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姓名 劉順德(Shun-Te Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 以回溯式偵測方法發掘潛在APT受駭主機之研究
(The Study on Retrospective Detection Approaches for Uncovering Potential APT Victims)
★ 應用數位版權管理機制於數位影音光碟內容保護之研究★ 以應用程式虛擬化技術達成企業軟體版權管理之研究
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摘要(中) APT (Advanced Persistent Threat)攻擊是一種精緻且目標導向的網路攻擊,攻擊者利用受駭主機當作跳板入侵企業網路,以竊取更多寶貴的資料,因此愈早找出受駭主機,對企業造成的損失就愈小。然而APT往往能躲過現有的防禦或偵測機制,使用的惡意程式也是特製的,即便發現一台受駭主機,也難以透過製成惡意程式特徵碼來找出其他受駭主機。在沒有更好的防禦機制前,必須利用資安事件調查的力量盡早發掘潛在受駭主機。但發掘潛在受駭主機往往耗時,特別是主機數量多的大型企業,結果造成企業更多不必要的損失。
摘要(英) Advanced persistent threats (APTs) are sophisticated and target-oriented cyber attacks which can evade most of the conventional prevention and detection mechanisms. The attackers leverage the victims as the stepping stone to intrude into the enterprise network for stealing valuable information. The more faster the victims are found, the lower the damages the APTs cause. However, the underlying malware of APT is customized; even if the malware is found, it is too unique to be used for detecting the other similar malware. Therefore, it requires incident investigations to play a role in uncovering the potential victims. Unfortunately, the investigations are often manual and take too much time to analyze the large volume incident data.
In this dissertation, we propose both host-based and a network-based retrospective detection approaches, called MalPEFinder and N-Victims, respectively. These approaches start with a known malware-infected computer in order to determine the potential victims. To prove the practicability, we test our approaches by the real-world APT malware samples and a real APT case that happened in a large enterprise network, consisting of several thousand computers, which run a commercial anti-virus system. The experimental results of MalPEFinder indicate that the detection rate can improve by 17% as compared to Splunk, which is a famous retrospective search tool, and a lower false-positive rate can be achieved (3% vs. 25%). The experimental results of N-Victims show that N-Victims can find more malware-infected computers than N-Gram-based approach, which are general bot detection approaches. In the top 20 detected computers, N-Victims also had a higher detection rate than N-Gram-based approaches (100% vs. 5%, under N=2).
關鍵字(中) ★ 進階持續威脅
★ 回溯式偵測
★ 惡意程式偵測
★ 資安事件調查
★ 彊屍網路偵測
關鍵字(英) ★ advanced persistent threat
★ retrospective detection
★ malware detection
★ incident investigation
★ botnet detection
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research background and motivation 1
1.2. Research problems 3
1.3. Research objectives 4
1.4. Contributions 8
Chapter 2. Literature Review 9
2.1. Advanced persistent threat 9
2.2. Retrospective detection 12
2.3. Host-based retrospective detection 12
2.4. Network-based retrospective detection 15
2.5. The summary of the literature review 17
Chapter 3. The Proposed Approaches 19
3.1. Overview 19
3.2. MalPEFinder 21
3.2.1. PEF ownerships 22
3.2.2. Ownership graph 25
3.2.3. Searching MalPEFs in the graph 28
3.3. N-Victims 31
3.3.1. The concept of N-Victims 32
3.3.2. The similarity of HTTP requests 34
3.3.3. Building HTTP tree 36
3.3.4. Determine the malware-infected computers 37
Chapter 4. System Design and Implementation 40
4.1. MalPEFinder design 40
4.1.1. Agent 41
4.1.2. Server 42
4.1.3. PEF indexing 42
4.1.4. Searching MalPEF 43
4.2. N-Victim design 44
4.2.1. HTTP tree builder 45
4.2.2. Indexer 47
4.2.3. Searcher 47
4.2.4. Detector 47
Chapter 5. Evaluations 50
5.1. Evaluation criteria 50
5.2. Evaluations of MalPEFinder 51
5.2.1. Experiment setup 52
5.2.2. Determining weight vector 53
5.2.3. Experiment results of effectiveness 54
5.2.4. Experiment results of efficiency 62
5.3. Evaluations of N-Victims 66
5.3.1. Experiment setup 66
5.3.2. Determining parameters 68
5.3.3. Experiment results of effectiveness 68
5.3.4. Experiment results of efficiency 73
5.4. Discussion 75
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work 78
References 82
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指導教授 陳奕明(Yi-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2013-7-26
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