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姓名 馬驊群(Hwa-Chun Ma)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 無線感測網路偵測覆蓋空洞機制之研究
(Study of Coverage Hole Detection Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks)
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摘要(中) 無線感測網路中的應用已被廣泛使用在很多領域上,包括環境的監控、災難的救護及戰場監測等等。在無線感測網路的隨機初期佈建上,由於無法保證會有完全的覆蓋,加上佈建後感測器會因節點的電力耗盡與被外力破壞等因素,很難以避免在無線感測網路監控區域中會有覆蓋空洞的問題,而這些覆蓋空洞的存在,也因此會影響無線感測網路的效能在很多層面上,因此在無線感測網路,需要每一節點皆能執行簡單又有效的覆蓋空洞偵測方法 ,以提供無線感測網路所需的覆蓋品質,及確保網路之可靠性。基於此,因此在本論文中,我們提出以計算幾何為基礎,使用簡單而且有效率的覆蓋空洞偵測機制,經由此一機制可以有效偵測出存在於監控區域中的覆蓋空洞,在我們所設計協定中,藉由每一節點收集兩倍感測距離內相鄰節點的資訊並使用三角形及多邊形幾何法來找出此一節點附近的空洞,此一分散式偵測演算法亦可以應用在不同形狀與大小的監控區。另外在我們所提出的偵測演算法經所發展出理論定理證明,說明此演算法是完全正確的,並透過ns-2的模擬,結果顯示我們的覆蓋空洞偵測協定演算法在偵測時間上與能量消耗上,比其他方法還要好。
摘要(英) Wireless sensor networks have been employed in many applications, such as environment monitoring, disaster relief operation and battlefield surveillance. However, in initial random deployment there is no guarantee of complete coverage. Besides, in the post deployment sensor nodes may fail due to power depletion, or physical destruction. Therefore, coverage holes problem can hardly be avoided in wireless sensor networks. The presences of holes have an influential impact on the performance of the sensor network at many levels. Thus, sensor nodes must execute simple and efficient coverage hole detection mechanism for providing the required QoS of coverage and ensuring network reliability. Accordingly, in this dissertation we propose the computational geometry based distributed coverage hole detection algorithm using both triangular and polygon methods to find out the holes. Detection of the holes are done using simple and efficient geometric methods taking only one and two-hop neighbors of each node to detect the hole around it and therefore requires less computation time. Global view of the coverage hole detection is proposed taking local information of the nodes. The algorithm is completely distributed and can also detect the coverage holes irrespective of any shape or size of the monitoring region. We also make proofs for each of the lemmas used in the construction of the algorithms. The algorithms are shown to be theoretically correct. Performance evaluation of our algorithm shows that the hole detection time and energy consumption due to hole detection outperforms over similar hole detection algorithms.
關鍵字(中) ★ 分散式
★ 空洞偵測
★ 無線感測網路
★ 覆蓋空洞
關鍵字(英) ★ Wireless sensor networks
★ hole detection
★ coverage hole
★ Distributed
論文目次 ABSTRACT ii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overviews of Wireless Sensor Networks 1
1.2 Coverage and Holes Problems 2
1.3 Research Motivations 4
1.4 Contributions 5
1.5 Organization of the Dissertation 6
Chapter 2. Related Works 7
Chapter 3. Preliminaries 11
3.1 Problem Formulation 11
3.2 Definitions 12
3.3 System Model 14
Chapter 4. Triangle-Based Hole Detection Algorithm 17
4.1 Neighbor discovery phase 17
4.2 Hole detection phase 19
4.3 Theoretical Analysis 24
4.4 Summary 35
Chapter 5. Polygon-Based Hole Detection Algorithm 36
5.1 Neighbor discovery 37
5.2 Hole Detection Phase 38
5.3 Comparison Examples and Discussion 41
5.4 Summary 42
Chapter 6. Experimental Analysis 43
6.1. Simulation Setup 43
6.2. Simulation Results 45
6.2.1 Effects of the Number of Nodes 45
6.2.2 Analysis of the Detection Time 46
6.2.3 Analysis of Energy Consumption 49
6.2.4 Comparison with other schemes 51
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Future Works 57
Bibliography 59
List of Publications 67
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指導教授 陳彥文、沙庫瑪
(Yen-Wen Chen、Prasan Kumar Sahoo)
審核日期 2012-7-11
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