摘要(英) |
In medical diagnostics, we can find the cut-off point of a biomarker based on the Youden index computed from the corresponding
receiver operating characteristic curve. The Youden index considers the difference between the accurate positve rate and false positive rate.
Since, the false positive rate is usually undercontrol, the Youden index needs to be modified. In practice, however, covariates of each subject are often
available which maybe related to the biomarker under study. Therefore, in this thesis, an extention of the Youden index is proposed which produce covariate-dependent
cut-off point of the biomarker under a restriction of the false positive rate.
We then investigate the bias and the standard error of the estimated cut-off point and Youden index.
Finally, we apply the proposed methods to illustrate the data about pancreatic cancer.
參考文獻 |
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