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姓名 林家佑(jiayou Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 溫室氣體減量績效查證差異探討─以電信業辦公大樓為例
(Study on the difference of Greenhouse gas reduction performance verification ─ An example of the telecommunication office buildings)
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摘要(中) 本研究針對位於台灣北(A棟)、中(B棟)、南(C棟)地區,三棟已建置建築能源監控系統(BEMS)之電信業辦公大樓,統計分析其使用面積、用電量、用電設備與改善前後資料,並依據北、中、南三區氣候之溫、濕度條件,探討三個地區環境特性,對大樓用電狀況的影響,同時藉由能源管理系統,分析三棟辦公大樓用電改善,對溫室氣體減量的成果,以提供後續用電改善及落實能源管理系統的參考。
研究結果顯示,電信業辦公大樓用電量最大之設備為中央空調系統,進一步分析發現,用電量與大氣焓值呈現出正相關。另外,本研究使用能源查核制度之「非生產性質行業能源查核制度申報表」統計各設備耗電量,所求得的98年二氧化碳減量成果,A、B、C棟大樓分別為15.4、38和62.6公噸,且各大樓於98至100年間的年減碳變化,均低於1%;依ISO 50001計量原則,統計A、B、C棟大樓98年減碳量,分別為64、11及50公噸,各大樓於98至100年間的年減碳差異,最高可達7倍。
在ISO 50001計量中,98年到100年間減碳量變化差異,A棟大樓主因為設備老化,B棟大樓則因BEMS控管失效,導致大樓減碳量逐年降低,而C棟大樓監測和控制設備之建置最為完整,因此減碳量成效逐年提升,可明顯見到BEMS控管成效。利用相依樣本t檢定時,A、C棟辦公大樓節能減碳量,係由節能改善措施及藉由BEMS控管而獲得(P值<0.05);但以Wilcoxon符號等級檢定時,A棟辦公大樓冬季則表現出無顯著改善(P值>0.05),經查核冬季實際出現減碳量為負值,因此較適宜用Wilcoxon符號等級檢定,做為不確定性檢核。
摘要(英) This research investigated the effectiveness of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) installed in three telecommunication office buildings located in northern (Building A), central (Building B) and southern (Building C) part of Taiwan. The data of building floorage, total electricity usage, and the electrical equipments were collected and analyzed before and after adapting of BEMS. In addition, based on the information of climate temperature and humidity conditions in the three geographical areas, the effects of environmental characteristics on building energy usage were assessed. Also, the effectiveness of energy management systems upon the energy saving and the reduction of carbon dioxide of these three telecommunication office buildings were evaluated in order to provide further information for supporting the implement of BEMS in telecommunication business.
The results of this study indicated that the most of energy consumption equipment in the office building was the central air conditioning system and the amount of energy consumption had a positive relationship with atmospheric enthalpy. Examined the total energy usage from the records of the Energy audit systems "energy audit system returns for non-production activities" found that the reductions of carbon dioxide in buildings A, B and C in 2009 were 15.4, 38 and 62.6 tons, respectively, and the change of carbon reduction between 2009 and 2011 for each building was less than 1%. According to the principle of measurement and verification in ISO 50001, the amount of carbon reduction for buildings A, B, and C in 2009 was 64, 11, and 50 tons, respectively, and the yearly difference in carbon reduction between 2009 and 2011 for each building was as high as 7 times
The difference in carbon reduction efficiency among the three buildings between 2009 and 2011 was calculated based on ISO 50001. It found that aging equipments in building A and BEMS control failure in building B resulted in the decreases of carbon reduction efficiency for Building A and B. However, due to adequate monitoring and control equipment in Building C, the effectiveness of carbon reduction was increased on a yearly basis. This verified the benefits of BEMS for Building C. The results of two-sample t-test shown that the implementation of energy saving policies and BEMS were the main factors for carbon reduction (p-value <0.05) in building A and C. The results of Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated that the performance of carbon reduction was insignificant during the winter time for building A (p-vale >0.05), and further examination revealed that the amount of carbon reduction was a negative value in winter time. Therefore, Wilcoxon signed-rank test was the best for uncertainty test.
關鍵字(中) ★ 節能減碳
★ ISO 50001
★ 能源查核制度
關鍵字(英) ★ Energy saving and Carbon reduction
★ Energy audit systems
★ ISO 50001
論文目次 中文摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅳ
目錄 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 Ⅸ
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的及內容 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 溫室氣體減排技術 5
2.2 溫室氣體計畫型減量方法學 8
2.2.1 現行計量方法學比較 8
2.2.2 ISO 50001及我國能源查核制度的比較 16
2.3 大樓耗能來源及種類 22
2.3.1 冷凍空調 23
2.3.2 照明設備 27
2.3.3 電動機與變頻器 33
2.3.4 功率因數及需量管理 36
第三章 研究方法 40
3.1 研究流程 40
3.2 研究步驟 42
3.2.1 大樓資料收集 42
3.2.2 BEMS辦公大樓實施節能改善方式 51
3.2.3 環境資料 60
3.3 量測及監控設備 61
3.4 分析項目及方法 62
3.4.1 統計資料分析 62
3.4.2 查證方法 67
第四章 結果與討論 71
4.1 電信業辦公大樓用電特性之探討與比較。 71
4.1.1 大樓用電及設備探討 71
4.1.2 大氣環境數值 89
4.1.3 BEMS控管用電設備與大氣環境比較 97
4.2 利用能源查核制度計算電信業辦公大樓節能減碳績效 99
4.3 利用ISO 50001計算電信業辦公大樓節能減碳績效 110
4.3.1 M&V選項C計算節能減碳績效 110
4.3.2 減量結果的不確定性檢核 116
4.4 比較ISO 50001及能源查核制度兩者在節能減碳績效量化上的差異 123
第五章 結論與建議 129
5.1 結論 129
5.2 建議 131
參 考 文 獻 134
附 錄 一 A-1
附 錄 二 A-7
附 錄 三 A-15
附 錄 四 A-35
附 錄 五 A-45
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指導教授 曾迪華(Dyi-Hwa Tseng) 審核日期 2013-5-27
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