博碩士論文 945402023 詳細資訊

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姓名 王敏峰(Min-Feng Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 社群網路中多階層影響力傳播探勘之研究
(Multi-Level Influence-Propagation Mining on Social Network)
★ 應用自組織映射圖網路及倒傳遞網路於探勘通信資料庫之潛在用戶★ 基於社群網路特徵之企業電子郵件分類
★ 行動網路用戶時序行為分析★ 以點對點技術為基礎之整合性資訊管理 及分析系統
★ 在分散式雲端平台上對不同巨量天文應用之資料區域性適用策略研究★ 應用資料倉儲技術探索點對點網路環境知識之研究
★ 從交易資料庫中以自我推導方式探勘具有多層次FP-tree★ 建構儲存體容量被動遷徙政策於生命週期管理系統之研究
★ 應用服務探勘於發現複合服務之研究★ 利用權重字尾樹中頻繁事件序改善入侵偵測系統
★ 有效率的處理在資料倉儲上連續的聚合查詢★ 入侵偵測系統:使用以函數為基礎的系統呼叫序列
★ 有效率的在資料方體上進行多維度及多層次的關聯規則探勘★ 在網路學習上的社群關聯及權重之課程建議
★ 在社群網路服務中找出不活躍的使用者★ 利用階層式權重字尾樹找出在天文觀測紀錄中變化相似的序列
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摘要(中) 社群網路分析為一個能在不同情境下蒐集、分析及呈現社群間關係的方法。近年來由於社群網路服務的快速崛起及普及引領出新的網路消費族群,促使企業需要針對網際網路使用者,採用新的市場策略來發展及支援自身品牌、產品與服務在網路上的行銷。
本研究期望結合社群網路分析及資料探勘方法來建立具高彈性化之多階層社群網路分析方法,以供不同主題領域之專家能夠從最細微之使用者訊息傳播行為,到最巨觀之社群間傳播活動皆能有效觀察分析,以因應Web 2.0 興起後快速演變之網路使用者行為模式。
摘要(英) Social network analysis is a method for collecting, analyzing, and displaying community relationships under various scenarios. The growing pervasiveness of social network services has generated new customer groups enabling enterprises to adopt new marketing strategies for developing, marketing and supporting internet products and services. Well-known social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Digg allow users to construct personal profiles, share interesting information, and build relationships within a community. Interaction on social websites is rapidly affecting people’s social behaviors and habits. From our comprehensive survey of the literature on social networks showed that understanding the impact of communities in social networks requires complex computations. Furthermore, the few studies performed until now have focused on designing efficient and flexible platforms for mining the answers to questions in social networks to support social influence and relationship analysis, such as “What are the top-K direct influencing sources by a certain user or community?”, “Who is affected by a specific user or community at a given time?”, or even “What top-K users or communities generate the largest number of distinct paths during message propagation?”. This study therefore designed a flexible data mining algorithm for hierarchical analysis of the influence of social networks on emerging Web 2.0 technologies in order to analyze how this internet business model evolved.
The proposed method has two major components.
(1) A generalized suffix tree structure for analyzing information propagation patterns in communities with varying granularity.
(2) A classification module for classifying social activities based on user interests.
This work also designs a query interface for mining propagation paths and for discovering social network nodes that efficiently support enterprises in managing and analyzing social information. We look forward that the proposed mechanism has potential applications as a flexible social network platform for summarizing and analyzing network user behavior.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資料探勘
★ 影響力傳播
★ 社群網路分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Information diffusion
★ Data mining
★ Social network analysis
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1-1 Motivations 2
1-2 Contributions 4
1-3 Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2. Background and Related Work 6
2-1 Social Network Analysis and Web 2.0 6
2-2 Influence Propagation and Information Dissemination 10
Chapter 3. System Framework 13
3-1 Social Activity Classification Model 14
3-2 Multi-Level Information Propagation Mining Model 16
3-3 Multi-Level Influence Dissemination Model 18
Chapter 4. Research Methods 19
4-1 Social Activity Classification 19
4-1.1 Fuzzy Association 20
4-1.2 Minimax-Similarity Algorithm 21
4-2 Multi-Level Information Propagation Mining 23
4-2.1 Problem Formulation 23
4-2.2 Propagation Path Discovery 25
4-2.3 Weighted Suffix Tree 29
4-2.4 Generalized Weighted Suffix Tree 32
Chapter 5. Experimental Results 40
5-1 Dataset Collection and Preprocessing 40
5-2 Experimental Results of Social Activity Model Classification Model 40
5-3 Experimental Results of Multi-Level Information-Propagation Mining 41
5-3.1 Dataset Collection and Preprocessing 41
5-3.2 Experimental Results of Multi-Level Information-Propagation Mining 42
Chapter 6. Applications 43
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Future Works 51
7-1 Conclusions 51
7-2 Future Works 52
Reference 54
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指導教授 蔡孟峰(meng-feng tsai) 審核日期 2012-8-19
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