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姓名 陳盈臻(Ying-jhen Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 台灣北部鋒面強降水個案之雨滴粒徑觀測比較研究
(Comparison Studies on the Observation of Raindrop Size Distribution in Strong Precipitation Frontal Case in Northern Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 2012年6月11日晚間一道結構完整的梅雨鋒面通過北台灣,劇烈降水造成多處地區發生災情。為了瞭解此個案的降雨特徵,本研究利用中央大學觀測坪的JWD、Parsivel和2DVD,以及北部雨滴譜儀觀測網:翡翠、南港、霞雲站的JWD觀測資料進行此個案的雨滴粒徑分布(DSD)分析比較,並配合雨滴譜儀資料成功蒐集的時間將本研究分成弱降水時期、強降水時期和完整個案時期進行討論。

摘要(英) In the nighttime of 11th June 2012, a mature Mai-Yu front passed through the northern Taiwan. The extreme rainfall event caused multiple areas flooding. In order to investigate the characteristic of drop size distribution (DSD) accompanied with this heavy rainfall event, we used JWD, Parsivel and 2DVD collocated at NCU, and three JWDs in FeiCui, NanGang and XiaYung to investigate the frontal precipitation. In order to get the complete data, my discussion is organized as follows: Part 1 is focused on the weak precipitation period. Part 2 is focused on the strong precipitation period. Part 3 is the whole period as the front passing through the northen Taiwan.
In the weak precipitation period, we made sure that before the strong precipitation happens, the three type disdrometers (JWD, 2DVD and Parsivel) operate consistently.During strong precipitation period, a significant DSD variation characteristic had been found. Due to the limitation of instrument, Parsivel tended to overestimate the concentration of medium to large drops in the strong rainfall intensity. Comparing the rain drops concentration with the rain rate varies with time, Parsivel showed a good agreement but JWD even did not get the most significant characteristic as the strongest rainfall occurred. The rain rates of JWD and Parsivel varied in the same trend, but compared the rain rates with the rain gauge observation in the 10 m tower at NCU, both of them showed obvious underestimation. We suspected the limitation of instrument made the rain rate underestimated.
We analyzed whole two days’ data of JWD at FeiCui, NanGang and XiaYung on 11th-12th June 2012. The accumulated rainrates of these three stations were similar to the tipping buckets nearby. For the DSD variation, we found the concentration of small raindrops at XiaYung was the most in weak precipitation period but the least in strong precipitation. The DSD variations of FeiCui were similar to NanGang. The largest size of the raindrop detected at NCU was the smallest but the concentration is the highest amont the four JWD stations.
For quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) of radar, we used the WuFenShan radar data and disdrimeter data to estimate the rain rates based on the Z-R relationship. We also used the C-Pol radar data of NCU to estimate the rain rates based on the K_DP-R relationship. According to the analysis results, the K_DP-R relationship showed a good proformance on the rain rate estimation. The reflactivity of the WuFenShan radar needed to add 3 dBZ for the better rain rate estimation. Besides, the rain rate estimation showed the worst result at the station of NCU. The reason was the rain rate of disdromters underestimated seriously so the performance of the Z-R relationship was bad. To avoid these bad results happening again, we should confirm the disdrometer shows consistency well with tipping buckets before we use the disdromter data.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雨滴粒徑分布 關鍵字(英) ★ Raindrop Size Distribution
論文目次 摘要 ii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
一、緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 1
1-3個案介紹及研究動機 6
二、資料來源與分析方法 8
2-1資料來源 8
2-2儀器介紹 9
2-2-1撞擊式雨滴譜儀(JWD) 9
2-2-2一維雷射光學式雨滴譜儀(Parsivel) 9
2-2-3第三代二維影像光學式雨滴譜儀(2DVD) 10
2-3雨滴粒徑分布計算 11
2-3-1撞擊式雨滴譜儀 (JWD) 11
2-3-2一維雷射光學式雨滴譜儀 (Parsivel) 11
2-3-3二維影像光學式雨滴譜儀 (2DVD) 12
2-4 Gamma DSD之計算 12
2-6 Z-R關係式 15
2-7層狀與對流降水型態的分類方法 16
三、雨滴譜儀資料品質管制 18
3-1 降雨率QC 18
3-2 雨滴落速QC 19
3-3 Dead Time 效應討論 21
四、雨滴粒徑分布特性分析與比較 23
4-1弱降水時期(中央站) 23
4-2強降水時期(中央站) 25
4-3完整個案時期(翡翠、南港和霞雲站) 30
五、結論與未來展望 40
5-1 結論 40
5-1-1 弱降水時期(中央站) 40
5-1-2 強降水時期(中央站) 41
5-1-3 完整個案時期(翡翠、南港和霞雲站) 42
5-2 未來展望 45
參考文獻 46
表 50
圖 58
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指導教授 林沛練(Pay-liam Lin) 審核日期 2013-8-29
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