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姓名 蕭力翔(Li-Hsiang Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 讓思考看得見:基於案例式推理學習的心思記錄器
(Make thinking visible: A Mind Recorder Based on Case-based Reasoning)
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摘要(中) 一位國文老師的自白:「以語文教學而言,語言文字的教學可以有方法步驟引導學生學習,但是關於思考深層思維的認知部分,無法在有限的課堂中完全實踐教學理想,礙於時間、礙於學生數眾多,但是思考的教學卻是一種必備且需要的能力,思維的教學需要時間、需要等待,這是否可以透過數位或科技解決呢?」因此本研究想運用資訊科技的技術協助老師們教導思維的教學,另外對於要學習的事物,會有新手與專家之差別,我們試圖去釐清專家與新手思考上的差距與造成專家和新手差距的關鍵能力。我們設計了一套心思記錄器,將老師的心思記錄下來作為典範並輔以教導閱讀理解策略。我們希望學生能藉由閱讀老師的心思記錄進而學習到閱讀理解的關鍵性進展,並以之為典範,碰到類似新問題時能夠連結過去經驗進行推理解決,讓新手可以跨越成為專家的鴻溝躍昇為專家。本研究以HCI(Human Computer Interaction)中的星狀設計循環模型進行系統的設計,我們期望以人的角度去設計,讓系統是容易接近的,容易使用的。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to help the students learn reading strategies from how an expert reader thinks when he read, and is to assist Chinese teachers in teaching thinking by using information technology. In order to achieve this purpose, we design and build a computer tool “mind recorder “ can share the intellectual work of reader in (1) metacognition, (2) reading strategies, and (3) case based reasoning. We assume case based reasoning is a good approach when one reads a text/book, so that trying to let students to learn reading comprehension strategies by case based learning, and trying to model the mental process when a case based reasoning is used. At the same time, we are trying to record the readers’ reading process and product in their mind so that they can learn by comparing expert mind processing and their own mind processing.
We apply the HCI (Human Computer Interaction) theorem “star model” to design and implement our system. For evaluating the usability of our system and answer these questions: (1) Can a student learn better if we post think process of problem solving? (2) How should we present the thinking process? (3) How experts invoke and use strategies in the thinking process. How a student can learn a strategy by reading the thinking process, we have semi-structured interviews with the middle and high school Chinese teachers. We analyzed interview data and found :(1) Most of the teachers think that student can learn better if we post think process of problem solving (2) The reading comprehension key points of article are exist, but to consider the style of article (3) The difference between novice and expert’s mind processing are: (I) A novice seldom skims through article and seldom tries to find text structure. (II) A novice’s focus is steps of comprehension strategies to follow, not the thinking one does to complete the steps. (III) Mind recorder is difficult to promote in the classroom because teachers are afraid of system to replace their position.
關鍵字(中) ★ 後設認知
★ 閱讀理解策略
★ 案例式推理
★ 心智示範
★ 讓思考看得見
關鍵字(英) ★ Metacognition
★ Reading Comprehension Strategies
★ Case-based Reasoning
★ Mental Modeling
★ Make Thinking Visible
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 4
1-3 研究目標 5
1-4 研究假設 6
1-5 研究問題 6
1-6 論文架構 6
二、 相關研究理論 8
2-1 後設認知(Metacognition) 8
2-2 閱讀理解策略(Reading Comprehension Strategies) 10
2-3 案例式推理與案例式學習(Case-based Reasoning & Learning)
2-4 讓思考看得見(Make Thinking Visible) 13
2-5 心智示範(Mental Modeling) 18
2-6 小結 20
三、 人機互動分析 21
3-1 需求分析 23
3-1-1 Persona 24
3-1-2 Scenario 28
3-2 概念設計 33
3-3 實體設計 36
3-3-1 操作與互動設計 37
3-3-2 表現設計 43
3-4 原型設計 44
四、 系統設計與實作 50
4-1 心思記錄系統架構 50
4-2 心思記錄閱讀介面 52
4-2-1 互動按鈕功能與畫面呈現 53
4-2-2 心思記錄畫面呈現 56
4-3 心思記錄編輯介面 58
4-3-1 功能工具列 58
4-3-2 心靈編輯模式 59
4-3-3 事件編輯模式 61
五、 系統評估與討論 66
5-1 受訪者背景 66
5-2 訪談目的 66
5-3 訪談問題 67
5-4 訪談流程 68
5-5 訪談結果 69
5-5-1 閱讀與教學 69
5-5-2 系統使用與功能 73
5-5-3 額外的建議與想法 78
5-5-4 專家對於新手的心思記錄看法 80
5-6 討論 81
5-6-1 老師們的閱讀與教學 81
5-6-2 閱讀理解關鍵點 82
5-6-3 心思想法對於閱讀理解的幫助 83
5-6-4 心思記錄器之設計 84
5-6-4-1 心思記錄撥放事件 84
5-6-4-2 功能操作 85
5-6-4-3 當聲音遇上閱讀理解 86
5-6-4-4 樣式、配色與版面配置 86
5-6-4-5 可擴充之功能 87
5-6-5 專家與新手的心思想法比較 87
5-6-6 教學應用情境 89
5-6-6-1 課前、課後自學情境 89
5-6-6-2 課堂中教學情境 89
5-6-6-3 老師的觀摩與互助學習情境 90
5-6-6-4 推廣的問題 90
六、 結論與未來研究 91
參考文獻 94
附錄一 97
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指導教授 黃興燦、陳國棟
(Shing-Tsaan Huang、Gwo-Dong Chen)
審核日期 2013-7-24
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