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姓名 張碧暖(Pi-nuan Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 信用評價制度與網路交易
(Reputation Mechanism and Online Trading)
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摘要(中) 本論文乃是利用賽局理論所發展出來的均衡概念,處理在訊息不完全之下「信用評價制度與網路交易」的議題。我們分成三個主題討論,得到結果如下:
第二,有關「資訊不對稱下均衡概念之關聯─以網路交易分析為例」。此內容建構在一個賣方與兩個買方的兩期網路交易模型上,我們讓賣方型態與交易期數為賣方的私有資訊,其中賣方類型假設有誠實型與一般型,誠實型賣方偏好交貨,一般型則偏好不交貨,因此,我們利用Kreps and Wilson(1982)發展的「信譽效果」概念,以對偶方式呈現我們的兩期模型。然而,我們的模型有別於連鎖店賽局只用直觀準則,就可完全刪除買方用不合理猜測所支撐出的均衡。我們證明此模型,必須進一步採用D1準則,甚至到策略穩定性要求,才有唯一的均衡路徑。這一部份的分析,是以往相關文獻上不需討論的,其間可清楚看出,在資訊不對稱下各均衡概念的差異。我們並應用Gambit軟體以數值模擬方式找出Nash均衡,具體呈現各個均衡概念的關聯。在得到唯一滿足策略穩定性要求的序列均衡路徑下,我們的研究結果顯示,「信用評價制度」的引進,的確在鼓勵賣方採取誠實行為上有其貢獻。
摘要(英) This paper is theoretical analysis of game theory equilibrium concepts to discuss with incomplete information in reputation mechanism and online trading. Therefore, we develop models that aim to capture the reputation mechanism and online trading. We divided into three topics, the results are as follows:
About the first topic, we discuss ‘the Exploration of Reputation Mechanism in Online Trading’. We assume seller and buyer a selection of online transactions, and seller’s type is his private information. We find that even if there is no "reputaion mechanism", there will continue to be traded and an opportunistic seller will cheat. After considering the class of binary reputation mechanism where buyers can only report the outcome of a transaction as ‘positive’or‘negative’, the reputation induce current cooperation using the threat of future punishment following negative reports, about the seller’’s current behavior. One important result of the topic, the mechanism is to be useful, not the mechanism itself, but sellers willing to honest transactions on the online trading.
About the second topic, we discuss ‘Connecting Equilibrium Concepts in Asymmetric Information−the Market for Online Transactions’. The topic builds a two-period signaling game to study whether or not the ‘Ordinary’ long run seller has sufficient incentive to gain credibility for his second sale by delivering the good in the first period. We assume that short-run (one-shot) buyer is uncertain about the seller’’s type, and whether or not the seller will be in the market in the second period is also seller’s private information. This model can be viewed as a dual model of Kreps and Wilson (1982). Contrary to the uniqueness results in Kreps and Wilson, we have multiple equilibrium paths passing Intuitive Criterion. Hence, in order to obtain a unique equilibrium path, we must apply D1 Criterion and require strategically stable. Therefore, we can tell the discrepancy under each type of equilibrium concepts under asymmetric information. We also apply Gambit software to get numerical simulation of all pure strategy Nash equilibria of this model. In the unique strategically stable equilibrium, when the probability of an ‘Ordinary’ short run seller is sufficiently low, the outcome is that the ‘Ordinary’ long run seller has sufficient incentive to gain credibility for his second sale by delivering the good in the first period. Hence, concern for reputation can encourage sellers to adopt honest delivery behavior, thereby benefiting the market for online transactions.
About the final topic, we discuss ‘Online Trading with Different Degrees of Trade Frequency Revelation’. The topic applies the model of the previous research to study the impact of different degrees of trade frequency revelation. Whether or not the seller will be in the market in the second period is either public information or seller’s private information. In the unique sequential equilibrium, when the probability of the second transaction is high, introducing a feedback system increases the total trade volume and shipping. However, when the probability of the second transaction is low, with high probability of ‘Honest’ seller, introducing a feedback system decreases the total trade volume if neither buyer nor seller knows the second transaction for sure. Hence, concern for reputation cannot encourage ‘Ordinary’ seller to adopt honest delivery behavior.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資訊不對稱
★ 序列均衡
★ 直觀準則
★ D1準則
★ 信譽
★ 網路交易
★ 信息揭示
關鍵字(英) ★ Asymmetric information
★ Online trading
★ Reputation
★ Intuitive criterion
★ D1 criterion
★ Information revelation
★ Sequential equilibrium
論文目次 中文摘要 i
謝辭 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
一、緒 論 1
1−1 研究動機與目的 1
1−2 論文架構 3
參考文獻 5
二、網路交易信用評價機制的探討 6
2−1 前言 6
2−1−1 相關文獻 6
2−1−2 研究方法與目的 8
2−2 基本模型 9
2−2−1 沒有合作型的單期模型 10
2−2−2 有合作型的單期均衡 11
2−2−3 有合作型均衡策略的意涵 13
2−3 兩期模型 13
2−3−1 訊息隔離的情況 14
2−3−2 訊息連結的情況−信用評價制度的引進 16
2−3−3 兩期模型的信用評價價值 19
2−3−4 多期模型的信用評價價值 21
2−4 有、無信用評價機制的比較 21
2−5 結論 25
附錄一 網路拍賣實務上之調查 28
附錄二 數學證明 31
參考文獻 37
三、資訊不對稱下均衡概念之關聯─以網路交易分析為例 39
3−1 前言 39
3−2 基本模型 43
3−2−1 模型設定 43
3−2−2 相關符號的定義 45
3−2−3 信用評價制度 47
3−2−4 資訊不對稱下的均衡概念 47
3−3 均衡分析 52
3−3−1 在信用評價制度下,各個均衡概念的分析 52
3−3−2 在信用評價制度下,如何運用Gambit軟體求解Nash均衡 61
3−3−3 在沒有實施信用評價制度下之序列均衡 63
3−3−4 均衡的經濟意涵 66
3−4 結論與未來研究方向 69
附錄一 在信用評價制度下之序列均衡求解過程 71
附錄二 在沒有信用評價制度下之序列均衡求解過程 78
參考文獻 81
四、交易期數資訊的揭露程度對網路交易的影響 83
4−1 前言 83
4−2 模型設定 86
4−2−1 三種資訊揭露的模型設定 86
4−2−2 期數資訊的揭露與實務上的對應 88
4−2−3 信用評價制度的設定 89
4−2−4 各交易者行為策略與猜測體系 89
4−2−5 在三種期數資訊下之賽局定義 91
4−3 均衡分析 97
4−3−1 序列均衡(sequential equilibrium)的定義 97
4−3−2 序列均衡(sequential equilibrium) 98
4−4 不同的期數資訊揭露下經濟意涵的比較 104
4−4−1 不同的期數資訊揭露下買方1的最低購買門檻 104
4−4−2 在不同的期數資訊揭露下之市場交易量 106
4−4−3 比較資訊對稱與資訊不對稱,對市場交易的影響 110
4−4−4 有、無「信用評價制度」之總交易量的比較 115
4−4−5 有、無「信用評價制度」之平均交貨量的比較 118
4−5 結論 120
附錄一 在完全揭露下之序列均衡求解過程 123
附錄二 在部份揭露下之序列均衡求解過程 127
附錄三 在完全不揭露下之序列均衡求解過程 129
參考文獻 136
五、結論 138
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指導教授 陳忠榮、梁孟玉
(Jong-Rong Chen、Meng-Yu Liang)
審核日期 2012-7-19
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