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姓名 孫芳瑜(Fang-yu Sun)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 董事會特徵、所有權結構與超額現金持有價值關係之研究—中國上市公司之實證
(The relationship between board characterictics, ownership structure and the value of corporate excess cash holdings:Evidence from China listed)
★ 股權分置對中國上市公司現金股利發放之影響★ 所有權結構與政治連結對股利政策之影響—以中國國有企業為例
★ 董監事最低持股成數規定之研究★ 合格境外機構投資人制度對投資/現金流量敏感度之影響
★ 從股票價格區間探討股票買回活動之資訊內涵★ 跨境上市對於企業負債比率的影響:以中國跨港上市公司為例
★ 家族集團之盈餘管理行為★ 股權結構與投資效率:中國上市公司之多重大股東實證研究
★ 股權分置改革對中國上市公司現金持有的影響★ 手機按鍵生命週期探討企業轉型之路
★ 制度改革對於關係人交易的影響★ 伊斯蘭教義、公司治理與營運資金管理對公司價值影響之研究—以印尼上市公司為例
★ 股利宣告對股價超常報酬的影響-以台灣集團與非集團上市公司為例★ 公司規模、股價、益本比、淨值市價比與股票超常報酬關係之實證研究
★ 台灣股票上市公司營運資金管理相關議題之實證研究★ 我國財務危機上市公司股權結構之探討
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摘要(中) 本文主要探討董事會特徵對於公司超額現金持有價值的影響,並加入所有權結構的調節,藉以了解董事會特徵在不同所有權結構下,對公司超額現金持有價值的影響。本研究以2003年至2010年中國上市公司共11008個觀察值,進行實證分析。實證結果顯示,董事會規模擴大有利於公司超額現金持有價值的提升;獨立董事比例增加與董事長兼任總經理,則會使公司超額現金持有價值下降。其次,加入所有權結構變數後,發現國有所有權持股比例越高,越能掌控董事會,導致監督制衡能力下降,超額現金持有價值降低;國有所有權持股比例增加對獨立董事比例和公司持有超額現金價值關係之影響並不明顯;董事長兼任總經理則會削弱董事會監督效能,然而當私有所有權與國有所有權持股比例相當時,反而會使公司超額現金持有價值提升。最後,在股權分置改革影響上,實證結果顯示股權分置改革後,公司治理機制的提升使得代理問題下降,公司超額現金持有價值上升。但國有所有權的改革,在超額現金價值上仍不具成效。
摘要(英) This reaserch examines the relationship between board characteristics and the value of corporate excess cash holdings as well as the impact of ownership structure on this relationship. The sample contains the listed firms in China from 2003 to 2010 and obtains 11008 firm-year observations. The empirical results indicate that a larger board size may increase the value of corporate excess cash holdings. On the other hand, a higher percentage of independent directors in board and duality would decrease the value of corporate excess cash holdings. Moreover, when taking ownership structure into account, we find the higher the shares owned by the government, the lower the value of corporate excess cash holdings;. An increased state ownership does not influence the relationship between independent director proportion in board and the value of corporate excess cash holdings; Duality decreaces the monitoring function of the board, however, when the percentage of shares owned by government is close to that of private ownership, the value of corporate excess cash holdings increases. Finally, we further investigate the effects of Split Share Reform. The empirical results show that the improvement of corporate governance mitigates the agency problem, however, the reform of government ownership has little effect on the value of corporate excess cash holdings.
關鍵字(中) ★ 現金持有價值
★ 中國
★ 超額現金
★ 所有權結構
★ 董事會特徵
關鍵字(英) ★ Ownership structure
★ Board charactoristics
★ China
★ Value of cash holdings
★ Excess cash
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要  ……………….…………………………………………………………………i
3-1、資料來源及樣本………………………..………………………………………… 14
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指導教授 洪榮華、林翠蓉
(Jung-hua Hung、Tsui-jung Lin)
審核日期 2012-6-25
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