博碩士論文 100521026 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡獻霆(Xianting Cai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 使用延遲決策技術於類比電路之可繞度導向擺置方法
(Routability-Driven Placement of Analog Designs using Deferred Decision Making Technique)
★ 三維積體電路的微凸塊分配與晶粒間繞線之研究★ 考慮製造限制之繞線研究
★ 使用次序關係配置三維積體電路微凸塊★ 考慮線長匹配的平行匯流排之逃脫繞線
★ 用於三維積體電路之溫度導向平面規劃的散熱型矽晶穿孔面積融合方法★ 雙圖案微影技術下考慮原生衝突之電路軌道繞線
★ 考量障礙物間通道寬度限制及避免電子遷移效應的繞線樹建構之研究★ 三維積體電路中同步降低熱點溫度與電源雜訊之研究
★ 提升聚焦離子束對訊號探測能力之細部繞線方法★ 考慮障礙物閃避及電荷分享之鑽孔數量最小化跳線插入演算法
★ 模組化層級三維積體電路之矽晶穿孔規劃與線長最佳化★ 降低不匹配效應之力導向電容擺置方法
★ 考慮繞線資源需求之標準元件擺置合法化★ Simultaneous escape routing for mixed-pattern signals on staggered pin arrays
★ 面積與最大線長最佳化之類比積體電路 佈局產生器★ 含多重檢查機制之實體驗證自動化工具
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摘要(中) 由於類比元件的敏感性,以及製程技術的演進與元件尺寸的縮小,致使佈局後的電氣效應對於整體電路效能的影響日益加劇。為了減少電氣效應,類比設計大多以人工的方式產生佈局,雖然使用類比設計自動化搭配工程師的佈局經驗可以取代部分人工,但是眾多的佈局限制仍然使得類比設計自動化的發展無法被有效地突破。
摘要(英) Due to the sensitivity of analog components, the evolution of process technologies, and the size shrink of components, post-layout electrical effects increasingly impact the circuit performance. In order to reduce the electrical effects, the layouts of most analog designs are done by manual. Although layouts of partial designs can be done by EDA tools with experience of engineers, the development of analog design automation cannot be easily broken through due to a large number of layout constraints.
Although there are many literatures on analog placement, the number of researches on analog placement considering routing is few. In the placement process, although we can use the topology constraints to reduce the mismatch, the unexpected electrical effects will be produced by the routing paths. In order to reduce the electrical effects produced by the routing paths, routing paths must avoid the analog devices, implying that enough routing spaces are needed to be preserved in the placement stage.
This work presents an analog placement flow to handle the symmetry constraints, and to preserve enough routing spaces between devices. The flow is based on the deferred decision making (DDM) technique. Using DDM technique cannot only generate non-stochastic solutions, but also provide multiple and flexible solutions for engineers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 可繞度導向擺置
★ 延遲決策技術
關鍵字(英) ★ Routability-Driven Placement
★ Deferred Decision Making Technique
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 x
第1 章 緒論 1
1-1 相關文獻 3
1-2 研究動機 8
1-3 問題定義 10
1-4 論文結構 11
第2 章 背景知識 12
2-1 類比電路擺置 12
2-1-1 匹配 12
2-1-2 對稱 13
2-1-3 鄰近 14
2-2 廣義分割樹 14
2-3 延遲決策技術 17
第3 章 演算法流程 19
3-1 重要參數定義 20
3-2 限制條件分析 23
3-3 樹狀架構建構 24
3-3-1 配對方程式 25
3-3-2 泛用樹狀架構建構流程 26
3-3-3 對稱樹狀架構建構流程 28
3-4 形狀曲線操作 29
3-4-1 形狀曲線保存資訊 29
3-4-2 形狀曲線操作流程 32
3-4-3 對稱形狀曲線操作流程 37
3-4-4 預留通道演算法 39
3-5 複數結果挑選 42
3-6 元件定位方法 42
第4 章 實驗結果及分析 45
4-1 實驗環境 45
4-2 實驗結果 45
4-2-1 Two-Stage OPA 46
4-2-2 Folded Cascode OPA 51
第5 章 結論及未來展望 55
參考文獻 56
參考文獻 [1] Cheng-Wu Lin, Cheng-Chung Lu, Jai-Ming Lin, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “Routability-driven Placement Algorithm for Analog Integrated Circuits,”Proc. ISPD, pp. 71 – 78, 2012.
[2] Chris Chu and Yiu-Chung Wong, “FLUTE: Fast lookup table based rectilinear Steiner minimal tree algorithm for VLSI design,” Proc. TCAD, pp. 70 – 83, 2008.
[3] Helmut Graeb, “ITRS 2011 Analog EDA Challenges and Approaches,” Proc. DATE, pp. 1150 – 1155, 2012.
[4] Hui-Fang Tsao, Pang-Yen Chou, Shih-Lun Huang, Yao-Wen Chang, Mark Po-Hung Lin, Duan-Ping Chen, and Dick Liu, “A Corner Stitching Compliant B*-tree Representation and Its Applications to Analog Placement,” Proc. ICCAD, pp. 507 – 511, 2011.
[5] Jackey Zijun Yan and Chris Chu, “DeFer: Deferred Decision Making Enabled Fixed-Outline Floorplanner, “ Proc. DAC, pp. 161 – 166, June. 2008.
[6] Pang-Yen Chou, Hung-Chih Ou, and Yao-Wen Chang, “Heterogeneous B*-trees for Analog Placement with Symmetry and Regularity Considerations,” Proc. ICCAD, pp. 512 – 516, 2011.
[7] Po-Hung Lin and Shyh-Chang Lin, ”Analog placement based on novel symmetry-island formulation,” Proc. DAC, pp. 465 – 470, 2007.
[8] Po-Hung Lin and Shyh-Chang Lin, “Analog Placement Based on Hierarchical Module Clustering,” Proc. DAC, pp. 50-55, Jun. 2008.
[9] Rob A. Rutenbar, "Design Automation for Analog: The Next Generation of Tool Challenges," 1st IBM Academy Conference on Analog Design, Technology, Modeling and Tools, IBM T.J. Watson Research Labs, Sept. 2006.
[10] Yi-Peng Weng, Hung-Ming Chen, Tung-Chieh Chen, Po-Cheng Pan, Chien-Hung Chen and Wei-Zen Chen, “Fast Analog Layout Prototyping for Nanometer Design Migration,” Proc. ICCAD, pp. 517 – 522, 2011.
[11] 黃弘一, “Ch03-Analog Layout Consideration, ” 混合訊號積體電路佈局與分析課程講義, Jan.2001.
指導教授 陳泰蓁(Tai-Chen Chen) 審核日期 2012-8-15
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