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姓名 宋狄祥(Ti-Hsiang Sung2)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 單晶片與複合微晶片發光二極體之熱電耦合模擬研究
(The research on single chip LED and multiple microchips LED by the thermal-electrical coupling method)
★ 鋰鋁矽酸鹽之負熱膨脹陶瓷製程★ 鋰鋁矽酸鹽摻鈦陶瓷之性質研究
★ 高功率LED之熱場模擬與結構分析★ 干涉微影之曝光與顯影參數對週期性結構外型之影響
★ 週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰之結構製作與研究★ 圖案化藍寶石基板之濕式蝕刻
★ 高功率發光二極體於自然對流環境下之熱流場分析★ 液珠撞擊熱板之飛濺行為現象分析
★ 柴式法生長氧化鋁單晶過程最佳化熱流場之分析★ 柴式法生長氧化鋁單晶過程晶體內部輻射對於固液界面及熱應力之分析
★ 交流電發光二極體之接面溫度量測★ 柴氏法生長單晶矽過程之氧雜質傳輸控制數值分析
★ 泡生法生長大尺寸氧化鋁單晶降溫過程中晶體熱場及熱應力分析★ KY法生長大尺寸氧化鋁單晶之數值模擬分析
★ 外加水平式磁場柴氏法生長單晶矽之熱流場及氧雜質傳輸數值分析★ 大尺寸LED晶片Efficiency Droop之光電熱效應研究
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摘要(中) 近年來,發光二極體(LED)在固態照明中扮演著重要的地位,其中微製程技術的成熟,讓複合微晶片(Multiple Microchips)LED在近年來備受重視,複合微晶片是一種以陣列方式將多顆微晶粒連結而成的新式LED,如果將微晶粒以串聯陣列的方式做設計的話,除了可以提高在傳統單晶片LED中輸入電壓的限制以外,還可以配合在市面的交流電壓、透過全波整流器將交流電壓轉換成的全波電壓和直接使用直流電的三種方式來驅動點亮,但因為單晶片只能以直流的方式驅動,所以本研究將單晶片與複合微晶兩者在同樣尺寸和同樣磊晶的條件下,以直流式電流來驅動,並且針對不同瓦數時,複合微晶片的高電壓低電流特性在電性和溫度以及光三者的關係來和傳統低電流的單晶片做比較。另外本研究針對於LED發光層的物理機制中,利用光輸出功率量測的實驗結果來修正數值方法中的熱電耦合統御方程式。
摘要(英) Recently, light-emitting diode (LED) has been playing an important role in solid-state lighting, especially the maturity of the micro process technology made the multiple microchips LED receive recognition in the market. The multiple microchips LED is a kind of new type LED which is connected by many multi-microchips in array way, if we design the multi-microchips in serial array, that we can not only raise the input voltage levels in the traditional single chip LED, but use the alternating current (AC), full-wave current and direct current (DC) these three ways to light up. However, the single chip only can drive in DC way. In my research, we put single chip and multiple microchips under the condition of same size and same epitaxy, driving with the DC. For different wattage, we can compare the difference of single chip and multiple microchips in the relation of electricity, temperature and light. Also, we use the result of light output power measurement to revise the governing equation of coupling of the thermal and electrical characteristics in the numerical
First, we use the measurement of junction temperature and optical characteristics to test and verify with the numerical analysis, then using the simulation result to analyze the different current density and temperature distribution between the single chip and the multiple microchips. According to the research, we found the electric distribution of the multiple microchips is partial-crowding, not alike the single chip is whole-crowding. This difference makes the multiple microchips is equally distributed and lower the junction temperature. Bacause of its series connection design, the multiple microchips turn into high voltage -low current and cause chip produce lower joule heat. Higher watts we use, the more different between the tradition single chip and multiple microchips. This is the reason why the multiple microchips can make lower temperature and better light output power. And last, we try to use numerical methods to simulate how high watts would caused LED destroy. From the result, we found the single chip under 8 watts has already reached Light saturation but the multiple microchips hasn’t because of its lower temperature. In addition, we can also calculate theses two LED can bear the temperature in about 5 watts . If we keep enhance the electric power may cause the package damaged and when the power reach about 8 watts, the junction
temperature of these two chips would be unbearable.
關鍵字(中) ★ 單晶片
★ 複合微晶片
★ 發光二極體
★ 數值模擬
關鍵字(英) ★ single chip
★ multiple microchips
★ numerical simulation
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
符號說明 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2相關研究 4
1-2-1 LED電流分布與熱影響的研究 4
1-2-1複合微晶片發光二極體的發展 5
1-3研究動機與目的 7
第二章 物理模型與數值方法 14
2-1發光二極體的工作原理 14
2-2發光二極體的發光效率 16
2-3電場數值理論 19
2-3-1統御域(subdomain)與邊界(boundary)條件的設定 19
2-3-2 活化層之等效導電率假設 21
2-4 溫場之統御方程式及邊界條件 22
第三章 LED量測系統及實驗方法 31
3-1 接面溫度量測理論 31
3-2 接面溫度量測系統 32
3-2-1 K-Factor校正曲線量測方法 32
3-2-2 LED接面溫度量測方法 33
3-3 LED 之光學特性量測系統 33
3-3-1 LED 二維光強度分布之量測 33
3-3-2 LED光功率的量測 34
第四章 結果與討論 38
4-1 LED 接面溫度量測結果 38
4-1-1接面溫度量測 38
4-2 LED 熱電耦合的相關模擬設定 39
4-3單晶片與複合微晶片熱電耦合的模擬結果 40
4-3-1單晶片的模擬結果 40
4-3-2複合微晶片的模擬結果 42
4-3-3相同功率下單晶片與複合微晶片的討論 43
4-4 高瓦數下的單晶片與複合微晶片預測結果 45
第五章 結論與未來展望 81
參考文獻 83
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指導教授 陳志臣(Jyh-Chen Chen) 審核日期 2012-7-17
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