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姓名 何曉緯(Hsiao-Wei Ho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 租賃契約與退休計劃之評價研究
(Two Essays on Valuation of Lease Contracts and Pension Plans)
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摘要(中) 本文是由兩篇關於租賃契約和退休計劃的評價研究所構成。
在第二篇研究中,我們針對確定提撥制退休計劃提出三種最低通膨率保證收益類型,並分別推導其評價公式。我們將一資產價格的動態過程併入原本僅考慮名目利率,實質利率,通貨膨脹率之Jarrow and Yildirim’s (2003)三因子模型,並將之延伸至m因子的設定。實證結果顯示,若目前名目利率水準相對較低或是物價水準相對較高,則三種最低通膨率保證收益的價值會較大。此外,多期最低通膨率保證收益之價值大於其他兩種類型。
摘要(英) This study contains two essays on the valuation of lease contracts and pension plans.
In Essay 1, we propose an integrated reduced form model to calculate the values of adjust-able-rate leases that have an embedded cancellation option, a purchase option, and default risk. Numerical results reveal that the interest-rate volatility, the market prices of risk, as well as the likelihoods of default, cancellation, and purchase have significant impacts on the lease term structure. Furthermore, the positive values of the default risk premium, the cancellation option, and the purchase option embedded in the lease contract reveal that the lessor will require a sig-nificant risk premium in the initial rent of the lease contract.
In Essay 2, we propose three types of defined contribution pension plans associated with the minimum inflation rate guarantees and derive the corresponding valuation formulae respectively. We incorporate an asset price dynamics into Jarrow and Yildirim’s (2003) model and generalize it from a three-factor HJM model to a m-factor model to specify the processes of the nominal in-terest rates, the real interest rates, the inflation rates, as well as the asset prices. The empirical results reveal that the all the values for three types of guarantees are greater if the current (nomi-nal) interest rate level is relatively lower and the inflation rate is relatively higher. Furthermore, the multi-period inflation guarantees are more valuable than the other two types of guarantees.
關鍵字(中) ★ 不動產
★ 租賃契約
★ 內含選擇權
★ 退休計劃
★ 確定提撥制
★ 相對保障收益
關鍵字(英) ★ Real Estate
★ Lease Contracts
★ Embedded Options
★ Pension Plans
★ Defined Contribution
★ Relative Guarantees
論文目次 Contents
Abstract in Chinese ....................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... ii
Contents ........................................................................................................................................ iii
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. vi
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. viii
Essay 1: Simultaneous Implication of Credit Risk and Embedded Options in Lease
Contracts ....................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 2
2. Model .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Specification of Interest Rates .......................................................................... 8
2.2 Assumptions of the Lease Contract .................................................................. 9
2.2.1 Specification of the Service-Flow Process .......................................... 10
2.2.2 Specification of the Price of the Leased Asset Process ....................... 10
2.2.3 Specification of the Reference Index .................................................. 11
2.3 Valuation of Lease Contracts .......................................................................... 12
2.3.1 No-Arbitrage Condition in Valuing Lease Contracts .......................... 12
2.3.2 Specifications of the Hazard Rates ...................................................... 18
2.3.3 Linear Functions of Explanatory Variables ......................................... 21
3. Numerical Analysis .................................................................................................. 27
3.1 The Impact of Interest Rate Volatility ............................................................ 29
3.2 The Impact of the Market Price of Risk ......................................................... 31
3.3 The Impact of the Hazard Rate ....................................................................... 32
3.4 The Impact of the Recovery Rate ................................................................... 33
3.5 The Impact of the Correlation between Interest Rate and Service-flow ........ 34
3.6 The Values of the Adjustment, the Embedded Option, and the Default Risk
Premium .......................................................................................................... 35
4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 40
Appendix A: First Two Moments of Variables ............................................................ 43
A.1 Mean and Variance ........................................................................................ 44
A.2 Covariances of Variables ............................................................................... 47
Appendix B: Proof of Proposition 1 ............................................................................. 50
B.1 Derivation of ................................................................................. 51
B.2 Derivation of ................................................................................. 51
B.3 Derivation of and ......................................................... 52
B.4 Derivation of , , , , and
........................................................................................................ 55
B.5 Derivation of , , and ....................................... 60
Reference ...................................................................................................................... 65
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指導教授 張傳章、黃泓人
(Chuang-Chang Chang、Henry H. Huang)
審核日期 2013-1-10
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