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姓名 翁啟祐(Chi-yu Weng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 團隊成員認知風格影響新產品開發績效機制之研究
(The Impact of Team Member’s Cognitive Style on New Product Development Performance)
★ 行動應用程式產業生態系之研究★ 設計思維應用於醫療器材組裝之研究
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摘要(中) 現今很多組織都會遇到創新和效率該怎麼取捨,基本上這兩種概念是互相衝突的,如果組織注重效率,創新程度可能就比較低,組織注重創新程度,效率可能就比較低,對組織而言兩者都是相當重要的。因此,如何開創出新的產品與技術以及保持專案效率一直是組織所想研究的課題,而團隊成員認知風格透過潛在吸收能力和實現吸收能力對於新產品創新程度和專案效率的影響,便是本研究的重要課題。
摘要(英) Nowadays many organizations will face the problem with how to deal with innovation and efficiency. In fact,those two concepts are conflict,if the organization emphasize on efficiency, the innovation might be lower; on the contrary,the more emphasize on innovation,the lower efficiency it is. But both two are essential to organization. Therefore, how to create a new product and technique and maintain efficiency is important issue that the organizations want to study. The team member’s cognitive style through the potential absorptive capacity and realized absorptive capacity makes impact on new product innovativeness,project efficiency is the most important topic for this study.
According to the study, creative style is positive to potential absorptive capacity. conformist and attentive to- detail are positive to realized absorptive capacity. potential absorptive capacity is positive to new product innovativeness. realized absorptive capacity is positive to project efficiency.
Therefore, the study shows if the organizations want to look after both sides of new product innovation and project efficiency, it has to adjust and allocate the three cognitive style member structure to kill two birds with one stone. If it lose balance, the team will take one thing into consideration to the neglect of the other, unless the organization only pursue innovation or efficiency,then it doesn’t matter.
關鍵字(中) ★ 認知風格
★ 潛在吸收能力
★ 實現吸收能力
★ 新產品創新程度
★ 專案效率
關鍵字(英) ★ cognitive style
★ potential absorptive capacity
★ realized absorptive capacity
★ new product innovativeness
★ project efficiency
論文目次 目錄
第一章緒論 .............................1
1.1 研究背景與動機.......................1
1.2 研究目的與問題.......................2
1.3 研究方法............................2
1.4 研究流程............................3
1.5 章節架構............................4
2.2.2 實現吸收能力.......................10
2.3 新產品創新程度.......................11
2.4 專案效率............................12
2.5 結構方程式模型.......................13
3.1概念性架構.......................... 16
3.2 研究假說............................17
3.3 衡量變數定義.........................17
3.3.1 認知風格..........................17
3.3.2 潛在吸收能力和實現吸收能力............18
3.3.3 新產品創新程度.....................20
3.3.4 專案效率..........................21
3.4 結構方程模型.........................22
3.4.1 建立聯立結構關係模型圖...............22
3.4.2 細列估計參數.......................26
3.5 抽樣方法與問卷設計...................27
3.5.1 抽樣方法..........................27
3.5.2 問卷設計..........................27
3.5.3 問卷前測..........................27
4.1.1 樣本基本資料分析...................28
4.1.2 敘述性統計........................30
4.2 衡量模型之評估......................31
4.2.1 模型的基本適合度..................31
4.2.2 信度與收斂效度....................32 個別項目的信度..................32 潛在構面組成信度..... ..........32 潛在變項的平均變異抽取量..........32
4.2.3 區別效度.........................35
4.2.4 驗證性因素分析....................36
4.3 結構模型之評估….....................36
4.3.1 整體模型配適度評估.................36 絕對配適度......................36 增值配適度. ....................37
4.3.2 結構模型的評估. ...................38
4.4 團隊認知風格、新產品開發績效研究假說分析..39
4.4.1 認知風格對吸收能力與吸收能力對新產品開發績效之關系...............39
5.1 研究結果.............................40
5.1.1 認知風格的三個構面對於潛在與實現吸收能力的影響...............40
5.1.2 潛在與實現吸收能力對於新產品創新程度與專案效率的影響...............40
5.2 管理意涵............................41
5.3 研究限制與未來研究建議.................42
5.3.1 吸收能力構面 ......................42
5.3.2 尋求幫助問卷題項....................42
5.3.3 問卷品質不一 ......................42
參考文獻................................ 43
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指導教授 陳炫碩 審核日期 2013-7-3
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