摘要(英) |
Own brand- It is an essential fundamentals of a corporate. On the strength of superior producing process, a corporate pulls its marketing strategies forward to end-user that could sense market variation by customers’ feedback immediately. Instead of slight margin with OEM or ODM, holding own brand expect to gain more market share in competitive China market. With economic slowdown in 2010, the biggest demand of bicycle helmet in European and American area is affected by this recession. Bicycle helmet companies begin to think new global strategies due to their profit diminished. They establish a new starting point in blooming China market. Expected to gain a well brand named at the first step of business, then explored their products to every corner in the world.
The research based on bicycle helmet marketing strategies. In this case, we integrate relative articles, company information, periodicals and individual company interview. After understanding bicycle helmet industry process management, competitor’s strategies, we make proper marketing strategies for this case. Through the understanding of the bicycle helmet industries and the interviews. We concluded five propositions of the suggestions to marketing in China for the bicycle helmet industries. |
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