
3.1.6 腐蝕性質分析....................................... 27
3.2 結果與討論........................................... 29
3.2.1 微結構分析......................................... 29
3.2.2 導電度量測......................................... 50
3.2.3 硬度試驗........................................... 53
3.2.4 微硬度試驗......................................... 58
3.2.5 拉伸試驗........................................... 60
3.2.6 ASTM G67重量損失試驗............................... 63
3.3 結論................................................. 70
第四章 結果與討論(二)
鈧、鋯與高溫熱處理對Al-4.5Mg-0.8Mn合金性質之影響......... 71
4.1 實驗方法與步驟....................................... 71
4.1.1 模擬熱影響區....................................... 71
4.1.2 微結構分析......................................... 71
4.1.3 機械與腐蝕性質量測................................. 72
4.2 結果與討論........................................... 73
4.2.1 高溫熱處理之微結構觀察............................. 73
4.2.2 導電度量測......................................... 87
4.2.3 硬度試驗........................................... 91
4.2.4 ASTM G67重量損失試驗............................... 94
4.3 結論.................................................105
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指導教授 李勝隆(Sheng-long Lee) 審核日期 2012-8-27
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