博碩士論文 100450075 詳細資訊

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姓名 藍建邦(Chien-pang Lan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 企業併購之審查評鑑與建議-以C公司併購S公司為例
(Due Diligence and Recommendations for Company C in Acquiring Company S)
★ 「達因國際」工業自動化的預警雲端服務平台商業模式規劃★ 企業流程再造的應用- 一個中國紡織公司在變局下的對策
★ 政府服務便利商店化的可行性分析★ 透過供應鏈管理改善工業電子產品交貨期之研究
★ 豐田產業車輛在中國市場的競爭策略分析★ 中國氣動元件代理商之競爭策略分析---以A公司為例
★ 定期貨櫃航商之發展策略分析── 以某台灣航商在大陸市場之發展為例★ 企業採購電子化之探討-以某電子企業資訊產品採購為例
★ 台灣電子業ODM廠商之碳足跡因應方案─以Z公司為例★ 採購程序與組織變革下的拒抗行為研究─以A公司為例
★ 在不確定環境下的連鎖餐飲品牌之人力資源策略─以J公司為例★ 冷凍空調產業運用流程再造概念於縮短開發時程之研究─以A公司為例
★ 智能建物能源管理服務之商業模式探討─以S公司為例★ PCB樣品廠業務人員獎金制度設計之研究─以S公司為例
★ 資訊系統整合廠商的經營模式研究─以A公司為例★ 半導體供應鏈導入精實模式之探討─以A公司導入B公司精實模式為例
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摘要(中) 企業在不斷追求存活、茁壯、到永續經營的循環裡,併購這種的投入少、成效快、相對風險低的特性,使其在此時代,成為企業及經理人愈來愈喜愛並頻繁操作的手段。
摘要(英) Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have the characteristics of relatively small investments and low risks, coupled with quick turn-around. Thus, in the endless cycles of pursuing survival, growth, and sustainability, many businesses have turned to M&As .
However, M&A is a complicated and highly professional investment activity. In depth knowledge is needed during the assessment and execution stages, which implies a high degree of financial and intellectual challenges. In addition, M&A combines high-risk and high-return. The hidden risks, such as information risks, operational risks, financial risks, legal risks, etc., all challenge corporate management’s wisdom and courage.
The target of this study, Company C, was established as a trader. It has engaged in various acquisition activities, and has evolved into a conglomerate with manufacturing capabilities. However, many of these M&A cases were failures that did not lead to expected synergies. Some have even resulted in losses due to improper integration and development, and have become heavy burdens for the acquirer.
This study took the opportunity that Company C is in the process of acquiring Company S, and conducted a due diligence on the Company S, and also to provide recommendations in developing any integration plan for the acquirer. This study did an in depth examination of the target from various aspects, including financial, operations, and R&D. Many problems were identified and analyzed. The conclusion of the due diligence was a “No Go” based on the long term interests of Company C. At the end of this study, a follow-up of the actual decision and the development are provided.
關鍵字(中) ★ 標的審查
★ 審查評鑑
★ 整合管理
關鍵字(英) ★ Target Screening
★ Due Diligence
★ Integration
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 3
1-3 研究目的 3
1-4 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 併購概論 5
2-2 併購的階段與問題 10
2-3 標的審查與整合管理 15
第三章 個案公司簡介 21
3-1 主併公司簡介 21
3-2 主併公司併購回顧 21
3-3 標的公司簡介 32
3-4 標的公司併購回顧 32
3-5 本併購案過程 34
第四章 標的審查 37
4-1 財務審查 37
4-2 產品審查 45
4-3 市場審查 55
第五章 審查結論與建議 63
5-1 財務建議 63
5-2 營運建議 67
5-3 總結 71
第六章 後續執行成果 73
6-1 工程狀況 73
6-2 財務狀況 73
6-3 結語 74
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指導教授 范錚強 審核日期 2013-6-19
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