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姓名 劉文智(Wen-Chih Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 以數值模擬層狀岩石巴西試驗
(Numerical simulation for layered rock under Brazilian test)
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摘要(中) 摘要
本文以顆粒流程式PFC2D(Particle Flow Code2D)模擬層狀岩石在巴西試驗(Brazilian test)下之張力強度(tensile strength)、破壞過程及破壞模態(failure modes),並探討在材料層厚比與強度比變化對各巴西試驗之影響。進行層狀岩石模擬前,本文亦針對等向性岩石巴西試驗進行相關參數研究(包括:微觀參數敏感性分析、尺寸效應、位移速率與原生異向性等)。數值模擬結果顯示:層面傾角(θ)、材料強度比與層厚比皆會影響張力強度。隨著層面傾角增加,使張力強度遞減。隨材料強度比增加,在各傾角狀況下,張力強度皆有大幅遞增之趨勢。此外,改變材料層厚比所對應之張力強度則受到傾角所影響,於低傾角狀況下張力強度隨層厚比增加而遞增,而高傾角則不因層厚比影響張力強度。層狀岩石受力達尖峰強度前,僅在受力點附近有少數微裂隙生成,試體其餘處並無任何裂縫生成。過尖峰強度後,受力點附近之微裂隙迅速向試體中心處延伸。裂縫之發展亦受傾角影響甚鉅,形成不同的破壞模態,可分為四類:(1)穿層劈裂模態(Split across layer mode) (2)層間滑動模態(Sliding along layer mode) (3)混合模態(Mixed mode)與(4)層間劈裂模態(Split along layer mode)。最後,本文數值模擬結果亦與Cho et al. (2012)實驗結果進行比較,無論在強度、破壞模態與彈性常數部分結果相符。
摘要(英) This paper employs 2-D Particle Flow Code (PFC2D) to simulate layered rocks and focuses on the tensile strength, failure process, and failure modes under Brazilian test. Besides, this paper presents the effect of layer thickness ratio and strength ratio on tensile strength and failure modes. Before simulating layered rocks, this paper also performs the parametric studies (including the sensitive analysis of micro-parameters, size effect, displacement rate, and inherent anisotropy) of isotropic rocks under Brazilian test. Based on the numerical simulation results, the inclination angle (θ), layer thickness ratio, and strength ratio all have significant effects on Brazilian tensile strength. The tensile strength of layered rocks decrease with the increase of inclination angle, and the tensile strength would increase with the increase of strength ratio. The tensile strength of layered rock would also increase with the increase of layer thickness ratio when the low inclination angle; however, there is no significant effect when the layered rock with high inclination angle. During Brazilian test, the micro-crack of layered rock initiate at pre-peak. Besides, the micro-cracks are limited around the edge of specimen and propagate slowly until the peak is reached. After post-peak, the crack propagate rapidly and we observe four major failure modes in these numerical simulations:(1)Split across layers mode;(2)Sliding along layer mode;(3)Mixed mode;(4)Split along layer mode. In this paper, we also verify our simulation result to experimental results from Cho et al.(2012). The strength anisotropy, elastic constants and failure modes almost agree with experimental results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 層狀岩石
★ 巴西試驗
★ 破壞模態
★ 張力強度
關鍵字(英) ★ layered rock
★ Brazilian test
★ failure mode
★ tensile strength
論文目次 摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
符號說明 XXI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法與目的 4
1.3 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 橫向等向性岩石之定義與材料組成率 6
2.2 橫向等向性岩石之彈性常數求取 8
2.3 室內岩石張力試驗 10
2.4 巴西試驗相關研究 16
2.4.1 橫向等向性岩石張力強度解析解 16
2.4.2 破壞過程觀察與模擬 19
2.4.3 橫向等向性岩石破壞模態分類 26
2.4.4 張力強度之異向性 32
2.4.5 橫向等向性岩石相關參數研究 40
第三章 數值模擬方法 44
3.1顆粒流程式PFC2D軟體介紹 44
3.1.1 PFC2D程式簡介 44
3.1.2 PFC2D特色 46
3.1.3顆粒接觸模式 48
3.1.4 PFC2D相關應用 54
3.2數值分析作業 55
3.2.1層面傾角定義 55
3.2.2層狀岩石建置步驟 56
3.2.3試體受力與變位之紀錄 62
3.3參數設定 63
第四章 數值模擬結果與探討 65
4.1 等向性岩石巴西試驗模擬 65
4.1.1微觀參數敏感性分析 65
4.1.2尺寸效應與不確定性 84
4.1.3圓形顆粒設定厚度之影響探討 89
4.1.4阻尼係數(Damping coefficient)影響探討 92
4.1.5位移速率之影響 94
4.1.6試體之原生異向性 97
4.1.7等向性岩石破壞過程 103
4.2層狀岩石模擬結果 107
4.2.1單軸壓縮試驗模擬及彈性常數求取 108
4.2.2巴西試驗破壞過程 120
4.2.3巴西試驗之破壞模態 126
4.2.4巴西張力強度之異向性 130
4.3層狀岩石參數研究之模擬探討 132
4.3.1材料層厚比對巴西試驗結果影響 132
4.3.2材料強度比對巴西試驗結果影響 154
第五章 結論與建議 174
5.1 結論 174
5.2 建議 177
參考文獻 178
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附錄3- The 36th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, November 16-17, 2012 199
附錄4- 47th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, June 2013 207
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指導教授 田永銘(Yong-Ming Tien) 審核日期 2013-7-25
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