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姓名 王漢哲(Aleksandar Stamatov)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所在職專班
論文名稱 老子政治哲學的現代詮釋
★ 《道德經》「無為而治」意蘊之探析★ 《莊子》苦樂觀的現代詮釋
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★ 論海德格對技術本質之反思 ——對技術本質之派生關係與其本源現象之溯源作一種詮釋之嘗試★ 對當代西方倫理學中代理孕母爭議的一個「性別倫理」之省思
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摘要(中) 十九世紀末至二十世紀初期,正當西方開始孰悉老子哲學思想,而東方開始孰悉西方的現代政治學說時,一種較常見的主張認為老子政治哲學思想是一種無政府主義的學說。此因,有人將「無為」的概念錯誤理解為統治者什麼都不做。今日此種看法似乎普通,甚至幾乎所有當代政治哲學教科書,也提到老子與無政府主義可能的關係,而成為一般人對老子的普及理解,似乎已是毫無疑問的事實。不過,在學術文獻中,我們可以看到,老子政治思想是否是無政府主義學說,意見不一。本文要試圖挑戰那些主張對老子政治思想無政府主義詮釋的學者,而試圖給予對老子可接受的非無政府主義的解讀。
摘要(英) Ever since the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century, when the West began to be familiar with the Laozi, and the East with modern Western political theories, we have frequently heard the claim that the political philosophy of the Laozi is a kind of anarchist theory. The reason for this claim is that some would wrongly interpret the Laozi’s concept of wuwei as meaning that the ruler should do absolutely nothing.
This view today is almost common. Nearly every textbook on contemporary political philosophy hastens to mention that the Laozi is one of the first works which propounded anarchism, and this has become a popular understanding of the Laozi among the common people and an unquestionable fact. However, we can see in academic literature that there are disagreements on whether the political philosophy of the Laozi is an anarchist theory or not. This dissertation will try to challenge those who offer the anarchist interpretation and will also attempt to give an acceptable non-anarchist interpretation of the political philosophy of the Laozi.
In order to accomplish the above task I will first acknowledge that the political philosophy of the Laozi has a deep metaphysical basis, which is a common understanding of the philosophy of the Laozi, and when we discuss or interpret the political philosophy of the Laozi this metaphysical basis has a contribution to make. Thus, this dissertation will first discuss the metaphysical thought of the Laozi, e.g., the concepts of the dao (the way), wu (nothingness), you (being), de (the virtue) etc., and the problems of grasping the dao. Secondly, it will discuss the practical philosophy that emerges from this metaphysical basis, including the concepts of ziran (naturalness, self-so) and wuwei (non-action, having-no-action), and it will also offer a positive account of the concept of wuwei. Thirdly, it will present the political philosophy of the Laozi including the view of the Laozi on ruling the state and its advice to the rulers, and it will show that the role of the sage is to imitate or follow the natural principle that comes from the dao so that the state the sage-ruler establishes is in accordance with the standard of the dao.
Next, this dissertation will provide a non-anarchist interpretation of the political philosophy of the Laozi. At this point, I will present the most elaborate arguments for the anarchist interpretation so far, and I will try to find out their possible mistakes and gaps. It should also be known that the fact that the Laozi recognizes the existence of the ruler and the state is still not a convincing enough argument for some that it does not propound anarchism, because anarchism itself does not necessarily negate them. However, I will also show that the Laozi recognizes central and hierarchical political authority, and this is the very thing that anarchism wants to eliminate. Moreover, this dissertation stresses the theoretical and principal differences between the Laozi and anarchism. The former is that the philosophy of the Laozi has an elaborate metaphysical thought, especially ontology, while anarchism does not. The latter is that according to the political philosophy of the Laozi the ruler’s main principle of action is wuwei (having-no-action), while for Western political philosophies including anarchism, the opposite principle of youwei (having-action) is the key.
At the end, in Chapter 80 of the Laozi there is a description of a “small country with few people” and we cannot see the political authority in it; yet if we place it in the context of the whole text, other chapters concerning political authority can be used to eliminate the anarchist interpretation of this “ideal state”. Moreover, if we allow that Chapter 80 of the Laozi depicts a kind of state of nature, we can see that it is different from the one imagined by the Western philosophers in that the latter is a pre-political state, whereas the state of nature of the Laozi has a legitimate political authority.
關鍵字(中) ★ 老子
★ 政治哲學
★ 無為
★ 無政府主義
★ 烏托邦
★ 自然狀態
關鍵字(英) ★ Laozi
★ political philosophy
★ wuwei
★ anarcism
★ utopia
★ state of nature
論文目次 目錄
第一章 老子的形而上思想
第一節 論道的形而上之意義.....................................32
第二節 道的兩個表現:無與有...................................43
第三節 道與萬物的關係........................................54
第四節 由「道」的體驗到「知」道的表述...........................57
第二章 老子思想的哲學特色:由理論到實踐
第一節 道的自然法則..........................................64
第二節 由道來的行動原則:無為..................................72
第三節 無為的積極角色........................................79
第四節 以隱喻探討無為........................................84
第三章 老子的政治哲學思想
第一節 老子對當時政治狀況的看法與批評...........................96
第二節 聖人的政治角色.......................................106
第三節 合於道的標準之國......................................115
第四節 無為而治的具體應用....................................122
第四章 老子政治哲學思想的反思與檢討
第一節 老子哲學思想現代詮釋的價值與意義.........................133
第二節 老子政治思想與無政府主義異同的討論.......................138
第三節 對「小國寡民」的檢討..................................157
第四節 以自然狀態的理論去解讀老子政治思想.......................163
第五節 老子政治哲學思想的價值.................................168
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指導教授 蕭振邦(Shiau Jenn-Bang) 審核日期 2013-7-29
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