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姓名 韋潘瓦(Vinod Panwar)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英語商業管理碩士學位學程
(The relationships among fear of death, social responsibility and green purchase intention- with a special refere)
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摘要(中) Abstract
This study examines the influence of various psychological factors on the green purchase intention of the consumers. A conceptual model has been developed based on a survey sample of 280 consumers. The survey results obtained in the capital of Taiwan provides reasonable support for the validity of the proposed model. Specifically, the findings from the Terror management theory confirm the influence of the consumers’ self-esteem, threat, anxiety for the fear of death and social responsibility affect their attitudes towards green purchase via the mediator role of environmental concern and pro-environmental behavior. Consumers’ attitudes toward green purchase, in turn, also found to affect their green purchase intention. In other words, on a declarative level, more and more consumers in Taiwan express their concern over the ecological situation and declare their willingness to contribute somehow to the protection of environment by showing intention towards green products.
Keywords: Self-esteem, Death anxiety, Social responsibility, Environmental concern, Green purchase attitude, Green purchase intention.
摘要(英) 摘 要
關鍵字(中) ★ 自尊心
★ 死亡恐懼
★ 社會責任
★ 環境關懷
★ 綠色消費態度
★ 綠色消費傾向
關鍵字(英) ★ Self-esteem
★ Death anxiety
★ Social responsibility
★ Environmental concern
★ Green purchase attitude
★ Green purchase intention
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘 要..............................................................................................................i
List of tables and figures............................................................................vii
1. Introduction...............................................................................................1
2. Literature review, proposed model and hypothesis development........3
2.1 Terror management theory ...................................................................4
2.2 Hypothesis development.......................................................................6
2.2.1 Self-esteem and Environmental concern.......................................6
2.2.2 Death anxiety and Environmental concern....................................7
2.2.3 Mortality salience and Environmental concern.............................9
2.2.4 Mortality salience and Pro-environmental behavior....................10
2.2.5 Threat from pollution and Pro-environmental behavio................11
2.2.6 Social responsibility and Pro-environmental behavior................13
2.2.7 Environmental concern and Green purchase attitude..................14
2.2.8 Pro-environmental behavior and Green purchase attitude..........16
2.2.9 Green purchase attitude and Green purchase intention................17
2.3 Proposed Model.....................................................................................19
3. Research Methodology……………………..............................................19
3.1 Scale operationalization..........................................................................19
3.2 Data collection........................................................................................21
3.3 Sample characteristics............................................................................23
4. Data analysis and results...........................................................................24
4.1 Accuracy analysis ..................................................................................24
4.2 Common method bias ............................................................................27
4.3 Hypothesis testing: direct hypothesised effects .....................................28
4.4 Overall fit of the proposed model............................................................29
5. Conclusion, Implication, Limitation and future research......................29
5.1 Conclusion and Implication....................................................................29
5.2 Limitaions and future research...............................................................33
List of tables and figures
1. Table 3.1 Sample Demographic Characteristics..........................................23
2. Table 4.1: Scale accuracy analysis ..............................................................26
3. Table 4.2: Hierarchical measurement model results....................................26
4. Table 4.3: CMB testing results.....................................................................27
5. Table 4.4: Hypothesis testing results............................................................28
6. Figure 2.1. The Proposed Research Framework and Related Hypotheses....19
7. Figure 4.1. Main Effect Hypotheses-Testing Results...................................29
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指導教授 鄭明松(Ming sung Cheng) 審核日期 2013-7-26
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