博碩士論文 964304004 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃祈富(HUANG. CHYI FUH)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所在職專班
論文名稱 全球化對台灣實質薪資所得、家戶分配及就業的影響
★ 寶島債介紹及發展前景★ 政府管控房地產政策對不動產市場及 銀行不動產授信業務之影響
★ 運動鞋製業的市場結構、行為與績效分析★ 台灣筆記型電腦產業由代工轉型至自營品牌之策略及成效探討-以華碩電腦為例
★ 寡占廠商的最適風險決策與政府的最適出口政策★ 合作投資的時點不一致問題與政府最適政策
★ 兩岸租稅協議效益之研究★ 中間財市場與耐久財廠商的 產品耐久性決策
★ 系統產品之競爭與整合★ 仿冒行為的經濟分析
★ 對外直接投資之不對稱訊息、最適進入決策與研究發展★ 存在中間財市場下的廠商授權
★ 學校教育與政府政策★ 三星電子垂直整合模型設計與 市場現況探討與分析
★ 產品品質管制政策分析★ 企業社會責任與經理人報酬機制設計
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摘要(中) 在國際貿易理論的討論中,有一假設理論:兩地之間,如果減少彼此的貿易障礙,使生產要素(資本及勞力)、產品及資金的自由流通,兩地的福址就會增加,產生雙利。所以兩百多年來多數的經濟學者不斷的鼓吹自由貿易。但全球化是一支兩面利刃的刀,帶來好處也帶來壞處。好處:(一)、增加生產要素的流動及投報率。(二)、增加部份產業、地區及特定人的所得及財富。(三)、擴大投資、貿易及創新等的誘因。(四)、增加政府及私部門對資源做有效的使用及重視永續發展。(五)、可加速國家發展及落後國家的現代化。壞處:(一)、它使部份產業、地區、國家產生嚴重的失業問題及就業扭曲。(二)、輸出污染產業到開發中國家或低度開發中國家。(三)、歐美跨國企業以壟斷的方式,向第三世界或其他國家廉價採購礦業等天然資源。(四)、金融市場的熱錢自由流竄導致不合理利潤及經濟掠奪。(五)、擴大貧富差距、知識差距導致社會結構不穩定。
摘要(英) There is a hypothesis in the discussion of International trade theory. if want to reduce the barrier of trade between A country and B country, the production factors including capital and labor, product and fund can be circulated freely. The win-win benefits of 2 countries can be increased. Therefore, most of Economists continue pushing Free trade in the past 200 hundreds. Besides, the globalization was speeded up after cold war between US and Russia plus the information sharing development. However, Globalization had advantages and disadvantages at the same time. There are 5 advantages including 1) Increase the flow of production factor and the rate of return on investment 2) Increase the income and assets of partial industries, zones and people 3) expand the incentive of investment, commerce and innovation 4) enhance the effective usage on resource executed by government and private departments. 5) Speed up the country’s development and modernization of lagging countries. As for disadvantage, there are 5 points including 1) serious unemployed and employed questions in the partial industries, zones and countries, 2) export the pollution industries to the developing countries or low developing counties, 3) Western countries utilize the monopoly way to buy the cheap natural resource such as the mining industry from 3rd world or other countries. 4)the hot money in the finance market free flow to lead to unreasonable benefits and economical loot. 5) the unstable structure caused by expanding the poverty gap and knowledge gap.
Taiwan is one of country in the world, which can’t be avoided to face the judgment and choice about advantages and disadvantages. This thesis will use the yearly Macroeconomic number in Taiwan, which is from Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C and Central Bank R.O.C, and AR1to probe into the influence of substantial wage and income in Taiwan, unemployment rate and household income allocation caused by the international commerce, FDI, the movement of production factor for foreign labors. This is the other thinking when Taiwan is in the progress of Globalization.
We got the results proved by us when Taiwanese Macroeconomics is pushed by Globalization. Globalization expands the poverty gap of household income, and increase the unemployment rate, service industry especially. Besides, the substantial income in Taiwan doesn’t be significantly enhanced by Globalization. As for the substantial income of industrial department and service industry don’t show the significant increase and effect.
關鍵字(中) ★ 時間序列
★ 家戶所得
★ 失業率
★ 實質薪資所得
★ 全球化
論文目次 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………...... Ⅰ
第一章 緒論 ………………………………………………………………......1
第1節 研究動機…………………………………………….....……..….1
第2節 全球化的貿易及意涵………………………………………..…..2
第3節 全球化的製造…………………………………………..………. 5
第4節 全球化的金融及反動………………………………….…………8
第二章 文獻回顧與研究方法……………………………………..…..………13
第1節 文獻回顧…………………………………….…………. ……….13
第2節 研究方法及範圍………………………………………………....16
第三章 全球化對台灣所得的影響……………………………..……………...17
第1節 台灣薪資所得趨勢及結構……………………………………….17
第2節 台灣家戶所得分配現況……………………………………….…21
第3節 全球化對台灣質薪資所得及家戶所得的實證探討…………….24
第四章 勞動生產要素全球化後對台灣失業率的影響……………………..…32
第1節 全球化的勞動生產要素……………………………………..……32
第2節 台灣失業率之現況…………..……………………………………39
第3節 外勞移入對失業率影響的實證探討………….………………….44
第五章 結論及建議……………………………………………………………..50
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2013-7-17
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