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姓名 藍鴻英(Hung-ying Lan) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 英語商業管理碩士學位學程 論文名稱 易經概念探討管理創新的重要性-以IBM,Facebook和InnoCentive為例
(The Importance of Management Innovation Regarding the Concept of "The Book of Changes" - Example of IBM, Facebook and InnoCentive)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 易經為中國古代重要經典之一,不僅闡述了宇宙運行的道理,其中包含了許多現在管理中運用到的道理,更與創新密不可分。本論文以易經的概念為主,分別探討IBM、Facebook和InnoCenitve是如何應用易經中的道理,達到創新的目的。內容將分為三大段:第一段將詳細解釋IBM是如何表現易經道理「窮、變、通、久」四大過程,經歷大起大落後要如何展現創新精神。第二段以Facebook為主,運用平臺特性而成功的道理與易經也息息相關,易經的幾個卦解釋了Facebook是運用融合、交集兩個概念達到創新的。最後InnoCentive是運用開放式創新最好的案例,開放式創新的觀點和易經的許多卦都有類似的地方,將人力集合在一起的力量,不僅可以加速企業難題的解決,也可達到智慧與創新交流的目的。 摘要(英) “The Book of Changes” is one of the most important classic Chinese literatures; it does not only talk about the changes upon the whole universe but also the management nowadays, especially about the management innovation. This study is aiming on using the concept of “The Book of Changes” to further explain how IBM, Facebook and InnoCentive achieve innovation. There will be three sections in this study. The first section is about how IBM experiencing the progress of “Destitution, Change, Flow and Everlasting” which is the basic idea of “The Book of Changes”. The second section is about viewing Facebook as a platform. The concept of a platform contains the idea of gathering and interaction which are the foundation of Facebook. The last section is about open business model. InnoCentive is one of the best examples by using open business model that consider as open innovation. Also, several hexagrams (which are called Gau, they are sets of the book of changes) have the similar insight between open innovation and “The Book of Changes”. InnoCentive is a website which gathers many talented people altogether, to reduce the time enterprises solving their problems. To conclude, innovation is a new practice for business to last long in the rapid changing environment. However, “The book of Changes” already point out some directions for enterprise to refer. 關鍵字(中) ★ 易經
★ 創新
★ 開放式創新關鍵字(英) ★ The Book of Changes
★ Innovation
★ InnoCentive
★ Open Innovation論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Research Motivations and Purpose 1
1-2 Introducing “The Book of Changes” 2
Chapter 2 IBM 4
2-1 Overview the Company - IBM 4
2-2 The Destitution of IBM 5
2-3 The Change of IBM 7
2-4 The Flow of IBM 9
2-5 The Everlasting of IBM 11
2-6 The Cycle of Changes within IBM 13
Chapter 3 Facebook 15
3-1 Era of Social Media 15
3-2 Hexagram Ts’ui (Clustering) and Facebook 15
3-3 Hexagram T’ung Jen (Fellowship with Men) and Facebook 17
3-4 Facebook as a Platform 19
Chapter 4 InnoCentive 22
4-1 Introducing InnoCentive 22
4-2 InnoCentive and Hexagram Ta Yu and Ch’ien 23
4-3 InnoCentive Equals Open Innovation 24
Chapter 5 Conclusion 25
Reference 26
Chinese Reference 26
English Reference 26
Online Resources 27參考文獻 〔1〕 謝大荒,易經語解,再版,大中國圖書,民國六十九年。
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〔19〕 Official Website of IBM: Analytics for Healthcare, June 20th 2013, From: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/analytics/healthcare/index.html指導教授 粟四維 審核日期 2013-7-5 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare