摘要(英) |
The past two decays say an era of low profit margins, the fast development of information technology, and upsurges of the consumer consciousness in the pursuit of product variety and personalization. These successful firms in the past computer industry find their successful formulas does not work anymore since the Apple launched iPad. In the emphasized era of mobile computing, It breaks the standardization toward differentiation, and hardware-oriented becomes software-oriented, and not only in office but also into personal life; most importantly, these changes are their weaknesses. As Apple makes a great impact, how does its business model work? And how does non-Apple firms respond to get rid of this dilemma? And that is an aims this thesis wants to explore.
This research is going to apply five-force analysis, business model and SWOT to explore business strategy of Asus and Acer, and challenges and opportunities they will probably meet in the future. Finally, I will examine what difference both companies have in their stock price when some influential events happened. Our conclusion finds that Apple realizes that using excellent business model to pack outstanding technique would be clever than using fashionable design to pack outstanding technique. Hence, with successful experience of iTune, it develops App store to make complete position in software. Therefore, with strong support of software, Apple launched iPad to change the structure of computer industry immediately, and announce the era of mobile computing coming. Non-Apple firms fail in original successful formula, making them think how to change business model so that they can turn the corner form Apple’shock.
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〔1〕 公開資訊觀測站 : http://newmops.tse.oom.tw
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〔4〕 Digitimes : http://www.digitimes.com.tw/
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