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姓名 陳映如(Ying-Ru Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 從日本福島核災探討氣候變遷風險與核能風險認知之研究
(The risk perception of climate change and nuclear energy after Fukushima nuclear disaster)
★ 銀行授信行為之研究★ 經發會前後台股指數、期貨指數、電子指數與金融指數之關聯性
★ 台灣家庭夏天用電需求分析★ 影響台銀黃金存摺價格因素之研究
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★ 台美股價、匯率、利率之動態關聯-VECM與VECM-GARCH應用★ 台灣攤販業獲利決定因素-人力資本的影響
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摘要(中) 近期節能減碳議題遽增主要係因應全球暖化問題,故減少二氧化碳排放是目前國際間制定環境政策極重要的考量,而2011年3月11日發生日本福島核災,全球對此事件再次對核能安全投以關注,因此,本研究的目的為估計台灣民眾避免核能風險與氣候變遷風險的願付價值,以及在日本福島核災後民眾之核能態度分析。
本研究採用假設性市場評估法作估計方式,並透過問卷調查對民眾詢問其願付價值以及相關態度。其中估計願付價值之模型包括OLS、Tobit、雙檻式模型,而以近似無相關迴歸模型探討願付價值間是否存在內生性問題,最後分析核能態度則採用Multinomial Logit模型。
摘要(英) The issue of energy saving and carbon reduction is due to global warming. So that the most important consideration is to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide. On 11 March 2011, it happened the Fukushima nuclear disaster. People pay more attention to the security of nuclear power. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to estimate the willingness to pay of avoiding the risks of nuclear power and climate change. Furthermore, this study also concerns about the attitude to nuclear energy after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
This study estimates mainly by contingent valuation method, and asks about the willingness to pay and related attitudes by way of questionnaire survey. As for estimating the willingness to pay, it contains Ordinary least squares regression, Tobit, and Double-Hurdle Model. Besides, this study checks endogeneity between those willingness to pay by Seemingly unrelated regression equations. Finally, the attitude to nuclear energy analyses by Multinomial logit model.
As the empirical results shown, the willingness to pay of substitute for nuclear power by natural gas in order to avoid the risks of nuclear power is between NT$110 and NT$195. To mitigate the risks of climate change by way of nuclear power, the willingness to pay of promotion of nuclear security to avoid the risks of nuclear power is between NT$98 and NT$202. To mitigate the risks of climate change by way of renewables, the willingness to pay of being charged with the higher cost of renewables is between NT$160 and NT$223. Then, the results of Seemingly unrelated regression equations show that the model exists endogeneity significantly. Eventually, the analysis of attitude to nuclear energy show that the tendencies to be opposed attitude whether given before or after are: higher degree of nuclear risk averse, more concerned with environmental risk, less concerned with human health risks, pay much attention to security of electricity generation, less education. However, the tendency to attitude changed from support to oppose only contains higher degree of nuclear risk averse.
關鍵字(中) ★ 核能態度
★ 願付價值
★ 核能風險
★ 氣候變遷風險
關鍵字(英) ★ Risk perception
★ Willingness to pay
★ Climate change
★ Nuclear energy
論文目次 中文摘要 .................................. I
ABSTRACT ................................. II
誌謝 ...................................... III
目錄 ...................................... IV
圖目錄 ..................................... VII
表目錄 ..................................... VIII
一、緒論 ................................... 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 .......................... 1
1-2 研究方法 ............................... 2
1-3 研究架構 ............................... 3
二、背景介紹 ................................ 4
2-1 日本福島核災與核災前後日本能源供給概況 ....... 4
2-1-1日本福島核災事件介紹 .................... 4
2-1-2 核災前後日本能源供給概況 ................ 5
2-2 全球能源發展與全球暖化之相關介紹 ........... 6
2-2-1 全球能源之發展趨勢 ..................... 6
2-2-2 探討全球暖化風險 ...................... 8
2-3 台灣能源發展與台灣暖化風險之相關介紹 ........ 9
2-3-1 長期電力供應結構 ...................... 9
2-3-2 台灣暖化風險 ......................... 12
2-3-3 改善暖化風險之政策措施 ................. 14
三、文獻回顧 ............................... 16
3-1 採用假設性市場評估法探討能源研究之相關文獻 ... 16
3-2 探討氣候變遷風險之相關文獻 ................ 18
3-3 探討核能風險之相關文獻 ................... 20
四、問卷設計與敘述統計分析 .................... 24
4-1 問卷設計 ............................... 24
4-2 問卷回收情況 ........................... 26
4-3 敘述統計分析 ........................... 27
五、理論模型與實證結果 ....................... 37
5-1 理論模型 ............................... 37
5-2 實證模型架構 ............................ 40
5-2-1 迴歸變數說明 .......................... 40
5-2-2 迴歸變數預測分析 ....................... 44
5-3 實證結果 ............................... 45
5-3-1 願付價值分析 .......................... 46
5-3-2 非學生樣本核能態度分析 .................. 58
5-3-3 新世代族群核能態度分析................... 61
六、結論與建議 ............................... 65
6-1 結論 ................................... 65
6-2 研究限制與建議 ........................... 66
參考文獻 .................................... 67
附錄一 ...................................... 71
附錄二 ...................................... 72
附錄三 ...................................... 79
附錄四 ...................................... 80
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指導教授 劉錦龍(Jin-Long Liu) 審核日期 2012-6-28
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