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姓名 簡志豪(chih-hao Chien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 影響企業重整成功因素之研究─以台中精機為例
★ 溝通與領導課程訓練成效之分析★ 母國企業直線主管領導風格與國際 人力資源管理措施對外派人員績效之影響
★ 豐田管理模式之人才培育對品質與成本之影響-以某汽車公司為例★ 360 度回饋系統對企業主管行為改變意圖的影響-以跨國飲料 SC 公司為例
★ 兩岸研發人員職能發展應用研究-以M公司為例★ 企業併購過程中的人力資源角色
★ 組織變革成功個案分析 - John P. Kotter 領導變革八大步驟之觀點★ 社群網站經營模式分析-以『BB-BOX』網站為例
★ 觸控IC經營策略之個案研究-以A公司為例★ 科技研發單位實施接班人計畫之探討─以國內某科技研發單位為例
★ 面對數位匯流,傳統媒體代理商應對策略探討─以安吉斯集團偉視捷媒體公司為例★ 台灣光電產業選擇產品認證外包廠商的決定因素─以發光二極體照明產品為例
★ 團隊激勵獎金與團隊績效關連性之研究★ 晶圓代工業關鍵成功因素的探討—以台積公司為例
★ 員工潛能與績效對員工晉升的影響--以營造建築業為例★ 建構整合性智慧健康照護網絡─以中壢天晟醫院醫療小管家為例
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摘要(中) 企業經營環境瞬息萬變,台灣中小企業平均壽命僅七年,如何調整經營決策,以在殘酷的商業競爭環境中存活?而國內聲請財務困難重整公司多達360家,真正經法院判決重整成功者,僅兩家,超過80%以上重整聲請駁回或自行撤銷,不足兩成在進行中。對於這些財務困難重整進行中公司,如何梳理財務困境、調整經營策略,以順利完成重整,取得股東、債權人與員工多贏的結局,更是重中之重。
摘要(英) The average life span of Taiwan’s small and medium enterprises is only seven years in the changing corporate environment. How do enterprises survive in the cruel and highly competitive environment by adjusting business decisions? At least 360 financial difficult companies in Taiwan file for restructuring, and yet only two companies are declared by the court as being successful. Over 80% of the restructuring proposals are dismissed or withdrawn while less than 20% are under process. It is absolutely important to help the companies under process to overcome the financial crisis, adjust business strategies, and complete the restructuring to create a multi-win situation among shareholders, creditors, and employees.
Victor Taichung Machinery Works Co. had been a listed company in Taiwan’s machinery industry till 1998 and is highly recognized by the country, industry, and shareholders. Yet to prop up the stock market during the Asian-financial-crisis, the company faced financial crisis and needed restructuring. On May 10, 2013, the company applies to the court for a declaration that the restructuring is completed, and it can thus be regarded as the third company successfully restructuring in Taiwan.
This study analyzes factors that lead to Victor Taichung’s restructuring success. Through an in-depth interview, literature review, and financial analysis, research results show that eight factors are involved as indicated as follows: (1) The reorganizer and reorganization supervisor are carefully selected; (2) The industry’s prosperity and well-managed company value stabilize the company’s development during reorganization; (3) Supply chain management is improved by shortening the lead time and strengthening the efficiency of inventory turnover; (4) The company continues to promote its benevolent corporate culture of “being down-to-earth and decent”; (5) The company is downsized and enhances employees’ quality; (6) The customer relationship is well managed; (7) The corporate transparency is improved and information asymmetry is reduced as confidence of creditors, employees, and customers is increased; (8) The organizational change has encouraged alliance within the same industry to replace competition with co-opetition.
Overall, the factors that determine a successful restructuring of Victor Taichung are worth considering for either a newly established enterprise or a financial crisis company that files for restructuring. The survival rate and reorganization success rate can be increased by adjusting business strategies, improving transparency, and establishing benevolent corporate culture.
關鍵字(中) ★ 台中精機
★ 重整
★ 重整成功
關鍵字(英) ★ Victor Taichung
★ restructuring
★ restructuring success
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 以法律處理公司財務困難之類型 5
第二節 台灣企業重整之相關法律制度 7
第三節 企業重整成功因素 20
第四節 他山之石—其他重整成功個案 28
第三章 研究方法 36
第一節 質性研究法 36
第二節 個案挑選原則 38
第三節 資料蒐集方法 39
第四章 台中精機個案探討與分析 41
第一節 個案公司產業背景 41
第二節 個案公司簡介 50
第三節 自我診斷與重整主要措施 56
第四節 台中精機重整計畫重要內容 64
第五節 台中精機重整成功關鍵要素 71
第五章 研究結論與建議 99
第一節 研究結論 99
第二節 研究討論 101
第三節 管理意涵與建議 104
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 105
附錄 公司法第一○節公司重整 106
參考文獻: 116
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三、 網站部分
1. 司法院網站之司法統計http://www.judicial.gov.tw/juds/
2. 台灣司法院法學資料檢索系統http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw/Index.htm
3. 公開資訊觀測站http://mops.twse.com.tw/index.htm
4. 台中精機集團官網 http://www.or.com.tw
指導教授 林文政 審核日期 2013-7-15
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