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姓名 萬惠雯(Hui-Wen Wan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於膚色保存之情感色彩轉換機制
(A Mechanism for Affective Color Transfer Based on Skin Color Preservation)
★ 基於edX線上討論板社交關係之分組機制★ 利用Kinect建置3D視覺化之Facebook互動系統
★ 利用 Kinect建置智慧型教室之評量系統★ 基於行動裝置應用之智慧型都會區路徑規劃機制
★ 基於分析關鍵動量相關性之動態紋理轉換★ 基於保護影像中直線結構的細縫裁減系統
★ 建基於開放式網路社群學習環境之社群推薦機制★ 英語作為外語的互動式情境學習環境之系統設計
★ 一個用於虛擬鍵盤之手勢識別框架★ 分數冪次型灰色生成預測模型誤差分析暨電腦工具箱之研發
★ 使用慣性傳感器構建即時人體骨架動作★ 基於多台攝影機即時三維建模
★ 基於互補度與社群網路分析於基因演算法之分組機制★ 即時手部追蹤之虛擬樂器演奏系統
★ 基於類神經網路之即時虛擬樂器演奏系統★ 即時手部追蹤系統以虛擬大提琴為例
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摘要(中) 正如我們所知,在影像中,顏色是一個主要的特徵,且影像中的顏色,將會決定影像傳遞給人的感覺。而攝影師和設計師通常藉由加強作品中的整體顏色,傳遞他們想表達的感覺。所以,更改圖片中的顏色將可以改變圖片傳遞的感覺。
摘要(英) As we know, color, one of important features for composing images, can affect people on emotional level. Photographers and designers usually enhance desired color in their works to convey feeling. Editing color theme of images achieves the goal to change the emotion evoked by images.
In this thesis, a method to change the emotion in images by editing color content called affective color transfer is proposed, we focus on implementing color transfer in images to make overall color theme of input image be similar with reference image. The result can be evaluated by affective analysis proposed in our work, and the affective class of result image is consistent with reference image. The proposed skin color preserving phase prevents skin color from over-modification in original color transfer. Furthermore, we attach importance about the harmony of output image, combing both the opacity of input and output image in color transfer to reduce visual distortion. The proposed method performs well in not only general images but also images which exit human. Another mechanism is affective analysis in images. First, we define affective classes and then extract affective colors in the image to classify the affective class. By using saliency map, we extracted the affective color in the image exactly, and result of affective analysis is improved.
Finally, experiment results of affective analysis and affective color transfer have confirmed the effectiveness of proposed method. Affective classes predicted by affective analysis accord with the emotion evoked by images. We compare the algorithm of color transfer between proposed method and other methods, where our method performs better.
關鍵字(中) ★ 情感運算
★ 色彩轉換
★ 情感分析
★ 情感語意影像檢索
★ 影像標記
關鍵字(英) ★ Affective computing
★ color transfer
★ affective analysis
★ emotional semantic image retrieval
★ image labeling
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Background 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2 Related Works 6
2.1 Color and Emotion 6
2.2 Color Transfer in Images 8
2.3 Color Spaces 12
2.4 Color Quantization 14
2.5 Graph-Based Visual Saliency 16
2.6 Skin Detection 18
2.7 Morphology 21
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 25
3.1 System Overview 25
3.2 Affective Features and Corresponding Emotions 26
3.3 Affective Prediction 28
3.4 Affective Color Transfer 32
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussions 44
4.1 The Database 44
4.2 Experimental Results and Discussion 46
4.3 Applications 59
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 60
5.1 Conclusions 60
5.2 Future Works 61
References 62
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指導教授 施國琛(Timothy K. Shih) 審核日期 2013-7-22
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