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姓名 楊珺涵(Chun-Han Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 董事會異質性之決定因素
★ 業務主管領導力對部屬招募行為之影響-以S壽險公司為例★ 人力精簡對企業績效的影響–以產業特性為調節變項
★ 經理人超額薪酬、經理人異動與公司績效之關係★ 人口老化對企業之影響與因應對策-以傳統產業為例
★ 運用羅吉斯迴歸探討企業績效、公司治理與經理人異動之關聯性★ 護理人員組織承諾與專業承諾對離職傾向與離業傾向的影響
★ 運用存活分析探討高科技產業招募者人格特質與離職風險之關聯性-以A公司為例★ 金融電子化對台灣銀行業組織績效及人力彈性影響之探討
★ 人力資源部門角色與功能轉變之個案研究★ 高階主管薪酬級距與公司績效之關聯性分析
★ 人力招募政策及主管領導風格對新進人員晉升與離職傾向之影響-以房仲業S公司為例★ 影響台灣勞工赴海外就業的決定性因素
★ 董事會特性對企業績效之影響-以人力資本為調節變項★ 公司治理結構與就業調整
★ 總經理雙元性、股權集中度、人力資本與組織績效★ 人力精簡對組織績效之影響:以人力資本為中介
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摘要(中) 董事會異質性為探討公司績效重要議題,而探討董事會異質uzk性之決定因素文獻並很少,且本研究認為董事會異質性會帶給董事會不同的觀點和多樣的人才。
摘要(英) Board Heterogeneity is always an important issue when we used to examine company’s performance. However , sholar rarely studied the determinants of the board heterogeneity . Besides , we think that the more board heterogeneity the company have, the more different views and talent will be given in the board. We gathered all the Taiwan companies with toal assets above $15 billion NTD in 2012 to be our sources. There are six dependant variables: sex, tenure, sharholding ratio, educational region, educational level, Profesional background. And Four dimensions which are the complexity of company, the power of the manager, the scale and structure of the board, and the power of ultimate control. We use hierarchical regression to discuss and also verify our four hypothesis as follows:
Hypothesis 1: Board heterogeniety and the complexity of company are positive correlated
Hypothesis 2: Board heterogeniety and the power of manager are negative correlated
Hypothesis 3: Board heterogeniety and the scale and structure of the board are positive correlated
Hypothesis 4: Board heterogeniety and the power of ultimate control are negative correlated
According to our research outcome, we found the hypothesis 1,2.3 are verified, but hypothesis 4 is partially verified because of company’s alliance and merger.
關鍵字(中) ★ 董事會異質性
★ 管理階層權勢
★ 最終控制
★ 董事會
關鍵字(英) ★ Board Heterogeniety
★ Power of manager
★ Ultimate control
★ Board
論文目次 目錄
第三章 研究方法 ...........................12
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 陳明園 審核日期 2013-6-25
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