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姓名 莊承恩(Cheng-en Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 半虛擬化漏洞造成雲端平台隔離性失效之研究
(On the Fail of Isolation in Cloud Computing Platform with Paravirtualization Vulnerability)
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摘要(中) 現行各種雲端運算之彈性仰賴於虛擬化技術的支持,然而虛擬化之安全建構於其技術所能提供之隔離性,若雲端平台上使用者打破虛擬化隔離性,則雲端平台所有共用使用者將一併受害。本論文以Xen Hypervisor所提供之半虛擬化技術為對象,探討使用虛擬化技術時隔離議題之重要性,歸納出虛擬化技術中實作顯示暫存區常發生之共同漏洞,並以半虛擬化顯示暫存區漏洞的實際漏洞CVE-2008-1943,展示虛擬機器脫逸(Virtual Machine Escape)實驗,取得Xen中的Domain 0之Root Shell,來證明虛擬化的隔離非牢不可破。最後在其他Domain U不知情的情況下,以竄改該Domain U的開機磁區,使其開機程序受到綁架,由此說明隔離性失效之後帶來的影響及損失。研究貢獻在於歸納出虛擬化技術中實作顯示暫存之共同漏洞,並以實際半虛擬化顯示暫存區進行虛擬機器脫逸實驗,以實驗結果證明虛擬化隔離性失效。此外更提供開機磁區竄改實驗作為後續攻擊之案例,以說明隔離性失效後可能帶來之損失,作為未來雲端安全核心研究之基礎。
摘要(英) The on-demand feature of cloud computing is rely on supporting of virtualization technology, it is worth to know that security in virtualization is built upon the isolation. Thus, once the user of the cloud platform break the isolation, then all the users in the cloud platform will become victims. In this thesis, I focus on paravirtualization which is provided by Xen hypervisor to discuss about the importance of isolation in virtualization technology. It conclude that there are common vulnerability in many implementation of video-related device in virtualization technology. Moreover, with a practical exploitation about CVE-2008-1943, this thesis show that user can escape from an unpriviedge domain to the privilege domain’’s root shell (Virtual Machine Escape). Finally, this thesis show that attacker can easily hijack other user’’s virtual machine by modifying the virtual machine’’s master boot record. The major contributions are conclude the common vulnerability which is the implementation of video device in virtualization technology, and provide an hand-on VM escape experiment to prove the fail of isolation in virtualization. Moreover, this thesis provide an attack model, Master Boot Record Hijacking, to explain the impact after the fail of isolation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雲端平台
★ 虛擬化隔離
★ 半虛擬化漏洞
★ 虛擬機器脫逸
★ Xen Hypervisor
關鍵字(英) ★ Cloud Computing
★ Isolation of Virtualization
★ Paravirtualization Vulnerability
★ Virtual Machine Escape
★ Xen Hypervisor
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 .................................... 1
1.2 研究動機 .................................... 2
1.2.1 CSEP:雲端安全實驗平台....................... 2
1.2.2 虛擬化隔離之重要性.......................... 4
1.3 研究目的.................................... 7
1.4 研究貢獻.................................... 8
1.5 論文架構.................................... 9
第二章 相關研究 10
2.1 虛擬化平台分類................................. 10
2.2 程式及系統安全................................. 12
2.2.1 Stack-basedBufferOverflow ...................... 12
2.2.2 ReturnintoLib(c)............................ 15
2.3 虛擬機器脫逸相關實驗............................. 19
2.3.1 VMware分享資料夾漏洞........................ 19
2.3.2 Cloudburst:VMware虛擬顯示裝置之漏洞.............. 21
2.3.3 Virtunoid:KVM類型之虛擬機器脫逸 ................ 22
第三章 虛擬機器脫逸 25
3.1 半虛擬化技術之架構.............................. 25
3.2 實例:CVE-2008-1943漏洞分析........................ 26
3.2.1 修改tools/ioemu/hw/xenfb.c...................... 30
3.2.2 修改drivers/video/xen-fbfront.c .................... 33
3.3 實驗結果 .................................... 38
3.3.1 假設與情境............................... 38
3.3.2 實際測試 ................................ 40
3.4 脫逸實驗相關討論 ............................... 43
3.4.1 全虛擬化脫逸之討論.......................... 43
3.4.2 硬體支援虛擬化脫逸之討論...................... 44
3.4.3 虛擬機器脫逸共同模式 ........................ 45
第四章 虛擬化隔離性探討 47
4.1 隔離性失效後之攻擊.............................. 47
4.2 MasterBootRecord竄改............................ 48
4.2.1 開機磁區之說明 ............................ 48
4.2.2 MasterBootRecord實作........................ 49
4.3 竄改MBR之實驗結果............................. 52
第五章 結論 55
5.1 研究結論與貢獻................................. 55
5.2 未來可行之研究................................. 56
參考文獻 57
附錄 A. Xen 漏洞統計表 64
附錄 B. Windows XP 之 Master Boot Record 66
附錄 C. MBR 常數及函式 (參考自 Stoned Bootkit) 68
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指導教授 陳奕明(Yi-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2012-8-16
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