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姓名 黃志強(Chih-chiang Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 建構一新產品之協同開發管理體系
★ 以整合性產品開發系統創新設計netbook PC★ 發展一品質導向的新產品開發管理系統
★ 電子產業能源管理系統之分析與設計★ 大型寵物連鎖店進入中國市場的供應鏈可行性分析
★ 應用SCOR模型規劃筆電供應鏈以因應中國產業西移趨勢★ 以運行參考模型SCOR探討焊材產業供應鏈
★ 以統包方式導入薄膜式太陽能發電模組供應鏈研究★ 因應產業高度競爭的管理對策--以銅箔基板為例
★ 兩岸光學影像產業的競爭與合作★ 產業發展模式與競爭策略之研究─以防水連接器產業為例
★ 應用限制理論建構中小型企業之經營策略★ 第四方物流業之商業模式及流程的分析與設計
★ 工業機器人產品在中國之發展經營策略─以D公司為例★ 發展一跨國製造業之品管與品質資訊系統之個案研究
★ 背光模組產業的協同設計與供應★ 以運行參考模型SCOR探討網通產業供應鏈
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摘要(中) 由於近年來電子產業蓬勃發展,網路的興起,從50年代的傳統代工,70年代的仿冒品,90年代的ODM.OEM,到今已經開始轉向自由品牌的地步,電子技術的進步與社會科學的變更也改變了民眾的生活習慣,電視已經成為家庭必需品之一,這幾年來LED 電視大量興起,市場變動快速,加上世界各國的電視規格不統一,所以在系統上也有較大的區隔,台灣是一個很典型的電子業製造王國,全球電視的製造商年產量約在兩億台,超過一半的數量是由台灣廠商生產製造,而2013年電視出貨量將在預估在成長20%。

因為大多數的公司在Schedule與Product SPEC 往往會發生拖延或是隨時變更規格,容易造成客戶與企業的困擾,如個案公司在台灣研發設計,在美國投資自由品牌商的通路,又與韓國合資企業為加工廠,這三家公司要如何去發展一套完整的協同開發與協同設計的系統,讓整個在研發管理流程上將會有更進一步的突破,如果在加上產品的共通性的整合,縮短整體的研發時間與材料共通性,有效的即時推廣在市場上銷售,將可以帶來更大的效應。
摘要(英) According to the rapidly development of the electronic industry and the growth of internet in these years, the market is turning to own-brand business from the three generations the traditional manufacturer in 1950s’, the product imitation in 1970s’ and ODM/OEM model in 1990s’. It is no doubt the improvement of electronic technology and the shift of social society have changed human’s life behavior alike TV. Right now, TV is appeared in each family and becomes the one of necessary in our spare time. In the current year, TV has been in emerging dramatically. But, its’ specification presents in differentiation by each country due to the national policy and regulation. As Taiwan is the giant of high-tech manufacturers in the world, around fifty percent TV are produced by Taiwan compared to the annual worldwide output at two-hundred million units. We estimate the production quantity will grow up to 20% in 2013.
As for China labor salary and welfare cost increasing, the entry level for making TV has become easing. No matter what strengths of Taiwan enterprises have as health electrical infrastructure or good production management, it is easily defeated by China and the South Korea enterprises which fully supported by the governments if our product and technical skill are not innovative. In the face of the poor profit margin in manufactory, more Taiwanese enterprises seeks the business transforming from ODM/OEM model to own-brand in stance of the self-value development. The era to start the branding promotion and marketing convicts self-developing zoom.
To see the ODM business is getting worse, the case we study is which company invests its’ self-branding for the Northern America market and to seek new business opportunity. After two-year effort, own-brand product shipment is top one in the Northern America in 2007, the market share is approximately 21%. Their market strategy is clear, good product quality with lower reselling price to end customers. From the result, it also proofs the fair price with good quality is the major market in the consumer field. According to that, a joint-venture company between this company and Korean enterprise is established in Suzhou in 2008. The purpose of this new company is to ensure the supply chain integration from up to downstream in order to ally "Just-in-Time" policy. Each link among supply chain can be also well-control.
This article is about the research and development control system through this company, and then to ensure the lifetime of core competency can be continuous. Moreover, to find out how to increase efficiency from the R&D model for enterprises’ reference. Come with stable and systematical management, it can shorten the R&D flow, speed up R&D developing duration, reliable product quality at stability level to meet customer need. Once issue happened at end market, the control system and feedback procedure, material supply on-time are vital for WIN-WIN mode between enterprise and customer.
Most company schedule delayed and product spec changed all the time, it caused trouble to company and customers For example, Market is brand company, Case enterprises is R&D office, factory is manufacturer, they need a system which coordinated researching and processing, make R&D management process has step-in breakthrough. Moreover, If integrate the production commonness, push and sell into market in time, it will bring greater prosperity and opportunity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電子產業
關鍵字(英) ★ electronic industry
論文目次 第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究範圍與目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第2章 文獻探討 5
2.1 OEM、ODM 與 OBM 型態與運作模式 5
2.2 新產品的定義 7
2.2.1 新產品開發流程 12
2.2.2 新產品開發之成功因素 18
2.2.3 新產品開發之績效衡量 23
2.3 市場知識的影響 24
2.3.1 市場知識的影響 24
2.3.2 市場知識處理能力之評估 27
2.4 創新領域接受者的五大類別 28
第3章 設計鏈作業參考模式 31
3.1 設計鏈作業參考模式(DCOR) 31
3.1.1 DCOR簡介 32
3.1.2 設計鏈作業參考模式的基本流程 33
3.1.3 設計鏈作業參考模式的結構與類型 38
3.2 IDEF 模式化工具流程 42
3.2.1 IDEF族方法的分類 44
3.2.2 IDEF0之介面結構與階層展開模式 44
第4章 公司簡介 47
4.1 個案公司簡介 47
4.2 個案企業發展沿革 48
4.3 個案企業主要產品與規模 49
4.4 個案企業主要產品所屬之終端產業環境分析 51
4.5 個案分析(公司策略) 53
4.5.1 目前事業策略的形貌 53
4.5.2 目標市場 53
4.5.3 相對規模與規模經濟 53
4.5.4 地理涵蓋範圍 53
4.5.5 競爭優勢 54
4.5.6 目前的研究發展政策與組織方式 54
4.5.7 目前策略形態下的經營績效 54
4.5.8 個案企業在新產品開發管理方面的問題點 55
4.5.9 目前策略形態在過去可行或成功的前提 55
4.5.10 目前可行或成功前提的變化 56
4.5.11 未來新產品開發策略的形貌 56
4.5.12 在未來新產品開發策略形貌下的企業資源與條件分析 56
4.5.13 未來的行動計劃 56
4.6 ODM 與 OEM 自由產品協同設計 57
第5章 新產品開發目標策略 58
5.1 新產品開發作業系統 58
5.2 新產品開發作業參考模式的建構 61
5.3 OEM / ODM營運模式之新產品開發作業系統 64
5.4 新產品開發前置評估作業 70
5.5 協同合作 71
5.6 個案企業設計鏈協同架構之優化 75
5.7 研發流程比較之改善 78
5.8 高 層 領 導 人 背 景 影 響 產 生 不 同 的 研 發 管 理 型態 79
5.8.1 以研發為主導方向的研發管理型態 80
5.8.2 以製造為主導方向的研發管理型態 81
5.8.3 以市場通路為主導方向的研發管理型態 81
5.9 個案企業未來發展方向 82
5.9.1 市場需求回饋分析 82
第6章 結論與建議 83
6.1 研究結論與發現 83
6.1.1 產品創新是企業取得競爭優勢與市場地位的重要手段 84
6.1.2 ODM/OBM是否能並存 85
6.2 研究貢獻 85
6.2.1 企業的錯誤觀點 85
6.3 建議 87
6.3.1 人: 87
6.3.2 事: 89
6.3.3 物: 89
參考文獻 91
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指導教授 高信培 審核日期 2013-6-13
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