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姓名 鍾震耀(Chen-yao Chung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 以βΡ的方法在推薦系統中刪除惡意評價資料之研究
(βP: A Novel Approach to Filter out Malicious Rating Profiles from Recommender Systems)
★ 在社群網站上作互動推薦及研究使用者行為對其效果之影響★ 以AHP法探討伺服器品牌大廠的供應商遴選指標的權重決定分析
★ 以AHP法探討智慧型手機產業營運中心區位選擇考量關鍵因素之研究★ 太陽能光電產業經營績效評估-應用資料包絡分析法
★ 建構國家太陽能電池產業競爭力比較模式之研究★ 以序列採礦方法探討景氣指標與進出口值的關聯
★ ERP專案成員組合對績效影響之研究★ 推薦期刊文章至適合學科類別之研究
★ 品牌故事分析與比較-以古早味美食產業為例★ 以方法目的鏈比較Starbucks與Cama吸引消費者購買因素
★ 探討創意店家創業價值之研究- 以赤峰街、民生社區為例★ 以領先指標預測企業長短期借款變化之研究
★ 應用層級分析法遴選電競筆記型電腦鍵盤供應商之關鍵因子探討★ 以互惠及利他行為探討信任關係對知識分享之影響
★ 結合人格特質與海報主色以類神經網路推薦電影之研究★ 資料視覺化圖表與議題之關聯
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摘要(中) 隨著電子商務網站的普及化建立,消費者或顧客可以透過推薦系統的建議方便購物,而目前以協同過濾的方式來建構推薦系統為市場上的主要技術,為了廣泛收集消費者或顧客的意見與資料,推薦系統必須建構在網際網路環境中,此網路開放的特性同時也使得推薦系統比較容易遭受心懷不軌的人士操弄攻擊,利用灌入一些不公平的假評分資料來扭曲推薦系統所所提供的產品推薦排名,而達成其攻擊的目的。
近年來,為了解決推薦系統被攻擊的問題,已經有一些偵測攻擊的方法被提出,但是這些方法在應用上都有一些限制,由於在推薦系統中經常擁有大量遺失值(Missing Values),以主成分分析(Principal Components Analysis, PCA)為理論基礎的偵測方法必須事先加入大量替代值,此舉會使得整個推薦資料庫不真實;另外,以分類法(Classification)為基礎的偵測技術需要數量相當的真實資料與攻擊資料來訓練分類器,否則會造成分類不平衡(Imbalance)的問題,而實務上收集真實的攻擊資料並不容易;而以統計製程管制(Statistical Process Control, SPC)為基礎的偵測技術,必須在偵測之前取得被攻擊項目之評分機率分配,且仍無法完全移除攻擊者所產生的相關評分資料。為此,本研究在不需要前述方法的限制條件下,我們提出一個βP方法來消除這些被假評分的攻擊問題,而βP方法的理論基礎為統計上的Beta機率分配,βP方法除了容易計算,且透過實驗顯示此方法在MovieLens的推薦系統上對於攻擊資料有著非常穩定有效的過濾效果。
摘要(英) Recommender systems are widely deployed to provide user purchasing suggestion on eCommerce websites. The technology that has been adopted by most recommender systems is collaborative filtering. However, with the open nature of collaborative filtering recommender systems, they suffer significant vulnerabilities from being attacked by malicious raters, who inject profiles consisting of biased ratings.
In recent years, several attack detection algorithms have been proposed to handle the issue. Unfortunately, their applications are restricted by various constraints. PCA-based methods while having good performance on paper, still suffer from missing values that plague most user-item matrixes. Classification-based methods require balanced numbers of attacks and normal profiles to train the classifiers. The detector based on SPC (Statistical Process Control) assumes that the rating probability distribution for each item is known in advance. In this research, Beta-Protection (βP) is proposed to alleviate the problem without the abovementioned constraints. βP grounds its theoretical foundation on Beta distribution for easy computation and has stable performance when experimenting with data derived from the public websites of MovieLens.
關鍵字(中) ★ 攻擊偵測
★ 協同過濾
★ 推薦系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Shilling attacks detection
★ Collaborative filtering
★ Recommender systems
論文目次 INDEX
中文摘要 i
致謝 iii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Related Work 6
Chapter 3. The Proposed Methodology 11
3.1 The Problem Definition 13
3.2 Counting the probability of items being rated 15
3.3 Converting Likert ratings to Tri-Value ratings 18
3.4 Creating rating sets from Transformed matrix 20
3.5 The Algorithm of βP 24
Chapter 4. Evaluation of βP 29
4.1 Simulation dataset 29
4.2 Types of attacks 29
4.3 Adjusting quantiles 30
4.4 The protection provided by βP under various attacks 31
4.5 Compare and Contrast to the Performance of PCA methods 36
Chapter 5. Conclusion 38
References 40
Figure 1. Identifying Raters Scoring Extremely Low Number of Items 26
Figure 2. Identifying Raters Given Extreme Scores 27
Figure 3. Filtering out Attackers 28
Figure 4. The Detection and False Alarm Rates with Various Quantiles and Filler Sizes under an Attack Size of 5% 31
Figure 5. Performance under Single-Target Push Attacks 33
Figure 6. Performance under Single-Target Nuke Attacks 33
Figure 7. Performance under Multiple-Target Push Attacks 35
Figure 8. Performance under Multiple-Target Nuke Attacks 35
Figure 9. PCA Methods under Single-Target Push Attacks 37
Figure 10. PCA Methods under Single-Target Nuke Attacks 37
Table 1 A Sample of a User-Item Matrix, R 17
Table 2 A Sample Transformed Matrix, T^3,4,5 19
Table 3 A Sample Transformed Matrix, T^1,2,3 20
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指導教授 許秉瑜(Ping-yu Hsu) 審核日期 2013-3-13
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