博碩士論文 994208023 詳細資訊

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姓名 林佳樺(Chia-hua Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 商業銀行治理機制與資本適足程度對經營績效的影響─以台灣及中國為例
(The effect of corporate governance and capital adequacy on commercial bank performance:The cases of Taiwan and China)
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摘要(中) 本文以1998~2010年的台灣商業銀行及2001~2010年的中國商業銀行為研究對象,使用Panel data的迴歸模型來探討銀行資本適足程度與治理機制對經營績效的影響。本文分成兩部分進行研究,第一部分,首先,探討資本適足程度、銀行治理機制及金融變革下的所有權結構之靜態、選擇與動態效果對台灣商業銀行績效的影響。最後,探討政府機構和外資此兩類特定投資者在銀行的參與程度對銀行績效的影響。第二部分,採用兩階段迴歸模型,考慮治理機制及經營績效對資本適足率的影響,重新驗證第一部分結果是否成立。
摘要(英) The paper investigates the effects of capital adequacy and corporate governance on com-mercial bank performance over 1998-2010 in Taiwan and 2000-2010 in China. Empirical analysis divides into two parts. First, the paper uses static, selection and dynamic effects of ownership to analyze banks’ performance before and after changing ownership structure, and then it examines whether the involvement of government and foreign investor in the owner-ship structure had any siginificant effect on the bank’s performance. Second, considering the effect of perfornmance and coporate government on capital adequacy, the paper uses two-stept regression to check the result of first part.
The result show that captital adequacy ratio and coverage ratio are higher, ROE and ROA are better, but cost efficient and cost management is worse; while the market risk is higher, ROE and ROA are better, but cost management is worse; banks’ perfornmance after changing ownership structure are lower than before in Taiwan. The government ownership level has a positive association with operating cost ratio; the foreign ownership level has a positive asso-ciation with operating cost ratio but negative association with ROA and cost efficient; the percentage of foreign director affects operating cost ratio positively in Taiwan. While the captital adequacy ratio is higher, ROE is better, but cost management is worse; while the cov-erage ratio is higher, banks’ performance are better; while the market risk is higher, ROE and ROA are better, but cost management is worse; banks’ perfornmance after changing ownership structure are higher than before in China. The government ownership level has a negative association with performance; the foreign ownership level has a positive association with performance; the percentage of foreign director affects operating cost ratio and cost efficient positively but ROA negatively in China. The results on two-stept regression are similar to the previous result.
關鍵字(中) ★ 銀行經營績效
★ 公司治理
★ 所有權結構
★ 資本適足率
關鍵字(英) ★ capital adequacy ratio
★ ownership structure
★ bank performance
★ corporate govern-ance
論文目次 一、緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究架構 4
二、文獻回顧 5
2-1 所有權結構對經營績效的影響之文獻 5
2-2 治理機制對經營績效的影響之文獻 7
2-3 政府機構與外資參與程度對經營績效的影響之文獻 8
2-4 資本適足程度對經營績效的影響之文獻 9
三、台灣與中國銀行體系及資本適足規範之介紹 11
3-1 銀行體系介紹 11
3-1-1台灣銀行業體系 11
3-1-2中國銀行業體系 13
3-2 資本適足之規範 17
3-2-1台灣銀行業資本適足率之規範 17
3-2-2台灣銀行業資本適足率分類規範 19
3-2-3中國銀行業資本適足率之規範 20
3-2-4中國銀行業資本適足率分類規範 21
四、研究設計 23
4-1 研究對象與資料來源 23
4-2 模型設計 24
4-3 計量方法結果 29
4-4 變數介紹 34
4-4-1經營績效變數 34
4-4-2資本適足程度變數 35
4-4-3治理機制變數 36
4-4-4所有權結構變數 37
4-4-5控制變數 38
4-5 研究假說 40
五、台灣銀行業實證結果 53
5-1 敘述統計 53
5-2 銀行資本適足程度與所有權結構對經營績效之迴歸結果 58
5-3 政府機構與外資參與程度對經營績效之迴歸結果 70
5-3-1政府機構在銀行的參與程度對台灣銀行經營績效之影響 70
5-3-2 外資在銀行的參與程度對台灣銀行經營績效之影響 76
5-4 兩階段之迴歸結果 81
5-4-1考量治理機制對資本適足率之影響 81
5-4-2考量經營績效、治理機制對資本適足率之影響 84
六、中國銀行業實證結果 87
6-1 中國敘述統計 87
6-2 銀行資本適足程度與所有權結構對經營績效之迴歸結果 91
6-3 政府機構與外資參與程度對經營績效之迴歸結果 102
6-3-1 政府機構在銀行的參與程度對中國銀行經營績效之影響 102
6-3-2 外資在銀行的參與程度對中國銀行經營績效之影響 106
6-4 兩階段之迴歸結果 110
6-4-1考量治理機制對資本適足率之影響 110
6-4-2考量經營績效、治理機制對資本適足率之影響 114
七、結論及建議 118
參考文獻 127
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 陳錦村、張傳章 審核日期 2012-7-19
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