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姓名 柳家倫(Jia-loon Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 跨雲端虛擬機遷移之研究—以雲端安全實驗平台為例
(Cross-Cloud Virtual Image Migrate Research —Case of Cloud Security Experimental Platform)
★ 應用數位版權管理機制於數位影音光碟內容保護之研究★ 以應用程式虛擬化技術達成企業軟體版權管理之研究
★ 以IAX2為基礎之網頁電話架構設計★ 應用機器學習技術協助警察偵辦詐騙案件之研究
★ 擴充防止詐欺及保護隱私功能之帳戶式票務系統研究-以大眾運輸為例★ 網際網路半結構化資料之蒐集與整合研究
★ 電子商務環境下網路購物幫手之研究★ 網路安全縱深防護機制之研究
★ 國家寬頻實驗網路上資源預先保留與資源衝突之研究★ 以樹狀關聯式架構偵測電子郵件病毒之研究
★ 考量地區差異性之隨選視訊系統影片配置研究★ 不信任區域網路中數位證據保留之研究
★ 入侵偵測系統事件說明暨自動增加偵測規則之整合性輔助系統研發★ 利用程序追蹤方法關聯分散式入侵偵測系統之入侵警示研究
★ 一種網頁資訊擷取程式之自動化產生技術研發★ 應用XML/XACML於工作流程管理系統之授權管制研究
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摘要(中) 隨著網際網路的不斷演進,人類對資訊的需求與日俱增,加上虛擬化的發展,與近年來雲端的崛起,公有雲則越來越盛行,許多公司開始爭相研發雲端設備,如Amazon EC2、Windows Azure等發展起來雲端大廠,使得利用公有雲的企業與用戶越來越多。因上述雲端的崛起,小型企業通常要使用雲端會先建立起私有雲再考慮是否應該跨雲,本研究前身CSEP雲端安全實驗平台就是利用私有雲虛擬化的特色,打造出保存與還原當時的環境,達到讓學員可以輕易的體驗與操作經典的資訊安全案例為目的的平台進行研究。
以上的環境直至今日的研究仍未不足的地方如:遷移至公有雲的技術、雲端供應商所提供的系統不合等等,因此本研究針對以上的不足實驗並研究這一類的問題,並通過實際遷移虛擬機至Amazon EC2上來測試出效能、相容性以及與原先Xen架構下的虛擬機有何不同來實現私有雲遷移公有雲之意義。
摘要(英) People’s demand for information gains day by day because of the evolution of Internet. Also, the development of virtualization and the rise of the cloud, especially public cloud, are popular every day. Many companies began competing the cloud equipment against each other, such as Amazon Ec2, Windows Azure and other developing cloud manufacturers. As a result, there were more and more business and users using public cloud. Due to the rise of cloud which mentioned before, small businesses had to build a private cloud, and then, consider whether it should cross the cloud or not. The predecessor of this research, CSEP Cloud of Security Experimental Platform, is using the feature of virtualization in order to create a environment at that time and save it. Which make sure students could easily experience information security and operate the platform which built for classic case for the purpose of research.
The amount of burden of private cloud is continuing growing. It will cost a lot to expand equipment for private cloud if people wish to go on providing this service. But, it’s impossible to build so many environmental cases on public cloud because of human ability and demand of time.
The environment which mentioned above is still have lots of defects. Such as technology for moving private cloud to public cloud, the old system is not compatible with the system which cloud provider provided, etc.. Therefore, the research points out the problem above, with further research and experiment. Also, we test the proficiency, compatibility by our successfully moving virtual machine to Amazon EC2. By doing so, people will know the meaning of moving private cloud to public cloud, and also, knows how difference between it and original virtual machine which is Xen Architecture.
關鍵字(中) ★ 虛擬機
★ 雲端安全實驗平台(CSEP)
★ 遷移
★ 私有雲
★ 公有雲
關鍵字(英) ★ Virtual Machine
★ Cloud Security Experiment Platform(CSEP)
★ Migrate
★ Private Cloud
★ Public Cloud
論文目次 目錄
論文摘要............. i
Abstract .............. ii
誌 謝 辭........... iv
目錄................... v
圖目錄.............. vii
表目錄............ viii
1、緒論.............. 1
1-1 研究背景 ........ 1
1-2 動機與目的 ................ 4
1-3 研究貢獻 ........ 5
1-4 論文架構 ........ 5
2、文獻探討.................. 6
2-1 跨雲端虛擬機遷移的現況 ................ 6
2-1-1 遷移公有雲 ................. 7
2-1-2 目前雲端處於的階段 ............. 7
2-1-3 虛擬機遷移的用處 ................. 8
2-1-4 虛擬機遷移考量的因素 ....... 10
2-2 遷移研究整理 .......... 10
3、跨雲端虛擬機遷移實驗設計........ 12
3-1 遷移虛擬機工具 .................. 12
3-2 CSEP 與Xen 的關係 ............ 13
3-3 建構在Amazon EC2 上的CSEP 平台 ....... 13
3-4 遷移虛擬機的規劃 .............. 14
4、虛擬機遷移實驗................ 16
4-1 遷移實驗先備知識 .............. 16
4-2 遷移實驗過程 .......... 20
4-2-1 映像檔的格式轉換 ............... 20
4-2-2 壓縮和上傳遷移的映像檔案 ........... 21
4-2-3 註冊AMI .................. 24
5、討論............ 26
5-1 CSEP 導入Amazon EC2 的可行性 ............. 26
5-1-1 服務性質的差異 ....... 28
5-1-2 作業系統的限制 ....... 29
5-1-3 服務相容性 ............... 29
5-2 小結 .............. 31
6、結論與未來研究................ 32
6-1 研究結論與貢獻 .................. 32
6-2 研究限制 .................. 33
6-3 未來研究 .................. 34
參考文獻.......... 35
附錄A:Amazon 所提供的AMI ................. 39
附錄B:實驗中虛擬機所對應的kernel ID .............. 41
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指導教授 陳奕明(Yi-ming Chen) 審核日期 2013-7-30
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