博碩士論文 975301016 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉淞志(Sun-chih Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 應用於智慧型行動裝置之LTE/WWAN多頻單極天線設計
(Design of LTE/WWAN Multi-Frequency Monopole Antenna for Smart Mobile Devices)
★ 利用缺陷型接地結構之雙頻微型平面倒F天線設計★ 應用於第三代行動電話之倒F天線設計
★ 使用寄生元件之平面式倒F型雙頻天線設計★ 利用寄生元件之平面式倒 F 型三頻天線設計
★ 無線通訊之三頻天線設計★ 無線通訊之雙頻與三頻槽孔型天線設計
★ 應用於行動手持裝置之LTE/WWAN天線設計★ 利用背腔式槽孔線結構之多頻段天線設計
★ 利用缺陷地面共振電路之介質量測技術★ 應用於藍芽與全球衛星定位系統之電抗性負載型雙頻槽孔天線
★ 帶通圓形極化頻率選擇面之設計★ 啞鈴型缺陷地面之介質量測電路分析與設計
★ 雙頻圓極化微波極化器設計★ 利用微小共振電路之多頻段天線設計
★ 應用於X-band平面吸波器之薄型負載電路設計★ 應用於X-band平面吸波器之阻抗倒轉器設計
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摘要(中) 本研究論文中所提出的多頻天線設計,除了可滿足無線廣域網路及長期演進的八頻操作頻段,也適合內藏於智慧型行動裝置中。首先,將單極天線做一改良,產生0.83GHz 及1.86 GHz 兩個共振頻率點。接著於單極天線饋入位置增加Tuning Trace 的調整機制,並採用單極天線頂部與金屬片結合的做法,使多頻單極天線能夠在低、中、高頻
都能有良好的阻抗匹配,反射係數若以6dB 來定義,使多頻單極天線足以涵蓋LTE700、LTE2300、LTE2500、GSM850、GSM900、DCS1800
、PCS1900 及UMTS 等八個操作頻段,最後,提出一種結構簡單、量產容易、成本低廉且可應用LTE/WWAN 的金屬板與印刷電路板結合的天線。它能涵蓋八個頻段,包含了LTE700/2300/2500 的三個LTE 頻
段及GSM850/900/DCS1800/PCS1900/UMTS 的五個WWAN 頻段,且天線體積僅為56 × 18 × 3 mm3。詳細的天線設計方式及實驗數據將在本論文中說明及討論。
摘要(英) In this thesis, we will talk about the design of multi-frequency antennas of eight frequency operation bands for the wireless WAN and long-term evolution applications. The proposed design is also able to be embedded in smart mobile devices. First, a modified structure of monopole antenna is used, and the resonance frequencies of 0.83GHz and 1.86GHz are obtained. Then, by adding trace to fed monopole antenna, the trace for tuning matching, and the plate and printed circuit board (PCB) combo of antenna, the bandwidth is improved in the low, medium, and high frequency ranges. The multi-band monopole antenna can be operated over the eight operating frequency bands of the LTE700, LTE2300, LTE2500, GSM80,GSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900 and UMTS. Finally, we can have the antenna that was of simple structure, easy production, low cost, and can be applied to of LTE/WWAN. The
antenna was combining metal board with the printed circuit board. It covers eight bands, including the three LTE frequency band of the LTE700/2300/2500 and five WWAN bands of GSM850/900/ DCS1800/PCS1900/UMTS. The antenna size is only 56 × 18 × 3 mm3 . The details of the antenna design methods and experimental data will be described and discussed in this thesis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 天線
★ 內藏式手機天線
★ 長期演進天線/無線廣域網路
關鍵字(英) ★ Antennas
★ Internal handset antennas
★ LTE/WWAN antennas
論文目次 致 謝 ........................................i
摘要 ........................................ii
Abstract ...................................iii
目錄 ........................................iv
圖目錄 .......................................v
第一章緒論 ...................................1
1-1 研究動機..................................1
1-2 文獻回顧..................................4
1-3 章節介紹.................................10
第二章天線原理與應用 ....................... 11
2-1 天線原理................................ 11
2-2 偶極天線................................ 11
2-3 單極天線.................................14
第三章 LTE 多頻單極天線設計..................19
3-1 簡介.....................................19
3-2 LTE 多頻單極天線設計.....................20
3-2-1 天線架構...............................20
3-2-2 LTE 多頻單極天線參數模擬與設計.........21
3-3 總結 ....................................39
第四章天線量測與分析 ........................42
第五章 結論 .................................60
附錄 ........................................62
參考文獻 ....................................70
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指導教授 丘增杰(Tsen-Chieh Chiu) 審核日期 2012-7-12
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