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姓名 陳怡儒(Yi-Ru Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 利用WRF 3DVAR同化雷達徑向風對2011年南瑪都颱風模擬之影響
(Effects of radar radial wind data assimilation using WRF 3DVAR on the typhoon simulation: Case of typhoon Nanmadol (2011))
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摘要(中) 台灣地理位置位於熱帶氣旋活躍的西北太平洋地區,為颱風路徑之要衝,每年颱風季中,約有30個颱風生成於西北太平洋地區,當侵台颱風接近台灣時,移動路徑與環流因複雜的地形產生很大的變化,使得台灣地區對颱風的風雨與路徑預報更為困難。
  本研究使用WRF模式(V3.2.1)和3D-VAR同化系統(WRFDA V3.2.1),使用兩層巢狀網格,水平網格間距為 15和5 公里,網格數為 301 x 253和 241 x 241,垂直分層 35 層。初始時間為2011年8月28日0000 UTC;而WRF 3DVAR cycle使用中央氣象局墾丁雷達(RCKT),同化時間為2011年8月28日0600、0900、1200、1500和1800 UTC,背景場誤差採用NCEP全球模式所計算出的統計值(CV3),並測試兩組水平影響半徑:R1=0.06和R2=0.12,分別進行30、24、21、18、15和12小時模擬,探討不同同化次數和調整其水平影響半徑對數值模擬的影響。
  模擬結果在颱風結構上,雷達資料同化會改善近颱風中心的雨帶分佈,並隨著同化循環次數越多,其修正效果越大;而較大的影響半徑 R2的強對流雨帶分布也比 R1 更接近觀測。在颱風移動路徑上,R2平均路徑誤差小於 R1,且隨著同化次數越多,路徑誤差也明顯的下降,證明較大的影響半徑 R2 做多次同化循環明顯改善颱風路徑過快且偏離最佳路徑的情形。在降雨模擬結果中,經過多次同化循環可以改善降雨分佈不正確且高估的情形,而較大影響半徑 R2的強降水分佈位置比R1準確;而雨量驗證上,R1 的 ETS得分在偏弱降水有較高的得分,但在強降雨的模擬上,R2 有較高的準確度。雖然累積雨量還是有高估的情形,但若使用較大的影響半徑配合多次同化循環,會明顯修正雨量的高估和強降水區的分布位置。
摘要(英) Taiwan is located in the northeastern pacific region where tropical cyclone is very active and thus a major path for typhoons. Every typhoon season, approximately 30 typhoon forms in the northeastern pacific region. When the typhoon approaches Taiwan, the track and circulation of the typhoon changes dramatically due to the complex geographic features of the island, so it’s difficult to predict the typhoon’s track and rainfall.
  Compared with conventional data, radar observations have an advantage of high spatial and temporal resolutions, and Doppler radars are capable of capturing detailed characteristics of flow fields, including typhoon circulation. The observation of radar network in Taiwan was used to investigate the impact of radar data assimilation for typhoon simulation. The case of Typhoon Nanmadol(2011)was chosen for this study, it struck Taiwan from 28 Aug 2011 to 29 Aug 2011. The purpose of this study was to adjust the initial field of the numerical model to improve the short-term typhoon predictions near Taiwan by using Doppler radar radial wind data assimilation. The typhoon track, structure, and precipitation were also inspected to clarify the effect of radar data assimilation simulated when typhoon approaching Taiwan.
  In this study, Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF V3.2.1) model and 3D-VAR method of WRF Data Assimilation system(WRFDA V3.2.1)were used in doppler radar data assimilation.. The horizontal grid resolution of nested domains is 15 and 5 km, respectively, horizontal grid points were 301×253 and 241×241, model vertical layers extended from the surface up to 50 hPa with 35 levels. Initial conditions at 0000 UTC 28 Aug, and the WRF 3DVAR cycling from RCKT of CWB at 0600、0900、1200、1500 and 1800 UTC 28 Aug. The 3DVAR influence factor of horizontal scale for radar data assimilation was set R1 = 0.06 and R2 = 0.12.
  After a series of experiments, we obtained some conclusions :(1) Compared with the one-time radar data assimilation, cycling of the multiple-time radar data assimilation has more positive impact on typhoon simulation, (2)Larger influence factor of horizontal scale (R2 = 0.12) also has more positive impact than smaller influence factor of horizontal scale(R1 = 0.06)for typhoon simulation in Taiwan. More assimilation cycle collocate with a larger influence factor of horizontal scale(R2 = 0.12), had improved the accuracy of the numerical simulation. Compared with the non-assimilate experiment, the precipitation pattern and typhoon track in the assimilation experiment were closer to the observations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 南瑪都颱風
★ 三維變分資料同化
關鍵字(英) ★ Typhoon Nanmadol
論文目次 摘 要 .................................................................. i
Abstract .............................................................. iii
致 謝 ................................................................. v
目 錄 ……......................................................... vi
圖表目錄 ......................................................... viii
第一章 緒論 .................................................... 1
1.1 前言 ........................................................... 1
1.2 文獻回顧 ................................................... 1
1.3 研究動機 ................................................... 3
1.4 論文架構 ……............................................. 4
第二章 個案介紹與資料處理 ........................ 5
2.1 個案天氣分析 ............................................ 5
2.2 資料來源 .................................................... 6
2.3 雷達資料處理 ............................................ 7
第三章 研究方法 ............................................ 10
3.1 數值模式簡介 ............................................10
3.1.1 WRF 模式介紹 ....................................... 10
3.1.2 同化系統介紹 ........................................ 11
3.2 降水校驗方法 ........................................... 13
3.2.1 公正預兆得分(ETS) ......................... 14
3.2.2 偏離係數(Bias) ................................. 15
3.3 模式設定 .................................................. 15
3.4 單點測試 .................................................. 16
3.5 實驗設計 .................................................. 17
第四章 模擬結果討論 ................................... 19
4.1 颱風結構 .................................................. 19
4.1.1 最大雷達回波 ....................................... 19
4.1.2 海平面氣壓 ........................................... 20
4.2 颱風路徑 .................................................. 21
4.3 累積雨量和驗證 ...................................... 23
第五章 同化循環實驗測試 ........................... 26
5.1 實驗目的與設計 ...................................... 26
5.2 實驗測試結果 .......................................... 27
5.2.1 最大雷達回波 ....................................... 27
5.2.2 颱風路徑 ............................................... 27
5.2.3 累積雨量和驗證 ................................... 28
第六章 結論與未來工作 ............................... 29
6.1 結論 .......................................................... 29
6.2 未來展望 .................................................. 30
參考文獻 ......................................................... 31
附 表 ............................................................... 34
附 圖 ............................................................... 37
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指導教授 林沛練(Pay-Liam Lin) 審核日期 2012-7-31
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