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姓名 戴雯(Wen Dai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
論文名稱 以課程論壇做為知識分享工具之研究 –以中央大學計算機概論課程為例
(The study about the course forum as a tool of knowledge sharing-A case study )
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摘要(中) 本研究的主要目的在於探討課程論壇中,學生討論內容的知識建構層次和行為模式。我們以中央大學計算機概論課程論壇為研究對象,對論壇中學生的討論內容進行分析。首先,根據互動分析模型(Interaction Analysis Model ,IAM)的知識建構階層,對論壇中學生發表的留言進行編碼分類;接著,將編碼完的結果分別利用定量內容分析(quantitative content analysis)和滯後序列分析(lag-sequential analysis),說明產生的結果。本研究結果顯示以不同的編碼單位對討論內容進行編碼,結果大致上是一致的,所以若將研究結果與其他相同性質的結果比較,就算研究使用不同的編碼單位,並不會造成研究間比較結果的變因。將本研究的結果跟先前一些同質性的研究結果做對照,結果大致相仿,學生們討論的知識建構層次,大部份集中於K1層次,主要內容為分享、比較資訊或提出相同的看法。
摘要(英) The main purpose of this study is to explore the level of knowledge construction and behavior of students’ discussion in the course forum. We analyzed the content of students’ discussions in the course forum of Introduction to Computer Science course of National Central University. According to the classifications of knowledge- construction, Interaction Analysis Model (IAM), coding the post messages of students in the course forum. We illustrate the results with quantitative content analysis and lag-sequential analysis.
The results of this study would be encoded and counted in different units, articles and paragraphs. Then we got that using different coding units encode the contents of students’ discussion, the results generally are consistent. In view of this, put the results of similar studies together, even if studies using different coding units, it would not cause any changes in the comparison between studies.
Comparing the results of our study with findings of some previous similarly studies, the results shows that, the knowledge-construction of students’ discussions are concentrated in K1 level - the main contents are sharing, comparing of information or raised the same views.
Another purpose of this study is to explore that if teachers involve in the discussions timely, would it enhance the level of knowledge-construction or no in order to increase students’ learning during the discussion. Hou (2007) found that if teachers did not involve in the discussion, the knowledge-construction are mostly in the lower levels, K1and K2. He recommends that teachers actively provide guidance and feedback to students, to enhance the level of knowledge-construction during the discussions. The results of this study showed that teachers involved in students’ discussions timely, and gave students the direction of discussions timely or guided students into deeper and broader discussions, it could promote a higher level of knowledge-construction (K3, K5) of discussions between students, and may improve students’ learning effectively.
Besides, we found that the previous research of observing discussions in online asynchronous platforms; almost all analyses are focused on the content of specific group in a particular short time. We want to know whether the results of such a particular group can represent the overall performance or no, and if the difference between groups will cause different outcomes or no. We recount the data of each academic year separately, and it showed that there are different behavior patterns between the discussions of different groups in the short term. So we got that the behavior of a group of particular students’ discussions in the short term could not represent the behavior of overall students.
Finally, according to the above results, this study proposes concrete suggestions to the teacher who allow students to discuss in a course forum and to the researchers study asynchronous online discussion platform in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 滯後序列分析
★ 定量內容分析
★ 電腦中介溝通
★ 知識建構
★ 互動分析模型
★ 非同步的討論
★ 課程論壇
關鍵字(英) ★ Interaction Analysis Model
★ lag-sequential analysis
★ asynchronous discussion
★ curriculum forum
★ quantitative content analysis
★ Computer-mediated communication,CMC
★ knowledge-construction
論文目次 中文提要 ---- i
英文提要 ---- ii
誌謝 ---- iv
目錄 ---- v
表目錄 ---- vi
圖目錄 ---- vii
關鍵字 ---- viii
第一章 緒論(Introduction) ---- 1
第二章 研究內容與方法(Method) ---- 8
2-1 使用系統(system) ---- 9
2-2 研究對象 ---- 13
2-3 編碼方案(coding scheme) ---- 14
第三章 文獻回顧(Literature review ) ---- 20
3-1 電腦中介溝通 (CMC) ---- 21
3-2 滯後序列分析 (lag-sequential analysis) ---- 29
第四章 實驗部份 ---- 33
4-1 研究程序 ---- 33
4-2 資料分析 ---- 34
第五章 結果與討論 ---- 36
5-1 結果 ---- 36
5-1-1 定量內容分析 (quantitative content analysis) ---- 40
5-1-2 滯後序列分析 (lag-sequential analysis) ---- 42
5-2 討論 ---- 45
5-2-1 定量內容分析 (quantitative content analysis) ---- 46
5-2-2 本研究與侯惠則(2007)結果的比較 ---- 48
5-2-3 本研究與侯惠則(2008)結果的比較 ---- 52
5-2-4 研究的編碼單位及觀察時間長短是否影響結果 ---- 56
5-2-5 滯後序列分析 (lag-sequential analysis) ---- 65
第六章 結論、建議與未來展望 ---- 68
參考文獻 ---- 71
附錄一 中央大學數學系計算機概論課程-學期學習計畫 ---- 74
附錄二 中央大學數學系計算機概論課程-學期成績計算標準 ---- 81
附錄三 Newman et al.(1996)提出的編碼分類 ---- 81
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指導教授 蕭嘉璋(Chia-Chang Hsiao) 審核日期 2012-7-17
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