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姓名 林元弘(Yuan-hung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
(Fabrication and Characterization of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Thin Film by Plasma Polymerization)
★ 凝膠濃度對胎盤幹細胞貼附及分化之影響★ 摻雜銀或銀銅氮氧化鉭薄膜之製備、特性分析及抗菌行為分析
★ 以反應式磁控濺鍍製備Ag2O/TiO2疊層薄膜及其特性之研究★ 以射頻磁控濺鍍法製備銦鋅氧化物(IZO)透明導電薄膜並探討製程參數對其薄膜之影響
★ 以微陽極導引電鍍法沉積奈米氧化鋅薄膜★ 在一些氣候因素的預測和相關性的一些經濟和農業指標
★ Effects of Diluted Ar in H2/SiH4 on Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Thin Film (i-layer) by an Inductive Coupled Plasma-Chemical Vapor Deposition (ICP-CVD) System★ 評估貝里斯Rio Bravo保育管理區內硬木種類之樹高
★ 以HFSS 天線模擬程式為設計LTE Band 41設計天線★ The Deposition and Microstructure of Tungsten Oxide Films by Physical Vapor Deposition
★ 以塊狀金屬玻璃和其複材製作骨科鑽頭及其鑽孔能力之研究★ Economic feasibility for recycling crystalline silicon photovoltaics modules
★ 電漿聚合系統在不同功率下製成聚吡咯薄膜之特性及微結構分析★ Structural Study on BaCeO3 Perovskite Thin Film by Sputtering
★ 用於表面電漿共振光譜的多層金鋁薄膜的設計與優化★ 磁控濺射法製備氧氮化釩薄膜的製備和表徵
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摘要(中) Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) 被當作一種玻璃的替代材料,由於其透光度高、化學性質穩定、具有熱塑性而且價格不貴的特性,讓他適合應用於生物醫學領域。相較於各種不同的製程,如凝膠化、射出成型和鑄造,電漿聚合方法是唯一能均勻且快速的合成出達到奈米等級的PMMA薄膜。在這篇研究中,我們探討在真空腔體中以電漿聚合沉積在玻璃基板上的PMMA薄膜,其結構、成分、表面和化學性質。在製程部分,製作出在不同RF功率、工作壓力和沉積時間之下的PMMA薄膜。在材料檢測的部分,將進行以下的性質測量:使用Surface Profiler進行膜厚測量(50~200 nm);以FT-IR進行微結構分析;XPS測量其表面化學成分;使用AFM掃描薄膜的表面形貌和粗糙度;最後以接觸角量測儀測量表面親水性。初步結果顯示了沉積的PMMA薄膜其物理、化學性質在一周期間內皆很穩定,而此研究將PMMA薄膜投入細胞培養的實驗中,進行了人類肝臟細胞的增生性能、細胞活性和其功能執行的分析。
摘要(英) Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), also called acrylic glass, is transparent, chemically stable, thermoplastic and inexpensive, making it suitable for many biochemical applications. Among different fabrication processes of PMMA such as gelation, injection and casting, plasma polymerization is the one capable of depositing nano scale films on almost any substrate uniformly and rapidly. In this study, we investigated the structure, composition, surface and mechanical properties of deposited PMMA films on glass by RF power plasma inside a vacuum chamber. The deposition was carried out under different RF power, working pressure and deposition time, from which an optimal fabrication condition was explored. On the characterization part, following tests were carefully conducted: the thickness (around 50 to 200nm) was estimated by surface profiler; microstructures was determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR); surface chemical compositions were examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS);surface morphology and roughness were measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the wettability by water contact angle. Primary results showed that deposited films are physically and chemically stable for more than a week, which are readily available for hepatocytes cell culture, cell proliferation, cell activity and function execution test.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電漿聚合 關鍵字(英) ★ Plasma polymerization
★ Hepatocytes
1-1 PMMA 1
1-2 Plasma Polymerization 3
1-3 Biomedical Application 7
1-4 Objective 9
2-1 Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Thin Film Deposition by Plasma Polymerization 10
2-2 OES 11
2-3 Film Characterization Tools 11
(1) Surface Profiler 11
(2) FT-IR 12
(3) XPS 12
(4) AFM 13
(5) Contact Angle Meter 14
2-4 Hepatocytes Cell Culture 15
(1) Cell Culture on Films 15
(2) Cell Counting 16
(3) ELISA 17
(4) MTT Assay 18
3-1 Experimental Procedure 19
3-2 Plasma Parameters 20
4-1 Plasma Diagnosis 21
4-2 Characterization of Thin Films 23
(1) Thickness and Deposition Rate 23
(2) Chemical Composition 24
(3) Surface Morphology and Roughness 27
(4) Surface Activity and Stability 28
4-3 Analysis of Hepatocytes Cell Culture 30
(1) Cell Morphology 30
(2) Cell Proliferation 33
(3) Function Execution – Urea Synthesis 34
(4) Cell Activity 36
(5) Statistical Analysis 38
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指導教授 李泉(Chuan Li) 審核日期 2013-7-5
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