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姓名 李雅涵(Nhat Hanh Le)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 The Use of Influence Strategies in Marketing Channel Relationships: A Meta-Analytic Review and Assessment of the Antecedents and Outcomes
★ The Relationship between Team Identification, Perceived Congruence, and Sponsor Credibility on Sports Team Sponsor’s Brand Equity in a Cross-Country Context★ 行銷通路策略全球在地化的實例探討
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摘要(中) The dissertation provides a quantitative review of influence strategies in marketing channels. An intensive and comprehensive narrative review of literature over the last four decades indicates that power and influence strategies are always at the heart of distribution channels management, and hundreds of empirical/primary researches have been devoted to study this topic. However, research findings are various, even inconsistent or contradictory, regarding statistical significance, direction, and strength of relationships that coercive/non-coercive influence strategies exhibit with a number of antecedent and outcome variables. Thus, this dissertation is dedicated to systematically review the literature of influence strategies and employ meta-analytic techniques to provide insights into the directions and strengths of the most frequently studied antecedents as well as outcomes of coercive/non-coercive influence strategies. Two meta-analytic methods including univariate and multivariate are employed to analyze the relationships. The results of the meta-analysis reveal that there are five most frequently studied antecedent variables and seven outcomes. Finally, managerial implications for the judicious application of coercive and non-coercive influence strategies are discussed, and some important research directions are recommended for future attention.
摘要(英) 本研究是以數量分析方法來探討行銷通路中的影響策略。過去40年來,有相當多的文獻指出通路權力和影響策略通常為通路管理的核心,且有不少實證研究亦探討此類議題。然而,在強制和非強制性影響策略與一些變數和結果變數之間的統計顯著性、影響方向,及關係強度的研究結果上,往往不一致甚至矛盾。因此,本研究致力於系統性的回顧有關影響策略的文獻,並運用統合分析研究變數的方向和強度、以及強制性和非強制性影響策略的結果。本研究所使用的統合性分析,是運用單變數及多變數進行資料分析並探討變數間的關聯性。統合性分析的結果指出文獻中曾提出最重要的五個變數及七個結果。本研究的管理意涵,是深度探討強制性及非強制性影響策略在管理的運用與未來研究方向。
關鍵字(中) ★ None
關鍵字(英) ★ Meta-analysis
★ influence strategies
★ exercise of power
★ marketing channels
★ channels of distribution
1.1. Significance of a Meta-analysis on Influence Strategies in Marketing Channels 1
1.2. Research Objectives 3
1.3. Research Contributions 4
1.4. Overview of Research Process 5
1.5. Organization of the Dissertation 5
2.1. Conceptual Background 8
2.1.1. Influence Strategies 8
2.1.2. Categorization of Influence Strategies 11
2.2. Theoretical Background 15
2.2.1. Social Exchange Theory 15
2.2.2. Resource Dependence Theory 17
2.2.3. Political Economy Paradigm 18
2.3. Empirical Review 19
3.1. Conceptual Framework 22
3.2. Antecedents of Influence Strategies 23
3.2.1. Magnitude of Power 25
3.2.2. Dependence 27
3.2.3. Countervailing Power 28
3.2.4. Power Asymmetry 29
3.2.5. Relational Environment 30
3.3. Outcomes of Influence Strategies 31
3.3.1. Attributed Power 32
3.3.2. Compliance 33
3.3.3. Reciprocal Strategies 34
3.3.4. Conflict 35
3.3.5. Cooperation 37
3.3.6. Channel Performance 38
3.3.7. Global Relationship Quality (GRQ) 39
3.4. Moderators 41
3.4.1. Sides of the Dyad 41
3.4.2. Number of Industry 42
3.4.3. Channel Contexts 43
3.4.4. Channel Forms 44
3.4.5. National Settings 44
4.1. Meta-analysis Methodology 46
4.1.1 Definition 46
4.1.2. Meta-analysis Practices 46
4.1.3. Meta-analysis: Univariate Method 47
4.1.4. Meta-analysis: Multivariate Method 50
4.1.5. Critical Issues in Meta-analysis Practices 52
4.2. Application of Meta-analysis Methodology in the Current Research 52
4.2.1. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 53
4.2.2 Meta-analytic Univariate Method 55
4.2.3. Meta-analytic Multivariate Method 63
5.1. Dichotomization of Influence strategies 65
5.1.1. Correlation Matrix 65
5.1.2. CFA results 68
5.2. Results of Univariate Analysis 68
5.2.1. Antecedents of Influence Strategies 71
5.2.2. Outcomes of Influence Strategies 74
5.3. Results of Multivariate Analyses 78
5.3.1. Antecedents-Influence Strategies Model 78
5.3.1. Influence Strategies-Outcomes Model 80
5.4. Tests of Moderators 84
6.1. Conclusion 89
6.2. Theoretical Implications 91
6.3. Managerial Implications 92
6.4. Limitations and Future Research Directions 96
APPENDIX 1: Summary of Major Empirical Research on Coercive/Non-Coercive Influence Strategies 119
APPENDIX 2: Coding Form 144
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指導教授 鄭明松(Julian Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2013-4-25
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