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姓名 李佳恆(Chia-heng Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
(Hawkeye : Finding Spamming Accounts Hidden in Normal Mail Servers)
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摘要(中) 垃圾郵件(SPAM)長久以來都是一個很嚴重的議題,在西元2012年,SPAM約占了全球郵件流量的百分之七十二,其中botnet所寄送的垃圾郵件,占了絕大多數的比例,除此之外botnet的拓展也十分迅速,因此botnet所寄送SPAM的問題最為嚴重。由於這些問題的產生,所以吸引了許多學者、廠商投入這方面的研究,提出各式各樣防止SPAM的方法,而大多數的方法主要都是針對botnet SPAM。
在各種防治SPAM的方法被廣泛使用之後,botnet SPAM所能造成的效果已經不如以往,因此spammers開始尋找新的途徑去散播垃圾郵件,其中一個有效的方法就是利用被盜的合法帳號(或 機器人合法帳號)來寄送SPAM,因為這些合法帳號擁有信譽良好的IP地址,並且寄信的流程完全遵從SMTP協定,例如:Google Gmail、Yahoo!Mail、Microsoft Live Mail、等等,導致目前防治SPAM的技術,很難偵測出來自合法帳號的SPAM。因為這些原因,我們想要想出一個能夠防止合法帳號寄送垃圾郵件的方法。
摘要(英) Email spam is a critical problem to the Internet for a long time. The average amount of spam mail reached 72.1\% of all email traffic in the world in 2012. The greatest threat to the email service providers was the spam mail sent from botnet, because the spam mail sent from botnet was accounting for more than 78\% in 2011; therefore appeared many anti-spam solutions and techniques that were focus on the botnet. Owing to these anti-spam techniques, botnet spam are not effective as before. Spammers are finding new way to send the spam mail. One of the effective methods is using compromised accounts (or bot accounts) to send the spam mail because compromised accounts have good reputation IP addresses and compromised accounts send the spam mail with complete SMTP implemented server, such as Gmail, Yahoo!Mail, and Microsoft Live Mail. The spam mail send form compromised accounts are very difficult to be detected by any anti-spam techniques. Hence, we focus on the features spammers can not easily hide. According to our research we find that normal users usually do not reply to the spam mail. Moreover, our empirical analysis reveals that the compromised account actually have low reply rate. We develop a system called "Hawkeye" that can find the compromised accounts effectively by checking the account’s reply rate. We run our "Hawkeye" in the empirical mailserver, and we actually find the compromised accounts.
關鍵字(中) ★ 垃圾郵件
★ 被盜帳號
★ 網路郵箱
關鍵字(英) ★ Anti-Spam
★ Compromised accounts
★ Webmail
論文目次 中文摘要............. i
Abstract........... ii
Acknowledgements... iii
Table of Contents. iv
List of Figures.... v
List of Tables .... vi
1. Introduction................ 1
1.1 Spam Mail 1
1.2 Old Issues 2
1.3 New Issues 4
2. Background.................. 6
2.1 Anti-Spam Technologies 6
2.2 Sending Spam 8
2.3 Postfix Maillog 10
3. System Design............... 11
3.1 Methods 11
3.2 Hawkeye 13
3.3 Reply Rate 14
3.4 Hawkeye Components 15
4. Evaluation.................. 17
4.1 System environment 17
4.2 Result 17
4.3 Evasion 21
4.4 Limitations and Future Work 22
5. Related Work................ 24
5.1 Famous Anti-Spam Techniques 24
5.2 Anti Webmail Spam 26
6. Conclusion.................. 27
References..................... 28
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指導教授 許富皓(Fu-hau Hsu) 審核日期 2013-7-16
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