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姓名 蘇思潔(Sih-jie Su) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 工業管理研究所 論文名稱 LED產業供應鏈之策略性規劃
(Strategic LED Supply Chain Planning)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 半導體、發光二極體(LED)等高科技產業其生產重鎮主要分布於亞洲地區,而台灣身為全球第二大LED生產國,其出貨量僅次於日本,但近年來台灣高科技產業逐漸外移至大陸,兩岸經貿問題在做決策時便成為重要考量因素之一。本文所探討的問題情境是高科技產業中常見的多階段、多廠區之供應鏈網路問題,期望能以文中所提出的數學模型針對整體製造鏈與配銷鏈做出最佳決策,以供管理決策者參考。本模型中,考慮顧客需求上,可能會希望在特定國家(台灣/大陸)進行產品的製造,因此提供不同製造模式以供挑選,而製造模式的目的在於顧客可指定前段製程與後段製程生產工廠的所在地區;但由於台海政治關係因素,導致大陸地區的需求訂單僅能由大陸之接單單位進行接單動作,而台灣地區的需求訂單也僅能由台灣接單單位進行接單,當訂單有跨國製造之需要發生時,便需透過轉單單位且需支付轉單成本。
摘要(英) Semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED) and other high-tech industry’s production center is mainly distributed over Asia. Taiwan, as the world’’s second largest LED supplyer, and its shipments is only after Japan, but in recent years, Taiwan’’s high-tech industry gradually moved to the China, cross-strait economic and trade issues will become one of the important considerations when making decisions. This paper discusses the problem situation is common in high-tech industry, multi-stage, multi-plant supply chain network problem. we expect to provide the usage of the mathematical model for enhancing the overall manufacturing chain and distribution chain.
This model provides different manufacturing modes for selection due to consideration of that some customers might would prefer to choose a particular countries(Taiwan、China) for producing the products. Moreover, the purpose of the manufacturing modes is that customers are able to specify the locations of production factories of front-end-of-line and back-end-of-line. However, because of the political relationship between Taiwan and China, demand orders of Mainland only can be taken by local factories while demand orders of Taiwan only can be taken by local. Besides, we need to pay intermediary organization for transferring fees when the requirements of multinational manufacturing are existed.
At the capacity constraints, according to the manufacturing model by customer, we hope we can find an optimal manufacturing model and the maximize profit. Finally, we will take the actually data to verify the mathematical model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 接單模式
★ 策略性規劃
★ 供應鏈管理關鍵字(英) ★ strategic planning
★ supply chain management
★ order fulfillment論文目次 第一章緒論............................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機.......................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的...................................................................................................2
1.3 研究流程...................................................................................................3
2.1 LED產業介紹..........................................................................................4
2.2 供應鏈.......................................................................................................6
2.2.1 半導體相關產業...........................................................................7
2.2.2 訂單滿足與需求滿足問題...........................................................8
3.1 問題描述.................................................................................................10
3.2 基本假設.................................................................................................10
3.3 參數定義及模型建立.............................................................................12
4.1 情境設計:基本路徑驗證.....................................................................18
4.2 情境設計:組裝廠產能限制驗證.........................................................24
4.3 情境設計:複雜需求之正確性驗證.....................................................30
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指導教授 王啟泰(Chi-tai Wang) 審核日期 2012-7-16 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare